Using a CFSv2 forecast

CFSv2 is a seasonal forecast system, used for analysing past climate and also making seasonal, up to 9-month, forecasts. Here we give a brief example on how to use Planet OS API to merge 9-month forecasts started at different initial times, into a single ensemble forecast.

Ensemble forecasting is a traditional technique in medium range (up to 10 days) weather forecasts, seasonal forecasts and climate modelling. By changing initial conditions or model parameters, a range of forecasts is created, which differ from each other slightly, due to the chaotic nature of fluid dynamics (which weather modelling is a subset of). For weather forecasting, the ensemble is usually created by small changes in initial conditions, but for seasonal forecast, it is much easier to just take real initial conditions every 6-hours. Here we are going to show, first how to merge the different dates into a single plot with the help of python pandas library, and in addition we show that even 6-hour changes in initial conditions can lead to large variability in long range forecasts.

If you have more interest in Planet OS API, please refer to our official documentation.

Please also note that the API_client python routine, used in this notebook, is still experimental and will change in the future, so take it just as a guidance using the API, and not as an official tool.

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from API_client.python import datahub
from API_client.python.lib import dataset
from API_client.python.lib import variables

The API needs a file APIKEY with your API key in the work folder. We initialize a datahub and dataset objects.

In [2]:
dh = datahub.datahub(server='',version='v1')
ds = dataset.dataset('ncep_cfsv2', dh, debug=False)

In [3]:
ds.vars=variables.variables(ds.variables(), {'reftimes':ds.reftimes,'timesteps':ds.timesteps},ds)

In order to the automatic location selection to work, add your custom location to the API_client.python.lib.predef_locations file.

In [17]:
for locat in ['Võru']:
    ds.vars.Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface.get_values(count=1000, location=locat, reftime='2018-04-20T18:00:00',
    ds.vars.Maximum_temperature_height_above_ground.get_values(count=1000, location=locat, reftime='2018-04-20T18:00:00',

In [18]:
## uncomment following line to see full pandas table
## ds.vars.Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface.values['Võru']

Here we clean the table just a bit and create time based index.

In [19]:
ddd = ds.vars.Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface.values['Võru'][['reftime','time','Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface']]

Next, we resample the data to 1-month totals.

In [20]:
reft_unique = ds.vars.Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface.values['Võru']['reftime'].unique()
nf = []
for reft in reft_unique:
    abc = dd_test[dd_test.reftime==reft].resample('M').sum()
    abc['Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface'+'_'+reft.astype(str)] = \
    del abc['Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface']

In [21]:
# uncomment to see full pandas table

Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-20T00:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-20T06:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-20T12:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-20T18:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-21T00:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-21T06:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-21T12:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-21T18:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-22T00:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-22T06:00:00.000000000 ... Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-29T18:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-30T00:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-30T06:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-30T12:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-30T18:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-31T00:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-31T06:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-31T12:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-10-31T18:00:00.000000000 Convective_Precipitation_Rate_surface_2019-11-01T00:00:00.000000000
2019-10-31 3.5424 0.0000 0.3240 0.1728 0.5184 1.9224 0.5400 2.6352 0.0216 1.4256 ... 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NaN NaN
2019-11-30 0.5400 6.0912 1.7280 0.9072 0.9288 0.5616 1.9872 0.4104 2.2680 3.6504 ... 4.7088 0.496800 7.6896 0.604800 1.3824 2.8728 2.3760 3.4776 2.7648 0.1296
2019-12-31 4.1688 1.1880 3.1536 1.7280 0.9504 0.0000 0.8424 0.2160 0.8640 0.0864 ... 0.1080 0.280800 3.4128 0.820800 0.0000 0.1944 0.1944 2.9160 0.1512 0.0000
2020-01-31 0.0864 0.0000 2.6568 0.0000 3.5424 0.0000 0.3888 0.9720 1.1232 0.0000 ... 0.7776 2.138400 0.0000 1.317600 2.1816 2.8080 0.5832 2.2680 1.1664 0.0432
2020-02-29 0.0000 1.5336 0.0000 0.4104 3.6288 0.8856 0.0000 0.0000 1.2528 0.5832 ... 0.0000 0.561600 0.4968 0.216000 0.0000 0.3672 0.0648 0.4968 1.5336 1.4040
2020-03-31 0.7344 2.6568 0.0000 4.7088 0.8208 0.0000 1.7280 0.7776 4.9464 4.6224 ... 2.0088 2.613600 0.3672 9.331200 0.0000 3.5424 3.9528 0.0216 1.3392 1.6848
2020-04-30 7.4304 6.3072 7.0416 11.9232 3.4128 11.1024 0.0000 1.2312 9.8496 4.5360 ... 2.0088 7.776000 2.0736 20.023200 0.1080 7.1712 4.2552 6.2424 4.1040 28.4688
2020-05-31 75.6216 16.6320 15.4872 21.0600 27.2592 19.0296 3.4776 46.5048 17.3016 12.9816 ... 32.9184 39.484800 35.7264 56.332801 33.5448 36.9144 6.0048 23.4792 8.0568 5.8752
2020-06-30 15.3792 31.7952 79.7904 109.2096 49.0752 89.5752 24.9912 111.4128 3.1536 43.2648 ... 108.4536 79.725600 98.9496 73.483200 30.8232 53.3952 90.1368 76.9392 82.9224 57.0024
2020-07-31 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 0.1296 50.133601 0.0216 5.400000 22.9176 25.3584 19.3536 26.5464 14.0400 7.8624

10 rows × 49 columns

Finally, we are visualizing the monthly precipitation for each different forecast, in a single plot.

In [ ]:
plt.ylabel('Monthly precipitation mm')

In [ ]: