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%matplotlib inline


Estimate the rank of the given data array.

In [ ]:
import mne
import numpy as np
from mne.datasets import sample
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from jumeg.jumeg_utils import rank_estimation
from jumeg.decompose.dimension_selection import mibs, bic, gap, aic, mdl, explVar, fa_rank_cv, pca_rank_cv

# ----------------------------------------
# filenames and path
# ----------------------------------------
data_path = sample.data_path()
subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects'
fname_raw = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif'
fname_event = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw-eve.fif'

# ----------------------------------------
# read data and crop to speedup the process
# ----------------------------------------
raw =
events = mne.read_events(fname_event)
# add a bad channel['bads'] += ['MEG 2443']
# pick MEG channels
picks = mne.pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False,
# crop data to speed-up process
data = raw.get_data()[picks, :]     # data *= 1e12  will change the results !

# =========================================
# Method 1:
# apply various dimension reduction tools
# to estimate the median of all
# =========================================
rank_all, rank_median = rank_estimation(data)
print ('\nRank estimation using methods implemented in jumeg (including whitening)')
print('Ranks in order: MIBS, BIC, GAP, AIC, MDL, pct95, pct99: ', rank_all)
print('The median of the data is %f\n' % rank_median)

# =========================================
# Method 2:
# apply a single method for rank estimation
# using whitening provided by sklearn
# here we apply all methods separately
# =========================================
# perform PCA
pca = PCA(svd_solver='auto', whiten=True)
pc = pca.fit_transform(data.T)
n_samples, n_features = pc.shape

# rank estimation of a single method
rank_mibs = mibs(pca.explained_variance_, n_samples)   #  MIBS
rank_bic  = bic(pca.explained_variance_, n_samples)    #  BIC
rank_gap  = gap(pca.explained_variance_)               #  GAP
rank_aic  = aic(pca.explained_variance_)               #  AIC
rank_mdl  = mdl(pca.explained_variance_)               #  MDL
rank_expl95 = explVar(pca.explained_variance_, explainedVar=0.95)      #  expl. variance (95)
rank_expl99 = explVar(pca.explained_variance_, explainedVar=0.99)      #  expl. variance (99)
label_mibs   = 'MIBS:   n_comp =  %d' % (rank_mibs)
label_bic    = 'BIC:    n_comp =  %d' % (rank_bic)
label_gap    = 'GAP:    n_comp =  %d' % (rank_gap)
label_aic    = 'AIC:    n_comp =  %d' % (rank_aic)
label_mdl    = 'MDL:    n_comp =  %d' % (rank_mdl)
label_expl95 = 'expl95: n_comp =  %d' % (rank_expl95)
label_expl99 = 'expl99: n_comp =  %d' % (rank_expl99)
print (label_mibs)
print (label_bic)
print (label_gap)
print (label_aic)
print (label_mdl)
print (label_expl95)
print (label_expl99)

# -------------------------------------------
# Method 3
# apply rank estimation utilizing cross-validation
# using PCA and FA scores
# Note, on normal data sets this will take a long time
# -------------------------------------------
# define a list of components to test
# here we use all components from above and add a few more for testing
ncomp_list = np.unique(np.concatenate([rank_all[rank_all > 0], [40, 50]]))
cv = 5     # depends on data length
print ('>>> Please be patient, this might take a while ....')
print ('')
# PCA: test a list of numbers in a cross-validation scenario
rank_cv_pca = pca_rank_cv(data, ncomp_list, cv=cv, whiten=True)

# FA: test a list of components in a cross-validation scenario
rank_cv_fa = fa_rank_cv(pc.T, ncomp_list, cv=cv)

label_cv_pca  = 'PCA (CV=%d):  %d' % (cv, rank_cv_pca)
label_cv_fa   = 'FA (CV=%d): %d' % (cv, rank_cv_fa)

# ----------------------
# plot results (Scree plot)
# ----------------------
labels = np.array([label_aic, label_bic, label_gap, label_mdl, label_mibs, label_expl95, label_expl99])
comps = np.array([rank_aic, rank_bic, rank_gap, rank_mdl, rank_mibs, rank_expl95, rank_expl99])
# sorting by increasing number of components
ixsort = comps.argsort()
comps = comps[ixsort]
labels = labels[ixsort]

# components estimated using CV
label_cv = [label_cv_pca, label_cv_fa]
comps_cv = [rank_cv_pca, rank_cv_fa]

# plot figure
cmap = cm.get_cmap('Dark2')   # 8 colors
colors = cmap.colors[::-1]
xaxis = np.arange(n_features)+1
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(xaxis, np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_ * 100), marker='o', color='black')
plt.title('Scree plot')
plt.xlabel('# components')
plt.ylabel('explained variance / %')
# plot vertical line and label for each method
methods = []
for i in range(len(comps)):
    if (comps[i] > 0):
        hl = plt.axvline(x=comps[i], color=colors[i], label=labels[i], linestyle='--')
legend1 = plt.legend(handles=methods, loc='lower right')
ax = plt.gca().add_artist(legend1)
# plot vertical line and label for CV methods
l1 =  plt.axvline(x=comps_cv[0], color='blue', label=label_cv[0], linewidth=3)
l2 =  plt.axvline(x=comps_cv[1], color='red', label=label_cv[1], linewidth=3)
methods_cv = [l1,l2]
legend2 = plt.legend(handles=methods_cv, loc='center right')