Creating a Heatmap of Vector Results

In this notebook, you'll learn how to use Planet's Analytics API to display a heatmap of vector analytic results, specifically buildng change detections. This can be used to identify where the most change is happining.


Install additional dependencies

Install cartopy v0.18 beta, so that we can render OSM tiles under the heatmap:

In [ ]:
!pip install cython

API configuration

Before getting items from the API, you must set your API_KEY and the SUBSCRIPTION_ID of the change detection subscription to use. If you want to limit the heatmap to a specific time range, also set TIMES to a valid time range.

In [1]:
import os
import requests

API_KEY = os.environ["PL_API_KEY"]
TIMES = None

planet = requests.session()
planet.auth = (API_KEY, '')

Fetch Items

Next, we fetch the items from the API in batches of 500 items, and return only the relevant data - the centroid and the area. This will take a few minutes to run, as most change detection feeds have thousands of items.

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import requests
import statistics

def get_next_url(result):
    if '_links' in result:
        return result['_links'].get('_next')
    elif 'links' in result:
        for link in result['links']:
            if link['rel'] == 'next':
                return link['href']

def get_items_from_sif():
    url = '{}/items?limit={}'.format(
        SUBSCRIPTION_ID, 500)
    if TIMES:
        url += '&datetime={}'.format(TIMES)

    print("Fetching items from " + url)
    result = planet.get(url).json()
    items = []
    while len(result.get('features', [])) > 0:
        for f in result['features']:
            coords = f['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
                'lon': statistics.mean([c[0] for c in coords]),
                'lat': statistics.mean([c[1] for c in coords]),
                'area': f['properties']['object_area_m2']
        url = get_next_url(result)
        if not url:
            return items
        print("Fetching items from " + url)
        result = planet.get(url).json()

items = get_items_from_sif()
print("Fetched " + str(len(items)) + " items")

Displaying the Heatmap

Once you've fetched all the items, you are nearly ready to display them as a heatmap.

Coordinate Systems

The items fetched from the API are in WGS84 (lat/lon) coordinates. However, it can be useful to display the data in an equal area projection like EPSG:3857 so that the heatmap shows change per square meter.

To do this, we use pyproj to transfrom the item coordinates between projections.

In [3]:
import pyproj

SRC_PROJ = 'EPSG:4326'

transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(SRC_PROJ, DEST_PROJ, always_xy=True)


Matplotlib provides a number of colormaps that are useful to render heatmaps. However, all of these are solid color - in order to see an underlying map, we need to add an alpha chanel.

For this example, we will use the "plasma" colormap, and add a transparent gradient to the first half of the map, so that it starts out completely transparent, and gradually becomes opaque, such that all values above the midpoint have no transparency.

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

src_colormap =
alpha_vals = src_colormap(np.arange(src_colormap.N))
alpha_vals[:int(src_colormap.N/2),-1] = np.linspace(0, 1, int(src_colormap.N/2))
alpha_vals[int(src_colormap.N/2):src_colormap.N,-1] = 1
alpha_colormap = ListedColormap(alpha_vals)

Heatmap configuration

Note: These final four sections are presented together in one code block, to make it easier to re-run with different configurations of bounds or intervals.

Set BOUNDS to the area of interest to display (min lon,max lon,min lat,max lat). The default bounds are centered on Sydney, Australia - you should change this to match the AOI of your change detection subscription feed.

Set INTERVALS to the number of bins along the x-axis. Items are categorized into equal-size square bins based on this number of intervals and the aspect ratio of your bounds. For a square AOI, the default value of INTERVALS = 36 would give 36 36 = 1296 bins; an AOI with the same width that is half as tall would give 36 18 = 648 bins. The area (in square meters) of each bin is displayed in the legend to the right of the plot.


This configuration is used to categorize the items into bins for display as a heatmap.

  1. Use the bounds and intervals are used to generate an array of midpoints representing the bins.
  2. Categorize the items retrieved from the API into these bins based on which midpoint they are closest too.
  3. Aggregate up the areas of all the items in each bin.
  4. Convert the resulting data into an xy grid of areas and fill in missing cells with zeros.

OSM Basemap

So that we can see where are heatmap values actually are, we will use cartopy to display OSM tiles underneath the heatmap. Note that this requires an internet connection.

For an offline alternative, you could plot a vector basemap or imshow to display a local raster image.

Display Heatmap

The final step is to display the grid data as a heatmap, using imshow. You can use the parameters here to change how the heatmap is rendered. For example, chose a different cmap to change the color, or add the interpolation='bicubic' parameter to display smooth output instead of individual pixels.

To make it clear where the heatmap is being displayed, use Natural Earth 1:110m datasets to render a map alongside the heatmap data.

In [6]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd

import as cimgt
import as ccrs

# Heatmap Configuration

BOUNDS = [150.4,151.6,-34.25,-33.50]
INTERVALS: int = 36

BOUNDS[0],BOUNDS[2] = transformer.transform(BOUNDS[0],BOUNDS[2])
BOUNDS[1],BOUNDS[3] = transformer.transform(BOUNDS[1],BOUNDS[3])

# Categorization

# 1. Generate bins from bounds + intervals
aspect_ratio = (BOUNDS[1] - BOUNDS[0]) / (BOUNDS[3] - BOUNDS[2])
x_bins = np.linspace(BOUNDS[0], BOUNDS[1], INTERVALS, endpoint=False)
y_bins = np.linspace(BOUNDS[2], BOUNDS[3], int(INTERVALS/aspect_ratio), endpoint=False)

x_delta2 = (x_bins[1] - x_bins[0])/2
y_delta2 = (y_bins[1] - y_bins[0])/2
x_bins = x_bins + x_delta2
y_bins = y_bins + y_delta2

# 2. Categorize items in bins
binned = []
for f in items:
    fx,fy = transformer.transform(f['lon'], f['lat'])
    if (BOUNDS[0] < fx < BOUNDS[1]) and (BOUNDS[2] < fy < BOUNDS[3]):
            'x': min(x_bins, key=(lambda x: abs(x - fx))),
            'y': min(y_bins, key=(lambda y: abs(y - fy))),
            'area': f['area']

# 3. Aggregate binned values
hist = pd.DataFrame(binned).groupby(['x', 'y']).sum().reset_index()

# 4. Pivot into an xy grid and fill in empty cells with 0.
hist = hist.pivot('y', 'x', 'area')
hist = hist.reindex(y_bins, axis=0, fill_value=0).reindex(x_bins, axis=1, fill_value=0).fillna(0)

# OSM Basemap
osm_tiles = cimgt.OSM()
carto_proj = ccrs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=carto_proj)

tile_image = ax.add_image(osm_tiles, 8)

# Display Heatmap
heatmap = ax.imshow(hist.values, zorder=1, aspect='equal', origin='lower', extent=BOUNDS, cmap=alpha_colormap, interpolation='bicubic')
plt.colorbar(heatmap, ax=ax).set_label("Square meters of new buildings per {:.3e} {}²".format(4 * x_delta2 * y_delta2,PROJ_UNITS))

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