In [1]:
import numpy
import re
from matplotlib import pyplot
from IPython.display import Latex, Math, display
% matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import os, sys
In [3]:
import utils.quadrature as quad
import utils.poly as poly
Let $f(x)=x^7$. Evaluate the derivative matrix and the derivatives at quadrature points using Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature with $Q=7,\ 8,\ 9$.
In [4]:
def f_ex2a(x):
"""f = x^7"""
return x**7
def df_ex2a(x):
"""df/dx = 7 * (x**6)"""
return 7 * (x**6)
In [5]:
def ex2a(Qi, f, df):
"""a wrapper for generating solutions"""
formatter={'float': "{:5.2e}".format}, linewidth=120)
qd = quad.GaussLobattoJacobi(Qi)
p = poly.LagrangeBasis(qd.nodes)
D = p.derivative(qd.nodes)
ans =
exact = df(qd.nodes)
err = numpy.abs(ans - exact)
def generateLatex(A):
return "{\\scriptsize \\left[\\begin{array}{r}" + \
re.sub(r"[ ]+", "&", re.sub(r"\n[ ]*", "\\\\\\\\",
re.sub(r"\][ ]*", "", re.sub(r"\[[ ]*", "", str(A))))) + \
display(Latex("For " + "$Q={0}$".format(Qi) + ":"))
display(Latex("$\qquad$The derivative matrix is: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(D)))
display(Latex("$\\qquad$The derivatives at quadrature points are: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(ans)))
display(Latex("$\\qquad$The exact derivatives at quadrature points are: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(exact)))
display(Latex("$\\qquad$The absolute errors are: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(err)))
In [6]:
for Qi in [7, 8, 9]:
ex2a(Qi, f_ex2a, df_ex2a)
The same problem with exercise 2a, except that now the interval on which we apply quadrature is $x \in [2,\ 10]$. Use chain rule to evaluate the derivative at mapped quadrature points.
In [7]:
def ex2b(Qi, f, df):
"""a wrapper for generating solutions"""
formatter={'float': "{:5.2e}".format}, linewidth=120)
x = lambda xi: (xi + 1) * (10 - 2) / 2. + 2
dxi_dx = 2. / (10 - 2)
qd = quad.GaussLobattoJacobi(Qi)
p = poly.LagrangeBasis(qd.nodes)
D = p.derivative(qd.nodes)
ans = * dxi_dx
exact = df(x(qd.nodes))
err = numpy.abs(ans - exact)
def generateLatex(A):
return "{\\scriptsize \\left[\\begin{array}{r}" + \
re.sub(r"[ ]+", "&", re.sub(r"\n[ ]*", "\\\\\\\\",
re.sub(r"\][ ]*", "", re.sub(r"\[[ ]*", "", str(A))))) + \
display(Latex("For " + "$Q={0}$".format(Qi) + ":"))
display(Latex("$\\qquad$The derivatives at quadrature points are: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(ans)))
display(Latex("$\\qquad$The exact derivatives at quadrature points are: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(exact)))
display(Latex("$\\qquad$The absolute errors are: "))
display(Math("\\qquad" + generateLatex(err)))
In [8]:
for Qi in [7, 8, 9]:
ex2b(Qi, f_ex2a, df_ex2a)
Use the differentiation techniques to numerically integrate $-\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{d}{dx}\cos{(x)}dx$. Plot the error with respect to number of quadrature points, $Q$. Use $2 \le Q \le 8$.
In [9]:
def f_ex2c(x):
"""integrand of exercise 1c"""
return - numpy.cos(x)
In [10]:
def ex2c(Qi, f):
"""a wrapper for generating solutions"""
x = lambda xi: (xi + 1) * (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.) / 2. + 0.
dxi_dx = 2. / (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.)
dx_dxi = (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.) / 2.
qd = quad.GaussLobattoJacobi(Qi)
p = poly.LagrangeBasis(qd.nodes)
d = p.derivative(qd.nodes).dot(f(x(qd.nodes))) * dxi_dx
ans = numpy.sum(d * qd.weights * dx_dxi)
err = numpy.abs(ans - 1.)
print("The numerical solution is: " +
"{0}; the absolute error is: {1}".format(ans, err))
return err
In [11]:
Q = numpy.arange(2, 9)
err = numpy.zeros_like(Q, dtype=numpy.float64)
for i, Qi in enumerate(range(2, 9)):
err[i] = ex2c(Qi, f_ex2c)
In [12]:
pyplot.semilogy(Q, err, 'k.-', lw=2, markersize=15)
pyplot.title("Absolute error of numerical integration of " +
r"$-\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{d}{dx}\cos{(x)} dx$" +
"\n with Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature", y=1.08)
pyplot.xlabel(r"$Q$" + ", number of quadratiure points")
pyplot.ylabel("absolute error")
In [13]:
def df_ex2c(x):
"""derivative of f"""
return numpy.sin(x)
In [14]:
def ex2c_mod(Qi, f, df):
"""a wrapper for generating solutions"""
x = lambda xi: (xi + 1) * (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.) / 2. + 0.
dxi_dx = 2. / (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.)
dx_dxi = (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.) / 2.
qd = quad.GaussLobattoJacobi(Qi)
p = poly.LagrangeBasis(qd.nodes)
d = p.derivative(qd.nodes).dot(f(x(qd.nodes))) * dxi_dx - df(x(qd.nodes))
d *= d
err = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(d * qd.weights * dx_dxi) / (numpy.pi / 2. - 0.))
print("The H1-norm is: {0}: ".format(err))
return err
In [15]:
for i, Qi in enumerate(range(2, 9)):
err[i] = ex2c_mod(Qi, f_ex2c, df_ex2c)
In [16]:
pyplot.semilogy(Q, err, 'k.-', lw=2, markersize=15)
pyplot.title("H1-norm of numerical integration of " +
r"$-\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{d}{dx}\cos{(x)} dx$" +
"\n with Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature", y=1.08)
pyplot.xlabel(r"$Q$" + ", number of quadratiure points")