Querying the MRIQC Web API

This notebook shows how the web-API can be leveraged to analyze the image quality metrics (IQMs) that have been extracted with MRIQC

This notebook is a derivative work of https://gist.github.com/chrisfilo/eccdb8b98f8e74d24a3395a49fbadf03

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from json import load
import urllib.request, json 
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import seaborn as sns
import pylab as plt
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline


Let's define a function that will query the appropriate endpoint and a helper function to plot some distributions (at the bottom of this notebook).

In [2]:
def get_iqms(modality, versions=None, software='mriqc'):
    Grab all iqms for the given modality and the list of versions
    url_root = 'https://mriqc.nimh.nih.gov/api/v1/{modality}?{query}'
    page = 1
    dfs = []
    if versions is None:
        versions = ['*']

    for version in versions:
        while True:
            query = []
            if software is not None:
                query.append('"provenance.software":"%s"' % software)
            if version != '*':
                query.append('"provenance.version":"%s"' % version)
            page_url = url_root.format(
                query='where={%s}&page=%d' % (','.join(query), page)
            with urllib.request.urlopen(page_url) as url:
                data = json.loads(url.read().decode())
                if 'next' not in data['_links'].keys():
                    page += 1

    # Compose a pandas dataframe
    return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)

def plot_measure(data, xlabel=None, label=None, ax=None, min=None, max=None):
    Distribution plot of a given measure
    sns.distplot(data, ax=ax, label=label)
    if xlabel is not None:
    if min is None:
        min = np.percentile(data, 0.5)
    if max is None:
        max = np.percentile(data, 99.5)
    ax.set_xlim((min, max))

Fetch IQMs

Let's fetch IQMs for the two principal modalities of MRIQC, T1-weighted images and BOLD-fMRI. Filter out repeated images to obtain unique records.

In [3]:
# T1
df_t1w = get_iqms('T1w', software=None)
df_t1w_unique = df_t1w.drop_duplicates(subset=['provenance.md5sum'])

df_bold = get_iqms('bold')
df_bold_unique = df_bold.drop_duplicates(subset=['provenance.md5sum'])

Evolution of IQMs submission

This code generates Figure 3A of the abstract

In [4]:
import datetime
from dateutil import parser
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

dates_t1w = [parser.parse(d) for d in df_t1w['_created'].values]

dates_t1w_u = [parser.parse(d) for d in df_t1w_unique['_created'].values]
# mindate = dates_t1w[0]
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(dates_t1w, list(range(1, len(dates_t1w) + 1)), label='total')
ax.plot(dates_t1w_u, list(range(1, len(dates_t1w_u) + 1)), label='unique')
ax.set_title('Number of T1w records in database')

plt.savefig("fig03a-0.svg", bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0)

In [5]:
dates_bold = [parser.parse(d) for d in df_bold['_created'].values]
dates_bold_u = [parser.parse(d) for d in df_bold_unique['_created'].values]
# mindate = dates_t1w[0]
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(dates_bold, list(range(1, len(dates_bold) + 1)), label='total')
ax.plot(dates_bold_u, list(range(1, len(dates_bold_u) + 1)), label='unique')
ax.set_title('Number of BOLD records in database')
plt.savefig("fig03a-1.svg", bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0)

Playing with T1w IQMs

Let's plot some of the IQMs for the T1w modality. First, let's check the names of the IQMs. These measures are explained in the documentation (http://mriqc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/iqms/t1w.html)

In [6]:
print(','.join([l for l in df_t1w.columns 
                if not l.startswith('_') and not l.startswith('bids_meta') and not l.startswith('provenance')]))


In [7]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 5, figsize=(25,5))
plot_measure(df_t1w_unique.cjv, xlabel='Coefficient of joint variation (CJV)', ax=ax[0])
plot_measure(df_t1w_unique.cnr, xlabel='Contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR)', ax=ax[1])
plot_measure(df_t1w_unique.snr_wm, xlabel='Signal-to-noise ratio estimated on the white-matter (SNR)', ax=ax[2])
plot_measure(df_t1w_unique.fwhm_avg, xlabel='Smoothness (FWHM)', ax=ax[3])
plot_measure(df_t1w_unique.wm2max, xlabel='WM-to-max intensity ratio (WM2MAX)', ax=ax[4])
plt.suptitle('Distributions of some IQMs extracted from T1-weighted MRI')
plt.savefig("fig03b-0.svg", bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0)

Playing with BOLD IQMs

Let's plot some of the IQMs for the BOLD modality. First, let's check the names of the IQMs. These measures are explained in the documentation (http://mriqc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/iqms/bold.html)

In [8]:
print(','.join([l for l in df_bold.columns 
                if not l.startswith('_') and not l.startswith('bids_meta') and not l.startswith('provenance')]))


In [9]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 5, figsize=(25,5))
plot_measure(df_bold_unique[df_bold_unique.fd_mean < 10].fd_mean, xlabel='Framewise Displacement (mm)', max=2, ax=ax[0])
plot_measure(df_bold_unique[df_bold_unique.dvars_nstd < 100].dvars_nstd, xlabel='DVARS', ax=ax[1])
plot_measure(df_bold_unique.gcor, xlabel='Global correlation', ax=ax[2])
plot_measure(df_bold_unique.gsr_x, label='x-axis', ax=ax[3])
plot_measure(df_bold_unique.gsr_y, xlabel='Ghost-to-signal ratio (GSR)', label='y-axis', ax=ax[3])
plot_measure(df_bold_unique.tsnr, xlabel='Temporal SNR (tSNR)', ax=ax[4])
plt.suptitle('Distributions of some IQMs extracted from BOLD fMRI')
plt.savefig("fig03b-1.png", bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0, facecolor='white')