!This notebook will download 1GB of parameters!
We will show the results of different explanation methods on ImageNet with a VGG16 network.
In the following we will first:
Consider also the two other notebooks:
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import nn_patterns
import nn_patterns.utils.fileio
import nn_patterns.utils.tests.networks.imagenet
import lasagne
import theano
import imp
eutils = imp.load_source("utils", "./utils.py")
In [2]:
param_file = "./imagenet_224_vgg_16.npz"
# Note those weights are CC 4.0:
# See http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/very_deep/
param_url = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/cvjj8x19hzya9oe/imagenet_224_vgg_16.npz?dl=1"
pattern_file = "./imagenet_224_vgg_16.pattern_file.A_only.npz"
pattern_url = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7e0px44jqwef5k/imagenet_224_vgg_16.patterns.A_only.npz?dl=1"
# Download the necessary parameters for VGG16 and the according patterns.
eutils.download(param_url, param_file)
eutils.download(pattern_url, pattern_file)
# Get some example test set images.
images, label_to_class_name = eutils.get_imagenet_data()
In [3]:
# Create the prediction model and set params.
vgg16 = nn_patterns.utils.tests.networks.imagenet.vgg16()
parameters = nn_patterns.utils.fileio.load_parameters(param_file)
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(vgg16["out"], parameters)
predict_f = theano.function([vgg16["input_var"]],
In [4]:
# We want to explain the output neuron with the maximal activation.
target = "max_output"
# Methods we use and some properties.
methods = {
# Show input.
"input": (eutils.original_image, ("", "Input"), (0, 0) ),
# Function
"gradient": (eutils.back_projection, ("", "Gradient"), (1, 1) ),
# Signal
"deconvnet": (eutils.back_projection, ("", "DeConvNet"), (2, 2) ),
"guided": (eutils.back_projection, ("Guided", "Backprop"), (2, 3) ),
"patternnet": (eutils.back_projection, ("PatterNet", "($S_{a+-}$)"), (2, 4) ),
# Interaction
"patternlrp": (eutils.heatmap, ("PatternLRP", "($S_{a+-}$)"), (3, 5) ),
"lrp.z": (eutils.heatmap, ("", "LRP"), (3, 6) ),
# Create explainers.
patterns = nn_patterns.utils.fileio.load_patterns(pattern_file)
explainers = {}
for method in methods:
explainers[method] = nn_patterns.create_explainer(method,
# Create explanations.
explanations = np.zeros([len(images), len(explainers), 3, 224, 224])
text = []
for i, (image, y) in enumerate(images):
# Predict label.
x = eutils.preprocess(image)[None, :, :, :]
prob = predict_f(x)[0]
y_hat = prob.argmax()
text.append((r"\textbf{%s}" % label_to_class_name[y],
r"\textit{(%.2f)}" % prob.max(),
r"\textit{%s}" % label_to_class_name[y_hat]))
for eid in explainers:
# Explain.
e = explainers[eid].explain(x, target=target)[0]
# Postprocess.
e = methods[eid][0](e)
explanations[i, methods[eid][-1][1]] = e
In [8]:
n_samples = len(images)
n_padding = n_samples-1
per_image = 3.2
shape_per_image = [s + n_padding for s in (224, 224)]
big_image = np.ones((3,
n_padding + n_samples * shape_per_image[1],
n_padding + (3+len(methods)) * shape_per_image[0]),
for i, _ in enumerate(images):
for eid in explainers:
egr_idx, e_idx = methods[eid][-1]
big_image = eutils.put_into_big_image(explanations[i, e_idx],
big_image, i,
e_idx + egr_idx,
group_fontsize = 20
fontsize = 15
plt.figure(figsize=(n_samples * per_image,
(3 + len(methods)) * per_image),
plt.imshow(big_image.transpose(1, 2, 0), interpolation="nearest")
plt.tick_params(axis="x", which="both",
bottom="off", top="off", labelbottom="off")
plt.tick_params(axis="y", which="both",
bottom="off", top="off", labelbottom="off")
plt.rc("text", usetex=True)
plt.rc("font", family="sans-serif")
# Plot the labels and probability.
for i, s_list in enumerate(text):
for s, offset in zip(s_list, [-50, 0, 50]):
(offset + n_padding + shape_per_image[0]
// 2 + shape_per_image[0] * i),
s, fontsize=fontsize, ha="center")
# Plot the methods names.
for eid in methods:
egr_idx, e_idx = methods[eid][-1]
s1, s2 = methods[eid][1]
plt.text((n_padding + shape_per_image[0] // 2
+ shape_per_image[0] * (e_idx+egr_idx)),
-70, s1, fontsize=fontsize, ha="center")
plt.text((n_padding + shape_per_image[0] // 2
+ shape_per_image[0] * (e_idx+egr_idx)),
-20, s2, fontsize=fontsize, ha="center")
# Plot group titles.
for txt, loc in [("function", 5), ("signal", 11), ("interaction", 18)]:
plt.text(loc * shape_per_image[0] // 2, -160,
r"\textbf{%s}" % txt, fontsize=group_fontsize, ha="center",
va="center", color="gray")