Towers of Hanoi solution using a recursive function -- with animation

For a general description of the game, see

Requires JSAnimation and JSAnimation_frametools.


In [ ]:
from pylab import *

In [ ]:
from JSAnimation import IPython_display
import JSAnimation_frametools as J

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def plot_disk(j,n,peg,position):
    plot disk number j out of n (j=1 is the smallest, j=n the largest)
    also specify which peg (1,2, or 3) to plot it on, and its position.
    position=1 means it is on the base, position=2 is on top of one other disk, etc.
    width = j/float(n)  # actually the half-width of the jth disk
    height = 1./float(n)  # so n of them fit between 0 and 1 in y-direction
    xpeg = 1 + 2.5*(peg-1)  # location of this peg (they are at x = 1, 3.5, 7)
    x = [xpeg-width, xpeg+width, xpeg+width, xpeg-width, xpeg-width]
    y0 = (position-1)*height
    y = [y0, y0, y0+height, y0+height, y0]
    fill(x,y,'r')  # fill in a rectangle with red, specified by the 5 (x,y) points
def plot_pegs(n):

Create an empty directory to store png files for each frame, and define the function to plot the configuration at each step:

In [ ]:
plotdir = '_plots'  # to store png files for each figure
J.make_plotdir(plotdir, clobber=True)  # ok to clobber if it already exists

def plot_all_disks(n,peg,frameno):
    close('all')  # close all figures
    for i in [1,2,3]:
        disks = peg[i]
        for j,disk in enumerate(disks):
    next_frameno = frameno+1
    return next_frameno

In [ ]:
n = 4
peg = {}
peg[1] = range(1,n+1)
peg[2] = []
peg[3] = []

frameno = plot_all_disks(n,peg,frameno=0)
def move_disks2(itop, ibottom, from_peg, to_peg, frameno):
    if itop > ibottom:
        raise InputError("Require itop <= ibottom, got itop = %i, ibottom = %i" %(itop,ibottom))
    if itop==ibottom:
        print "Move Disk %i from Peg %i to Peg %i" % (itop, from_peg, to_peg)
        peg[from_peg] = peg[from_peg][1:]   # drop first element of list
        peg[to_peg] = [itop] + peg[to_peg]  # add as first element of list
        frameno = plot_all_disks(n,peg,frameno)

        other_peg = 6 - from_peg - to_peg
        # recursive call:
        frameno = move_disks2(itop, ibottom-1, from_peg, other_peg, frameno)
        frameno = move_disks2(ibottom, ibottom, from_peg, to_peg, frameno)
        frameno = move_disks2(itop, ibottom-1, other_peg, to_peg, frameno)
    return frameno
frameno = move_disks2(1,n,1,3, frameno=1)

In [ ]:
anim = J.make_anim(plotdir, figsize=(8,4))

You can also make a stand-alone html file:

In [ ]:
J.make_html(anim, file_name="Towers.html", title="Towers of Hanoi")

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import FileLink
