Limb Darkening


Let's first make sure we have the latest version of PHOEBE 2.2 installed. (You can comment out this line if you don't use pip for your installation or don't want to update to the latest release).

In [ ]:
!pip install -I "phoebe>=2.2,<2.3"

As always, let's do imports and initialize a logger and a new bundle. See Building a System for more details.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import phoebe

logger = phoebe.logger()

b = phoebe.default_binary()

We'll just add an 'lc' dataset

In [3]:
b.add_dataset('lc', times=phoebe.linspace(0,1,101), dataset='lc01')

<ParameterSet: 43 parameters | contexts: dataset, compute, figure, constraint>

Relevant Parameters

ld_mode_bol, ld_func_bol, ld_coeffs_source_bol, and ld_coeffs_bol are for bolometric limb-darkening, which is only currently used for irradiation/reflection. These are per-component parameters that have context='component'.

In [4]:

Parameter: ld_mode_bol@primary@component
                       Qualifier: ld_mode_bol
                     Description: Mode to use for bolometric limb-darkening (used only for irradiation).
                           Value: lookup
                         Choices: lookup, manual
                  Constrained by: 
                      Constrains: None
                      Related to: None

In [5]:

Parameter: ld_func_bol@primary@component
                       Qualifier: ld_func_bol
                     Description: Bolometric limb darkening model (used only for irradiation).
                           Value: logarithmic
                         Choices: linear, logarithmic, quadratic, square_root, power
                  Constrained by: 
                      Constrains: None
                      Related to: None

In [6]:

['linear', 'logarithmic', 'quadratic', 'square_root', 'power']

ld_mode_bol = 'lookup'

By default, ld_mode_bol is set to 'lookup', in which case the coefficients are pulled from the atmosphere table (according to ld_coeffs_source_bol) per-component (but not per-element). Note that this differs slightly from the dataset-treatment where the lookup is handled per-element.

In [7]:

Parameter: ld_coeffs_source_bol@primary@component
                       Qualifier: ld_coeffs_source_bol
                     Description: Source for bolometric limb darkening coefficients (used only for irradiation; 'auto' to interpolate from the applicable table according to the 'atm' parameter, or the name of a specific atmosphere table)
                           Value: auto
                         Choices: auto, ck2004, phoenix
                  Constrained by: 
                      Constrains: None
                      Related to: None
                 Only visible if: ld_mode_bol:lookup

To access the interpolated values that will be used under-the-hood, we can call b.compute_ld_coeffs.

(To only compute the bolometric quantities, pass dataset='bol')

In [8]:

{'ld_coeffs_bol@primary@component': array([0.70974057, 0.2862986 ]),
 'ld_coeffs_bol@secondary@component': array([0.70974057, 0.2862986 ])}

ld_mode_bol = 'manual'

To pass coefficients manually, we can change ld_mode_bol to 'manual'

In [9]:
b.set_value_all('ld_mode_bol', value='manual')

In [10]:

Parameter: ld_coeffs_bol@primary@component
                       Qualifier: ld_coeffs_bol
                     Description: Bolometric limb darkening coefficients (used only for irradiation).
                           Value: [0.5 0.5]
                  Constrained by: 
                      Constrains: None
                      Related to: None
                 Only visible if: ld_mode_bol:manual

All other limb-darkening parameters (ld_mode, ld_func, ld_coeffs_source, and ld_coeffs) are per-component and per-dataset parameters with context='dataset'.

In [11]:
print(b.filter(qualifier='ld_mode', dataset='lc01'))

ParameterSet: 2 parameters
    ld_mode@primary@lc01@dataset: interp
  ld_mode@secondary@lc01@dataset: interp

ld_mode = 'interp'

Unlike bolometric limb-darkening, passband limb-darkening coefficients can be interpolated directly from atmosphere tables, this is the default case, with ld_mode set to 'interp'.

Note that before PHOEBE 2.2, this was accomplished by setting ld_func to 'interp' (see this explanation for migrating from earlier versions).

In [12]:
print(b.get_parameter(qualifier='ld_mode', dataset='lc01', component='primary').choices)

['interp', 'lookup', 'manual']

Note that ld_func, ld_coeffs_source, and ld_coeffs aren't visible (relevant) if ld_mode is set to 'interp' (which it is by default).

In [13]:
print(b.filter(qualifier='ld*', dataset='lc01'))

ParameterSet: 2 parameters
    ld_mode@primary@lc01@dataset: interp
  ld_mode@secondary@lc01@dataset: interp

ld_mode = 'lookup'

Setting the value of ld_mode to 'lookup' will expose the ld_func and ld_coeffs_source parameters. Note that this behavior is slightly new as of PHOEBE 2.2 (see this explanation for migrating from earlier versions).

When set to 'lookup', then the limb-darkening will be interpolated per-element (for PHOEBE 2, other backends may interpolate per-star) for the function given in ld_func from the atmosphere table dictated by the ld_coeffs_source parameter (or the atm parameter and falling back on 'ck2004' if no match is found if ld_coeffs_source is set to 'auto').

Note that the bolometric ld_mode_bol of 'lookup' interpolates per-component, but not per-element.

In [14]:
b.set_value(qualifier='ld_mode', dataset='lc01', component='primary', value='lookup')

In [15]:
print(b.filter(qualifier='ld*', dataset='lc01', component='primary'))

ParameterSet: 3 parameters
    ld_mode@primary@lc01@dataset: lookup
    ld_func@primary@lc01@dataset: logarithmic
  ld_coeffs_source@primary@lc...: auto

To manually choose an available atmosphere table, you can choose some other value ('ck2004', for example).

In [16]:
print(b.get_parameter(qualifier='ld_coeffs_source', dataset='lc01', component='primary'))

Parameter: ld_coeffs_source@primary@lc01@dataset
                       Qualifier: ld_coeffs_source
                     Description: Source for limb darkening coefficients ('auto' to interpolate from the applicable table according to the 'atm' parameter, or the name of a specific atmosphere table)
                           Value: auto
                         Choices: auto, ck2004, phoenix
                  Constrained by: 
                      Constrains: None
                      Related to: None
                 Only visible if: ld_mode:lookup

Although not necesary, we can access the interpolated coefficients by calling b.compute_ld_coeffs.

In [17]:

{'ld_coeffs@primary@lc01': array([0.78822538, 0.27905826])}

ld_mode = 'manual'

Setting the value of ld_mode to 'manual' will expose the ld_func and ld_coeffs parameters. Again, note that this behavior is slightly new as of PHOEBE 2.2 (see this explanation for migrating from earlier versions).

In this case, we can manually provide the coefficients through the ld_coeffs parameter, keeping care that they are of the correct length for the given value of ld_func. To ensure this is the case, call b.run_checks (or wait until b.run_compute which will raise an error if the length is in conflict).

In [18]:
b.set_value(qualifier='ld_mode', dataset='lc01', component='primary', value='manual')

In [19]:
print(b.filter(qualifier='ld*', dataset='lc01', component='primary'))

ParameterSet: 3 parameters
    ld_mode@primary@lc01@dataset: manual
    ld_func@primary@lc01@dataset: logarithmic
  ld_coeffs@primary@lc01@dataset: [0.5 0.5]

In [20]:
print(b.get_parameter(qualifier='ld_coeffs', dataset='lc01', component='primary'))

Parameter: ld_coeffs@primary@lc01@dataset
                       Qualifier: ld_coeffs
                     Description: Limb darkening coefficients
                           Value: [0.5 0.5]
                  Constrained by: 
                      Constrains: None
                      Related to: None
                 Only visible if: ld_mode:manual