Normalizing is the act of cleaning text data to make it uniform Ex:
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import nltk
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alice = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('carroll-alice.txt')
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# Just printing first 20 words of the book
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# taking into variable for processing these words
alice_20 = alice[:20]
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# For removing all non alphabetic words we can use .isalpha() method
# Obs: We have removed all the other non alphabetic character words
for word in alice_20:
if word.isalpha():
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# To do further normalize the text data we can convert the all words to lower case
# to do so we can use .lower() method on string
for word in alice_20:
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# Now combining the above two a) keeping only alphabetic words, b) converting to lower
# using list compression to forming the new list and using the same in iterating items ex: for <item> in <list>
for word in [word.lower() for word in alice_20 if word.isalpha()]:
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# lets have some sample data and see how we can use stemmers and lemmetizers
# Stemmers are faster to run but doesnt give reliable results
# Lemmetizers are compute intensive(slow to run) but does analysis and gives results(sometimes this also not reliable)
sample_data = ['cats', 'cat', 'lie', 'lying', 'fly', 'flying', 'run', 'ran', 'year', 'yearly',
'puppy', 'puppies', 'woman', 'women', 'fast', 'faster']
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# Using the PorterStemmer
porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()
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# Obs: Some words were able to be normalize correctly whereas some are not
for word in sample_data:
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# Lets try another Stemmer
lancaster = nltk.LancasterStemmer()
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# Obs: same as above, Some words were able to be normalize correctly whereas some are not
# So we cannot completely rely on one Stemmer to normalize the text
for word in sample_data:
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# Lets have a look at the Lemmetizer now
wnlem = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer()
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# Obs: .lemmatize is a compute intensive operation
# This also not able to normalize the words fully.
for word in sample_data:
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