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import mne
from mne.datasets import sample
data_path = sample.data_path()
subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects'
tris, vert, dist = {}, {}, {}
hemi = 0 # lh
# read the surface
vert[hemi], tris[hemi] = mne.read_surface(subjects_dir + '/fsaverage/surf/lh.inflated')
# obtain distance matrix
dist[hemi] = mne.label.mesh_dist(tris[hemi], vert[hemi])
# choose seed vertex as 20 and plot vertices within 5mm radius around it
# obtain neighbouring vertices within 5mm distance
my_verts, my_dist = mne.label._verts_within_dist(dist[hemi], [20], 5)
# number of vertices in a given radius
from surfer import Brain
brain = Brain('fsaverage', hemi='lh', surf='inflated',
for myv in my_verts:
brain.add_foci(myv, coords_as_verts=True, color='b', scale_factor=0.1)