In [1]:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import colors
% matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import os, sys
In [3]:
import utils.poly as poly
import utils.quadrature as quad
The coordinates of solution points using Gauss-Legendre quadrature points.
In [4]:
xi = quad.GaussJacobi(4).nodes
The Lagrange basis using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature points.
In [5]:
Lk = poly.LagrangeBasis(xi)
The exact solution of $u(x)$.
In [6]:
def u_exact(x):
'''exact solution of u'''
return numpy.sin(x)
Define a function to calculate flux at a location given a known $u$.
In [7]:
def f(ui):
'''flux at spificic location using known velocity at the same location'''
return 0.5 * ui * ui
Calculate the $u$ at solution points.
In [8]:
ui =, u_exact(xi))
Calculate the flux at solution points using $u$ at those locations.
In [9]:
fi = f(ui)
Use $u$ at solution points and Lagrange interpolation to calculate $u$ at left boundary.
In [10]:
uL =, u_exact(xi))
Use $u$ at the left boundary to calculate flux at that boundary (that is, the $f(u_L)$ in the paper).
In [11]:
Use $f$ at the solution points and Lagrange interpolation to calculate the flux at that boundary (i.e., the $f_L$ in the paper).
In [12]:
fL =, fi)
We can now see that $$f_L \ne f(u_L)$$