ERA5 tutorial

ERA5 contains historical weather data, which can be used to analyse very wide range of problems. In this tutorial we briefly demonstrate how to:

  1. Get timerange data for single location and single variable
  2. Analyse possible wind farm production potential for three different locations

To read more about the ERA5 dataset, please follow these links:


To learn more about Planet OS/Intertrust datahub, please refer to documentation in

In [128]:
# Initialize notebook environment.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings

# Import Planet OS API
from API_client.python.datahub import datahub_main
from API_client.python.lib.dataset import dataset
from API_client.python import package_api

Initialize dataset, print available variable names. In order to be able to access the data, save your API key in the file APIKEY and put it into the same folder where you run this notebook.

In [129]:
apikey = open('APIKEY').readlines()[0].strip()
dh = datahub_main(apikey)
ds = dataset('ecmwf_era5',dh,debug=True)

In [4]:


In [5]:
# Choose location, variable
lon = 26
lat = 58
variable = '2_metre_temperature_surface'

In [22]:
d1 = ds.get_json_data_in_pandas(count=100000,**{'vars':'2_metre_temperature_surface','lon':lon,'lat':lat})

In [132]:
plt.ylabel('Temperature $C \degree$')

Wind energy example

As a more advanced use case, let's try to analyse potential wind energy production in three different locations. For this, we take wind speed at 100 m height, apply a simplified energy production curve to hourly data, and get a statistics for hourly and weekly average (wa) data.

In [133]:
def production_curve(wind_speed):
    """ Production curve of a turbine/farm can be simplified as a 
    cube of wind speed, with production 
         starting from a particular wind speed        'v_cut_in'
         getting maximum output power at wind speed   'v_rated'
         production halted at very strong wind speeds 'v_cut_off'
    Note that this simplified approach is useful for comparing places only.
    v_cut_in = 5
    v_rated = 15
    v_cut_off = 25
    max_production = 15**3
    rt = np.zeros_like(wind_speed)
    rt = np.where(wind_speed>v_cut_in, wind_speed**3,wind_speed)
    rt = np.where(wind_speed>v_rated,max_production,rt)
    rt = np.where(wind_speed>v_cut_off,0,rt)
    return rt
def wind_production_smooth(wspd):
    """Weekly average production as a moving average"""
    def moving_average(a, n=3) :
        ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float)
        ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n]
        return ret[n - 1:] / n
    return moving_average(np.array(wspd), n=7*24)

def station_statistics(lonlats, count = 100):
    Compute min, max, mean, 5'th and 95'th percentiles for both 
    hourly values and weekly averages
    ddwd = [(name,ds.get_json_data_in_pandas(count=count, 
                'lat':lat})) for name,lon,lat in lonlats]
    wspds = [(name,np.sqrt(dd['100_metre_U_wind_component_surface']**2 + dd['100_metre_V_wind_component_surface']**2))
              for name,dd in ddwd]
    pcurves = [(name,production_curve(dd)) for name, dd in wspds]
    weekly_ave = [wind_production_smooth(dd) for name,dd in pcurves]    
    retdic = {}
    for dd, wa in zip(pcurves,weekly_ave):
        retdic[dd[0]] = (np.amin(dd[1]),np.amax(dd[1]),np.mean(dd[1]),np.percentile(dd[1],5),np.percentile(dd[1],95),
                         np.amin(wa), np.amax(wa), np.mean(wa), np.percentile(wa,5), np.percentile(wa,95),
    return pd.DataFrame(retdic, index=['min','max','mean','5 percentile', '95 percentile',
                                       'wa min','wa max','wa mean','wa 5 percentile', 'wa 95 percentile', 'sum'])

## Power curve demo
x = np.arange(0,30, 0.2)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.xlabel('Wind speed m/s')
plt.ylabel('Output power')
plt.title("Idealized turbine production curve")

In [134]:
stations = [('Hiiumaa',22.1, 59),            ## planned off-shore wind farm in North-West Estonia
            ('Tõravere',26+28/60, 58+16/60), ## Inland climate station in South-East Estonia
            ('GYM',-3 -35/60, 53+27/60)]     ## existing off-shore wind farm west to Scotland
abc = station_statistics(stations,count=10000)

In [135]:

min max mean 5 percentile 95 percentile wa min wa max wa mean wa 5 percentile wa 95 percentile sum
GYM 0.000000 3375.0 781.445151 2.359436 3375.000000 61.956120 2398.221162 780.378387 202.650405 1737.967417 7.814452e+06
Hiiumaa 0.050631 3375.0 770.282982 2.309145 2944.666319 71.048125 2062.972979 777.684667 231.585537 1564.945427 7.702830e+06
Tõravere 0.117344 3375.0 403.100573 1.921589 1532.588197 22.684435 1380.830043 405.582212 65.306773 835.503148 4.031006e+06

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