Kmeans over a single GeoTiff

This notebook shows how to read from Spark a single- and multi-band GeoTiff. We use GeoTrellis to read the GeoTiff as a RDD, extracts from it a band, filters NaN and converts the result to a RDD of dense vectors. Such RDD is then passed to Kmeans cluster algorithm from Spark-MLlib for training. The kmeans model is then saved into HDFS.

Note: In this example the grid cells define the dimension of the matrix. Since only the year **1980** is loaded, the matrix only has one record. To understand how to load several GeoTiffs and tranpose a matrix to have years the dimension of the matrix the reader should check [kmeans_multiGeoTiffs_matrixTranspose](kmeans_multiGeoTiffs_matrixTranspose.ipynb) notebooks in the scala examples.


In [1]:
import geotrellis.raster.MultibandTile
import geotrellis.vector.ProjectedExtent
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

Read GeoTiff into a RDD

In [14]:
var band_NaN_RDD :RDD[Array[Double]] = sc.emptyRDD
val single_band = True;
var filepath :String = ""

if (single_band) {
    //Single band GeoTiff
    filepath = "hdfs:///user/hadoop/spring-index/LastFreeze/1980.tif"
} else {
    //Multi band GeoTiff
    filepath = "hdfs:///user/hadoop/spring-index/BloomFinal/1980.tif"
if (single_band) {
    //Lets load a Singleband GeoTiff and return RDD just with the tile.
    val bands_RDD = sc.hadoopGeoTiffRDD(filepath).values
    //Conversion to ArrayDouble is necessary to thne generate a Dense Vector
    band_NaN_RDD = m => m.toArrayDouble())
} else {
    //Lets load a Multiband GeoTiff and return RDD just with the tiles.
    val bands_RDD = sc.hadoopMultibandGeoTiffRDD(filepath).values
    //Extract the 4th band
    band_NaN_RDD = m =>

vector length with NaN is 30388736
vector length without NaN is 13695035

Manipulate the RDD

In [ ]:
//Go to each vector and print the length of each vector
band_NaN_RDD.collect().foreach(m => println("vector length with NaN is %d".format(m.length)))

//Go to each vector and filter out all NaNs
val band_RDD = => m.filter(v => !v.isNaN))

//Go to each vector and print the length of each vector to see how many NaN were removed
band_RDD.collect().foreach(m => println("vector length without NaN is %d".format(m.length)))

Create a RDD of dense Vectors

In [15]:
// Create a Vector with NaN converted to 0s
//val band_vec = => Vectors.dense( => if (v.isNaN) 0 else v))).cache()

// Create a Vector without NaN values
val band_vec = => Vectors.dense(s)).cache()

Train Kmeans

In [16]:
val numClusters = 2
val numIterations = 20
val clusters = {

// Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors
val WSSSE = clusters.computeCost(band_vec)
println("Within Set Sum of Squared Errors = " + WSSSE)

Within Set Sum of Squared Errors = 0.0

Save kmeans model

In [18]:
//Un-persist the model

// Shows the result.
println("Cluster Centers: ")

//Clusters save the model
if (band_count == 1) {, "hdfs:///user/pheno/spring_index/LastFreeze/1980_kmeans_model")    
} else {, "hdfs:///user/pheno/spring_index/BloomFinal/1980_kmeans_model")

Cluster Centers: