Surface Gravity (logg)


Let's first make sure we have the latest version of PHOEBE 2.2 installed. (You can comment out this line if you don't use pip for your installation or don't want to update to the latest release).

In [ ]:
!pip install -I "phoebe>=2.2,<2.3"

As always, let's do imports and initialize a logger and a new Bundle. See Building a System for more details.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import phoebe
from phoebe import u # units
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

logger = phoebe.logger()

b = phoebe.default_binary()

Relevant Parameters

The 'logg' parameter defines the stellar surface gravity at requiv and is constrained by default.

IMPORTANT NOTE: as the logg parameter is defined to be the surface gravity given the value of mass and requiv, it may not be appropriate to compare or fix the value from an "observed" value of logg (from a spectrum, for example).

In [3]:
print(b.filter('logg', context='component'))

ParameterSet: 2 parameters
*         logg@primary@component: 4.437551872607591
*       logg@secondary@component: 4.437551872607591

In [4]:
print(b.filter('logg', context='constraint'))

ParameterSet: 2 parameters
         logg@primary@constraint: log10((({mass@primary@component} / ({requiv@primary@component} ** 2.000000)) * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000)
       logg@secondary@constraint: log10((({mass@secondary@component} / ({requiv@secondary@component} ** 2.000000)) * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000)

Flipping the Constraint

The logg constraint can be easily flipped so that logg is provided by the user in place of requiv.

See also:

In [5]:
print(b.filter(qualifier=['logg', 'mass', 'requiv'], component='primary'))

ParameterSet: 5 parameters
        requiv@primary@component: 1.0 solRad
*         logg@primary@component: 4.437551872607591
*         mass@primary@component: 0.9988131358058302 solMass
         logg@primary@constraint: log10((({mass@primary@component} / ({requiv@primary@component} ** 2.000000)) * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000)
         mass@primary@constraint: (39.478418 * ({sma@binary@component} ** 3.000000)) / ((({period@binary@component} ** 2.000000) * (1.000000 + {q@binary@component})) * 2942.206217504418873431859537959099)

In [6]:
b.flip_constraint('logg@primary', solve_for='requiv')

<ConstraintParameter: {requiv@primary@component} = sqrt((({mass@primary@component} * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000) / (10.000000 ** {logg@primary@component})) (SI) => 0.9999999999991667 solRad>

In [7]:
print(b.filter(qualifier=['logg', 'mass', 'requiv'], component='primary'))

ParameterSet: 5 parameters
*       requiv@primary@component: 0.9999999999991667 solRad
          logg@primary@component: 4.437551872607591
*         mass@primary@component: 0.9988131358058302 solMass
               requiv@constraint: sqrt((({mass@primary@component} * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000) / (10.000000 ** {logg@primary@component}))
         mass@primary@constraint: (39.478418 * ({sma@binary@component} ** 3.000000)) / ((({period@binary@component} ** 2.000000) * (1.000000 + {q@binary@component})) * 2942.206217504418873431859537959099)

Flipping logg to solve for the mass is a little more involved, as mass is already constrained by period, sma and q. So we must first flip the mass constraint to solve for either period or sma.

In [8]:
print(b.filter(qualifier=['logg', 'mass', 'requiv'], component='secondary'))

ParameterSet: 5 parameters
      requiv@secondary@component: 1.0 solRad
*       logg@secondary@component: 4.437551872607591
*       mass@secondary@component: 0.9988131358058302 solMass
                 logg@constraint: log10((({mass@secondary@component} / ({requiv@secondary@component} ** 2.000000)) * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000)
       mass@secondary@constraint: (39.478418 * ({sma@binary@component} ** 3.000000)) / ((({period@binary@component} ** 2.000000) * (1.000000 + (1.000000 / {q@binary@component}))) * 2942.206217504418873431859537959099)

In [9]:
b.flip_constraint('mass@secondary', solve_for='sma')

<ConstraintParameter: {sma@binary@component} = (((({mass@secondary@component} * ({period@binary@component} ** 2.000000)) * (1.000000 + (1.000000 / {q@binary@component}))) * 2942.206217504418873431859537959099) / 39.478418) ** (1./3) (solar units) => 5.299999999999999 solRad>

In [10]:
print(b.filter(qualifier=['logg', 'mass', 'requiv'], component='secondary'))

ParameterSet: 4 parameters
      requiv@secondary@component: 1.0 solRad
*       logg@secondary@component: 4.437551872607591
        mass@secondary@component: 0.9988131358058302 solMass
                 logg@constraint: log10((({mass@secondary@component} / ({requiv@secondary@component} ** 2.000000)) * 0.000000000066740800000000003352) * 100.000000)

In [11]:
b.flip_constraint('logg@secondary', solve_for='mass')

<ConstraintParameter: {mass@secondary@component} = (({requiv@secondary@component} ** 2.000000) * (10.000000 ** {logg@secondary@component})) / 0.000000006674080000000000593649 (SI) => 0.9988131358074946 solMass>

In [12]:
print(b.filter(qualifier=['logg', 'mass', 'requiv'], component='secondary'))

ParameterSet: 4 parameters
      requiv@secondary@component: 1.0 solRad
        logg@secondary@component: 4.437551872607591
*       mass@secondary@component: 0.9988131358074946 solMass
       mass@secondary@constraint: (({requiv@secondary@component} ** 2.000000) * (10.000000 ** {logg@secondary@component})) / 0.000000006674080000000000593649

Input vs Observed

As mentioned above, the logg parameter is defined explicitly to be at requiv and may not be comparable directly to an estimation of logg from observations.

To show this, we'll see that it can even differ from the flux-weighted loggs of the individual surface elements.

In [13]:
b.add_dataset('lc', dataset='lc01')
b.add_dataset('mesh', times=[0, 0.25], columns=['loggs', 'areas', 'mus', 'visibilities', 'abs_intensities@lc01', 'ldint@lc01'])

Wed, 11 Dec 2019 13:10 BUNDLE       WARNING mesh dataset uses 'compute_times' instead of 'times', applying value sent as 'times' to 'compute_times'.
<ParameterSet: 8 parameters | contexts: compute, constraint, dataset>

In [14]:

<ParameterSet: 44 parameters | contexts: figure, model>

Just by plotting the mesh at two different times/phases, we can already imagine that an "observed" logg could be time-dependent.

In [15]:
out = b['primary@mesh'].plot(time=0.0, fc='loggs', show=True, draw_sidebars=True)

In [16]:
out = b['primary@mesh'].plot(time=0.25, fc='loggs', show=True, draw_sidebars=True)

Now we can manually compute the 'flux-weighted' logg from each of these times (similar to the way that RVs are computed to account for Rossiter-McLaughlin, but note that even flux-weighted loggs may not be a fair comparison to spectral-derived loggs).

In [17]:
for time in [0.0, 0.25]:
    ps = b.filter(time=time, component='primary', context='model')
    fluxes = ps.get_value('abs_intensities') * ps.get_value('areas') * ps.get_value('mus') * ps.get_value('ldint') * ps.get_value('visibilities')
    visible = ps.get_value('visibilities') > 0
    logg = np.average(ps.get_value('loggs')[visible], weights=fluxes[visible])
    print("time = {}, logg weighted = {}".format(time, logg))

time = 0.0, logg weighted = 4.435653141794255
time = 0.25, logg weighted = 4.434270162288599

In [18]:
print("logg parameter value = {}".format(b.get_value('logg', component='primary')))

logg parameter value = 4.437551872607591

In [ ]: