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Compute the ica object on filtered data based on the mne and on the jumeg method.

Compare pcamean and prewhitener for: mne & filtered data, jumeg & filtered data, jumeg & unfiltered data

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import mne
from mne.preprocessing.ica import ICA as ICA_mne
from jumeg.decompose.ica_replace_mean_std import ICA as ICA_jumeg
from jumeg.decompose.ica_replace_mean_std import apply_ica_replace_mean_std
from mne.datasets import sample

flow = 1.
fhigh = 45.

reject = {'mag': 5e-12}

data_path = sample.data_path()
subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects'

fname_raw = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif'

raw =, preload=True)
raw_filt = raw.copy().filter(flow, fhigh, method='fir', n_jobs=2, fir_design='firwin', phase='zero')

# use 60s of data
raw_filt.crop(0, 60)
raw.crop(0, 60)
raw_unfilt = raw.copy()

picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, exclude='bads')

ica_mne = ICA_mne(method='fastica', n_components=60, random_state=42,
                  max_pca_components=None, max_iter=5000, verbose=False)

# fit ica object from mne to filtered data, picks=picks, reject=reject, verbose=True)

# save mean and standard deviation of filtered MEG channels for the standard mne routine
pca_mean_filt_mne = ica_mne.pca_mean_.copy()
pca_pre_whitener_filt_mne = ica_mne.pre_whitener_.copy()  # this is the standard deviation of MEG channels

ica_jumeg = ICA_jumeg(method='fastica', n_components=60, random_state=42,
                      max_pca_components=None, max_iter=5000, verbose=False)

# fit ica object from jumeg to filtered data, picks=picks, reject=reject, verbose=True)

# save mean and standard deviation of filtered MEG channels for the standard mne routine
pca_mean_filt_jumeg = ica_jumeg.pca_mean_.copy()
pca_pre_whitener_filt_jumeg = ica_jumeg.pre_whitener_.copy()  # this is the standard deviation of MEG channels

# use the same arguments for apply_ica_replace_mean_std as when you are initializing the ICA
# object and when you are fitting it to the data
# the ica object is modified in place!!

# apply ica object from jumeg to unfiltered data while replacing the mean and std
raw_clean = apply_ica_replace_mean_std(raw_unfilt, ica_jumeg, picks=picks, reject=reject, exclude=ica_mne.exclude,

# save mean and standard deviation of unfiltered MEG channels
pca_mean_replaced_unfilt_jumeg = ica_jumeg.pca_mean_
pca_pre_whitener_replaced_unfilt_jumeg = ica_jumeg.pre_whitener_

# compare methods for filtered and unfiltered data
for idx in range(0, len(pca_mean_filt_mne)):
    print('%10.6f\t%10.6f\t%10.6f' % (pca_mean_filt_mne[idx], pca_mean_filt_jumeg[idx],
    if idx >= 9:

for idx in range(0, len(pca_pre_whitener_filt_mne)):
    print(pca_pre_whitener_filt_mne[idx], pca_pre_whitener_filt_jumeg[idx],\
    if idx >= 9: