Sawtooth Wave Generator

A sawtooth wave is a periodic function that starts at an initial value, ramps up at a fixed rate until reaching an end value, and then drops to the starting value and repeats.

In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

def saw(x):
    return x % 50

x = np.arange(0, 200)

plt.plot(x, saw(x))

In [ ]:
import magma as m
from loam.boards.icestick import IceStick

N = 8

icestick = IceStick()
for i in range(N):

In [ ]:
import mantle

main = icestick.main()
# TODO: Define main


In [ ]:
m.compile('build/sawtooth', main)

In [ ]:
cd build
cat sawtooth.pcf
yosys -q -p 'synth_ice40 -top main -blif sawtooth.blif' sawtooth.v
arachne-pnr -q -d 1k -o sawtooth.txt -p sawtooth.pcf sawtooth.blif 
icepack sawtooth.txt sawtooth.bin
iceprog sawtooth.bin

Wire up the GPIO pins to a logic analyzer to verify that the circuit produces the correct sawtooth waveform.

You can also use Saleae's export data feature to output a csv file. Replace our sample data with yours to check your results using matplotlib.

In [1]:
import csv
import magma as m
with open("data/saw-capture.csv") as saw_capture_csv:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(saw_capture_csv)
    next(csv_reader, None)  # skip the headers
    rows = [row for row in csv_reader]
timestamps = [float(row[0]) for row in rows]
values = [m.bitutils.seq2int(tuple(int(x) for x in row[1:])) for row in rows]

In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(timestamps[:500], values[:500], "-")

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10a55ecf8>]