This notebook compares the gravitational fields calculated for a tesseroid model against the analytical solution for a spherical shell.
The tesseroid fields are calculated using a range of distance/size ratios for the recursive division of the tesseroids. The sphell fields are used as a reference, or "ground truth". We use the difference between the tesseroid and reference fields to quantify the error in the tesseroid calculations for each distance/size ratio.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import division
import os
from timeit import timeit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc_file
from fatiando.mesher import Tesseroid, TesseroidMesh
from fatiando.constants import MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, G, SI2EOTVOS, SI2MGAL
from fatiando import gridder
import fatiando
In [2]:
print('Fatiando a Terra version: {}\n'.format(fatiando.__version__))
In [3]:
!tessgz --version
In [4]:
filedir = 'tesseroid_vs_spherical_shell_files'
!mkdir -p $filedir
The analytical solution exists for an observation point located at a geocentric radial coordinate $r$. We can pretend that the point is at any latitude and longitude because of the symmetry of the shell.
The potential and its first and second derivatives are given by (Grombein et al., 2013):
$$ V(r) = \dfrac{4}{3}\pi G \rho \dfrac{r_2^3 - r_1^3}{r}, $$$$ g_z(r) = \dfrac{V(r)}{r}, $$$$ g_{zz}(r) = 2\dfrac{V(r)}{r^2}, $$$$ g_{xx}(r) = g_{yy}(r) = -\dfrac{g_{zz}}{2} = -\dfrac{V(r)}{r^2},, $$and (because of the symmetry of the shell)
$$ g_x(r) = g_y(r) = g_{xy}(r) = g_{xz}(r) = g_{yz}(r) = 0, $$where $\rho$ is the dentity, $r$ is the radius coordinate of the observation point, $r_1$ and $r_2$ are radial coordinates of the bottom and top of the spherical shell, respectively.
The function below calculates the shell fields and returns them in a pandas.Series
In [5]:
def calc_shell_effect(height, top, bottom, density):
r = height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS
# top and bottom are heights
r1 = bottom + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS
potential = (4/3)*np.pi*G*density*(r2**3 - r1**3)/r
data = pd.Series({'pot': potential,
'gx': 0,
'gy': 0,
'gz': SI2MGAL*(potential/r),
'gxx': SI2EOTVOS*(-potential/r**2),
'gxy': 0,
'gxz': 0,
'gyy': SI2EOTVOS*(-potential/r**2),
'gyz': 0,
'gzz': SI2EOTVOS*(2*potential/r**2)})
return data
I'll use the TesseroidMesh
of Fatiando a Terra to make a model of a spherical shell. The model needs to be written to a file so that I can use the Tesseroids command-line programs on it.
The function below takes the size (in degrees), top, bottom and density, makes the tesseroids and saves them to a file.
In [6]:
def make_model_file(size, top, bottom, density, verbose=False, return_mesh=False):
bounds = [0, 360, -90, 90, top, bottom]
nlon = int(360/size)
assert nlon - 360/size == 0
nlat = int(180/size)
assert nlat - 180/size == 0
mesh = TesseroidMesh(bounds, (1, nlat, nlon))
# the 3rd dim is - because of a quirk in TesseroidMesh
assert mesh.dims == (size, size, -(top - bottom))
assert mesh.size == nlat*nlon
fname = os.path.join(filedir, 'model-size{:.1f}.tess'.format(size))
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
for t in mesh:
f.write('{} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(
t.w, t.e, t.s, t.n,, t.bottom, density))
tmp = !cat $fname | grep -v "#" | grep -e "^$" -v| wc -l
tess_in_file = int(tmp[0])
assert mesh.size == tess_in_file
if verbose:
print('Model file: {}'.format(fname))
print('Model size: {}'.format(tess_in_file))
!head $fname
!tail $fname
if return_mesh:
return fname, mesh
return fname
We'll make a 1 x 1 degree tesseroid model first. Later on, we'll run the computations for other sizes to see if the results are size dependent.
In [7]:
size = 1
top, bottom = 1000, 0
density = 2670
In [8]:
model_file = make_model_file(size, top, bottom, density, verbose=True)
Now we need to calculate the gravitational effect of this tesseroid model using a range of distance/size ratios. The function below takes a model file name, height of observations, tesseroid size, and a distance to size ratio. It makes a computation grid at the given height. The grid is placed over the North pole from 90º latitude until 90º - the size of the tesseroids. This way, he grid covers all the tesseroids that are around the pole.
In [9]:
def calc_tess_effect(fname, height, size, ratio, where='pole'):
if ratio == 0:
flag = '-a'
flag = '-t{:f}'.format(ratio)
# Make a computation grid above a tesseroid
if where == 'pole':
lats, lons = gridder.regular([90 - size, 90, 0, size], (10, 10))
elif where == 'equator':
lats, lons = gridder.regular([0, size, 0, size], (10, 10))
raise ValueError("Invalid argument where='{}'".format(where))
tmp = 'effect-{}-ratio{:.1f}-height{:.0f}-{}.txt'.format(os.path.split(fname)[1],
ratio, height, where)
outfile = os.path.join(filedir, tmp)
grid_text = '\n'.join('{:f} {:f} {:f}'.format(lon, lat, height)
for lon, lat in zip(lons, lats))
!echo "$grid_text" | \
tesspot $fname $flag | \
tessgx $fname $flag | \
tessgy $fname $flag | \
tessgz $fname $flag | \
tessgxx $fname $flag | \
tessgxy $fname $flag | \
tessgxz $fname $flag | \
tessgyy $fname $flag | \
tessgyz $fname $flag | \
tessgzz $fname $flag > $outfile
return outfile
Now we can specify a range of distance/size ratios and a computation height...
In [10]:
ratio = np.arange(0, 10.5, 0.5)
height = top + 1000
... and calculate the effect of the tesseroid model for each ratio.
In [11]:
tess_out_files = []
for r in ratio:
f = calc_tess_effect(model_file, height, size, r)
print('Done: {}'.format(f))
Now I can load the calculated fields of the tesseroid model and compare it with the calculated effect for the real spherical shell.
In [12]:
shell_data = calc_shell_effect(height, top, bottom, density)
and save the results to a CSV (Comma Sparated Values) file.
In [13]:
I'll load the tesseroid data into a pandas.DataFrame
object. This is a like a spreadsheet, but better. The columns are the fields (gx, gy, etc), file name, ratio used, and tesseroid size.
In [14]:
def load_tess_data(files, ratio, size):
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['file', 'ratio', 'size', 'gx', 'gxx', 'gxy', 'gxz', 'gy',
'gyy', 'gyz', 'gz', 'gzz', 'pot'])
for r, fname in zip(ratio, files):
data = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True)[3:]
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'file': fname,
'ratio': r,
'size': size,
'pot': data[0],
'gx': data[1],
'gy': data[2],
'gz': data[3],
'gxx': data[4],
'gxy': data[5],
'gxz': data[6],
'gyy': data[7],
'gyz': data[8],
'gzz': data[9]})
df = df.append(tmp, ignore_index=True) = 'point'
return df
Lets take a look at the tesseroid data:
In [15]:
tess_data = load_tess_data(tess_out_files, ratio, size)
I'll save this to a CSV file as well for later use. It's easier to load that way than parsing all the output files again.
In [16]:
'../data/tesseroid-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-pole.csv'.format(size, height))
Now I can use some pandas magic to calculate the difference between the shell effect and the tesseroid effect. This will also be stored in a DataFrame
. The values are the absolute value of the differences for each size and ratio.
In [17]:
def calc_difference(tess_data, shell_data):
# Subtract the field columns and take the absolute value
diff = tess_data.drop(['file', 'size', 'ratio'], axis='columns').sub(
shell_data, axis='columns').abs()
# Then, add the size and ratio columns to the difference
diff[['size', 'ratio']] = tess_data[['size', 'ratio']]
return diff
In [18]:
diff = calc_difference(tess_data, shell_data)
I'll save the differences as well to avoid recomputing.
In [19]:
diff.to_csv('../data/difference-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-pole.csv'.format(size, height))
To get the maximum difference per size per ratio, I can use the DataFrame.groupby
In [20]:
max_diff = diff.groupby(['size', 'ratio']).max()
I'll plot the maximum difference as a function of distance/size ratio. I'll also plot the relative difference (difference divided by the shell value) in percentage.
In [21]:
def plot_difference(diff, shell_data, size=size):
fig, subplots = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
for f, axes in zip(['pot', 'gz', 'gxx', 'gyy', 'gzz'], subplots):
maxd = diff[f].loc[size, :]
ax1, ax2 = axes
ax1.text(0.8, 0.8, f, fontsize=16, transform=ax1.transAxes)
ax1.plot(ratio, maxd, '.-')
ax2.plot(ratio, 100*maxd/np.abs(shell_data[f]), '.-')
ax2.set_ylabel('Difference (\%)')
ax2.hlines(0.1, ratio.min(), ratio.max(), colors='r')
ax2.set_xlim(ratio.min(), ratio.max())
ax1.set_xlabel('Distance/size ratio')
ax2.set_xlabel('Distance/size ratio')
ax1, ax2 = subplots[0]
ax1.set_title('Absolute difference')
ax2.set_title('Relative difference')
return fig
In [22]:
plot_difference(max_diff, shell_data)
Run the comparison again to see how big the errors are per ratio and if they are below the threshold when computing at 260 km height (GOCE orbit height).
In [23]:
goce_height = 260e3
goce_height_out_files = []
for r in ratio:
f = calc_tess_effect(model_file, goce_height, size, r, where='pole')
print('Done: {}'.format(f))
Load the data from the output files and save it to a CSV.
In [24]:
goce_height_data = load_tess_data(goce_height_out_files, ratio, size)
In [25]:
'../data/tesseroid-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-pole.csv'.format(size, goce_height))
Calculate the shell fields at the new height as well.
In [26]:
goce_height_shell_data = calc_shell_effect(goce_height, top, bottom, density)
In [27]:
Calculate and save the differences.
In [28]:
goce_height_diff = calc_difference(goce_height_data, goce_height_shell_data)
In [29]:
'../data/difference-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-pole.csv'.format(size, goce_height))
Plot the maximum difference per ratio.
In [30]:
goce_height_max_diff = goce_height_diff.groupby(['size', 'ratio']).max()
plot_difference(goce_height_max_diff, goce_height_shell_data)
In [31]:
equator_out_files = []
for r in ratio:
f = calc_tess_effect(model_file, height, size, r, where='equator')
print(' {}'.format(f))
In [32]:
eq_data = load_tess_data(equator_out_files, ratio, size)
In [33]:
'../data/tesseroid-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-equator.csv'.format(size, height))
In [34]:
eq_diff = calc_difference(eq_data, shell_data)
In [35]:
'../data/difference-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-equator.csv'.format(size, height))
In [36]:
eq_max_diff = eq_diff.groupby(['size', 'ratio']).max()
plot_difference(eq_max_diff, shell_data)
I want to see how the difference x ratio curve varies with the computation height. We know 2 extremes (2 km and 260 km), but how fast does it decay?
First, we can get the data that we need from the 2 km and 260 km DataFrames.
In [37]:
tess_gzz_per_height = tess_data['file ratio size gzz'.split()]
tess_gzz_per_height['height'] = height
tmp = goce_height_data['file ratio size gzz'.split()]
tmp['height'] = goce_height
tess_gzz_per_height = tess_gzz_per_height.append(tmp, ignore_index=True)
Then, set the new heights to compute and make a function to run Tesseroids (only tessgzz
) at each height (for a grid near the pole).
In [38]:
heights = [height, 10e3, 50e3, 150e3, goce_height]
In [39]:
def calc_tess_gzz(fname, height, size, ratio):
if ratio == 0:
flag = '-a'
flag = '-t{:f}'.format(ratio)
# Make a computation grid above a tesseroid
lats, lons = gridder.regular([90 - size, 90, 0, size], (10, 10))
tmp = 'gzz-{}-ratio{:.1f}-height{:.0f}.txt'.format(os.path.split(fname)[1],
ratio, height)
outfile = os.path.join(filedir, tmp)
grid_text = '\n'.join('{:f} {:f} {:f}'.format(lon, lat, height)
for lon, lat in zip(lons, lats))
!echo "$grid_text" | tessgzz $fname $flag > $outfile
return outfile
We'll need the shell effect at each different height as well. We'll calculate the effects and group them in a pandas.DataFrame
as well.
In [40]:
def shell_effect_with_height(height):
"Helper function to append the height to the pandas.Series with the shell data"
series = calc_shell_effect(height, top, bottom, density)
series['height'] = height
return series
shell_per_height = pd.DataFrame([shell_effect_with_height(h) for h in heights])
In [41]:
Now we can calculate gzz for each height, load the data into a DataFrame and append it to our dataset.
In [42]:
for h in heights[1:-1]:
files = [calc_tess_gzz(model_file, h, size, r) for r in ratio]
# Load the data files into a DataFrame
tmp = pd.DataFrame(columns=['file', 'ratio', 'gzz'])
for r, fname in zip(ratio, files):
data = np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=[-1], unpack=True)
tmp = tmp.append(pd.DataFrame(dict(file=fname, ratio=r, gzz=data)),
ignore_index=True) = 'point'
tmp['height'] = h
tmp['size'] = size
tess_gzz_per_height = tess_gzz_per_height.append(tmp, ignore_index=True)
print('Done: height {}'.format(h))
In [43]:
Again, save this to a CSV for later use.
In [44]:
Calculate the difference for each height. Again, we'll load the differences for 2km and 260km from the previous results first.
In [45]:
diff_per_height = diff['ratio gzz'.split()]
diff_per_height['height'] = height
tmp = goce_height_diff['ratio gzz'.split()]
tmp['height'] = goce_height
diff_per_height = diff_per_height.append(tmp, ignore_index=True)
In [46]:
for h in heights[1:-1]:
tmp = tess_gzz_per_height[tess_gzz_per_height['height'] == h]
tmp_shell = shell_per_height[shell_per_height['height'] == h]['gzz']
tmp_diff = pd.DataFrame(dict(gzz=(tmp['gzz'] - tmp_shell.values).abs()))
tmp_diff[['ratio', 'height']] = tmp[['ratio', 'height']]
diff_per_height = diff_per_height.append(tmp_diff, ignore_index=True)
In [47]:
In [48]:
Now I can calculate the maximum difference per ratio and plot a error-ratio curve per computation height.
In [49]:
max_diff_per_height = diff_per_height.groupby(['height', 'ratio']).max()
In [50]:
fig, subplots = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
ax1, ax2 = subplots
for h in heights:
d = max_diff_per_height.loc[h]
ax1.plot(ratio, d, '.-')
ref = calc_shell_effect(h, top, bottom, density)['gzz']
ax2.plot(ratio, 100*d/np.abs(ref), '.-', label='{:.0f} km'.format(h*0.001))
ax2.set_ylabel('Difference (\%)')
ax2.hlines(0.1, ratio.min(), ratio.max(), colors='k')
ax2.set_xlim(ratio.min(), ratio.max())
ax2.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1)
ax1.set_xlabel('Distance/size ratio')
ax2.set_xlabel('Distance/size ratio')
ax1.set_title('Absolute difference')
ax2.set_title('Relative difference')
In [51]:
big_size = 30
I'll need a new model file for this.
In [52]:
big_model_file = make_model_file(big_size, top, bottom, density, verbose=True)
In [53]:
big_tess_files = []
for r in ratio:
f = calc_tess_effect(big_model_file, height, big_size, r, where='pole')
print(' {}'.format(f))
Again, load the data to a DataFrame
and export to CSV.
In [54]:
big_data = load_tess_data(big_tess_files, ratio, big_size)
In [55]:
'../data/tesseroid-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-pole.csv'.format(big_size, height))
Do the same for the differences.
In [56]:
big_diff = calc_difference(big_data, shell_data)
In [57]:
'../data/difference-size-{:.0f}-height-{:.0f}-pole.csv'.format(big_size, height))
Plot the error-ratio curves.
In [58]:
big_max_diff = big_diff.groupby(['size', 'ratio']).max()
plot_difference(big_max_diff, shell_data, size=big_size)
In [59]:
def plot_all_relative(pole, equator, goce, big):
colors = "#8c510a #d8b365 #5ab4ac #01665e".split()
fig, subplots = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(9, 5), sharex='col', sharey='row')
axes = subplots.ravel()[[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]]
fields = ['pot', 'gz', 'gxx', 'gyy', 'gzz']
titles = [r'$V$', r'$g_z$', r'$g_{xx}$', r'$g_{yy}$', r'$g_{zz}$']
for i in xrange(5):
ax, f, title = axes[i], fields[i], titles[i]
ax.text(0.9, 0.85, title, fontsize=14,
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',
bbox={'facecolor': 'w',
'edgecolor': '#9b9b9b',
'linewidth': 0.5, 'pad': 8},
ax.plot(ratio, 100*pole[f]/np.abs(shell_data[f]), '.-',
label='pole', color=colors[0])
ax.plot(ratio, 100*equator[f]/np.abs(shell_data[f]), '.-',
label='equator', color=colors[1])
ax.plot(ratio, 100*big[f]/np.abs(shell_data[f]), '.-',
label=r'$30^\circ$ size', color=colors[2])
ax.plot(ratio, 100*goce[f]/np.abs(goce_height_shell_data[f]), '.-',
label='260 km', color=colors[3])
ax.hlines(0.1, ratio.min(), ratio.max(), colors='r')
ax.set_xlim(ratio.min(), ratio.max())
subplots[0, 0].legend(borderpad=1, numpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(2.7, 0.8),
fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=11)
subplots[0, 2].axison = False
plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=0, w_pad=0)
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
return fig
In [60]:
plot_all_relative(max_diff, eq_max_diff, goce_height_max_diff, big_max_diff)