Goal: Correct for singles rate with $W$ calculation

In order to correct for differences in detection efficiencies and solid angles, we will divide all of the doubles rates by the singles rates of the two detectors as follows:

$ W_{i,j} = \frac{D_{i,j}}{S_i*S_j}$

This requires calculating $S_i$ and $S_j$ from the cced files. I need to rewrite my analysis from the beginning, or write another function that parses the cced file.

In this file, I will import the singles and bicorr data and calculate all $D_{i,j}$, $S_i$, $S_j$, and $W_{i,j}$.

This notebook does the analysis in energy space.

In [1]:
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import imageio

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

In [3]:
import seaborn as sns

In [4]:

In [5]:
import bicorr as bicorr
import bicorr_e as bicorr_e
import bicorr_plot as bicorr_plot
import bicorr_sums as bicorr_sums
import bicorr_math as bicorr_math

In [6]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Load some data

I'm going to work with the data from the combined data sets. The analysis for this data set is in analysis\Cf072115_to_Cf072215b.

The one limitation here is that this data has already cut out the fission chamber neighbors.

det_df without fission chamber neighbors

In [7]:
det_df = bicorr.load_det_df('../meas_info/det_df_pairs_angles.csv')

d1 d2 d1d2 angle
0 1 2 102 15.0
1 1 3 103 30.0
2 1 4 104 45.0
3 1 5 105 60.0
4 1 6 106 75.0

In [8]:
chList, fcList, detList, num_dets, num_det_pairs = bicorr.build_ch_lists()
dict_pair_to_index, dict_index_to_pair, dict_pair_to_angle = bicorr.build_dict_det_pair(det_df)

In [9]:
num_fissions = 2194651200.00

Specify energy range

In [10]:
e_min = 0.62
e_max = 12


In [11]:
singles_hist_e_n, e_bin_edges, dict_det_to_index, dict_index_to_det = bicorr_e.load_singles_hist_both(filepath = '../analysis/Cf072115_to_Cf072215b/datap/',plot_flag=True, show_flag=True)

<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

In [12]:
bicorr_plot.plot_singles_hist_e_n(singles_hist_e_n, e_bin_edges, show_flag=False, clear_flag=False)
for e in [e_min, e_max]:

In [13]:

(45, 600)

Load bhp_nn_e for all pairs

I'm going to skip a few steps in order to save memory. This data was produced in analysis_build_bhp_nn_by_pair_1_ns.ipynb and is stored in datap\bhp_nn_by_pair_1ns.npz. Load it now, as explained in the notebook.

In [14]:
bhm_e, e_bin_edges, note = bicorr_e.load_bhm_e('../analysis/Cf072115_to_Cf072215b/datap')

In [15]:

(990, 1, 600, 600)

In [16]:
bhp_e = np.zeros((len(det_df),len(e_bin_edges)-1,len(e_bin_edges)-1))

(990, 600, 600)

In [17]:
for index in det_df.index.values: # index is same as in `bhm`
    bhp_e[index,:,:] = bicorr_e.build_bhp_e(bhm_e,e_bin_edges,pair_is=[index])[0]

In [18]:
bicorr_plot.bhp_e_plot(np.sum(bhp_e,axis=0),e_bin_edges, show_flag=True)

C:\Users\pfschus\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook\deprecation.py:107: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance.  In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned.  Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.
  warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

Set up det_df columns and singles_df

In [19]:

d1 d2 d1d2 angle
0 1 2 102 15.0
1 1 3 103 30.0
2 1 4 104 45.0
3 1 5 105 60.0
4 1 6 106 75.0

In [20]:
det_df = bicorr_sums.init_det_df_sums(det_df)

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Cd Cd_err Sd1 Sd1_err Sd2 Sd2_err W W_err
0 1 2 102 15.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1 3 103 30.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 1 4 104 45.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1 5 105 60.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1 6 106 75.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [21]:
singles_e_df = bicorr_sums.init_singles_e_df(dict_index_to_det)

ch Sd Sd_err
0 1 NaN NaN
1 2 NaN NaN
2 3 NaN NaN
3 4 NaN NaN
4 5 NaN NaN

Calculate and fill doubles sums

In [22]:

(990, 600, 600)

In [23]:
det_df, energies_real = bicorr_sums.fill_det_df_doubles_e_sums(det_df, bhp_e, e_bin_edges, e_min, e_max, True)

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Cd Cd_err Sd1 Sd1_err Sd2 Sd2_err W W_err
0 1 2 102 15.0 23776.0 154.194682 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1 3 103 30.0 14170.0 119.037809 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 1 4 104 45.0 13777.0 117.375466 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1 5 105 60.0 13033.0 114.162165 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1 6 106 75.0 11558.0 107.508139 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [24]:
bicorr_plot.counts_vs_angle_all(det_df, save_flag=False)

<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

Calculate singles sums

In [25]:

ch Sd Sd_err
0 1 788117.0 887.759540
1 2 5227204.0 2286.307941
2 3 5083312.0 2254.620145
3 4 5450655.0 2334.663787
4 5 5765819.0 2401.211986

In [26]:
bicorr_plot.Sd_vs_ch_all(singles_e_df, save_flag=False)

<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

In [27]:
det_df = bicorr_sums.fill_det_df_singles_sums(det_df, singles_e_df)

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Cd Cd_err Sd1 Sd1_err Sd2 Sd2_err W W_err
0 1 2 102 15.0 23776.0 154.194682 788117.0 887.75954 5227204.0 2286.307941 NaN NaN
1 1 3 103 30.0 14170.0 119.037809 788117.0 887.75954 5083312.0 2254.620145 NaN NaN
2 1 4 104 45.0 13777.0 117.375466 788117.0 887.75954 5450655.0 2334.663787 NaN NaN
3 1 5 105 60.0 13033.0 114.162165 788117.0 887.75954 5765819.0 2401.211986 NaN NaN
4 1 6 106 75.0 11558.0 107.508139 788117.0 887.75954 5492867.0 2343.686626 NaN NaN

In [28]:
ax = plt.gca()
sc = ax.scatter(det_df['d1'],det_df['d2'],s=13,marker='s',
                edgecolor = 'none', c=det_df['Cd'],cmap='viridis')
ax.set_xlabel('d1 channel')
ax.set_ylabel('d2 channel')
ax.set_title('Doubles counts')
cbar = plt.colorbar(sc,fraction=0.043,pad=0.1)
cbar.set_label('Doubles counts')

ax = plt.gca()
sc = ax.scatter(det_df['d1'],det_df['d2'],s=13,marker='s',
                edgecolor = 'none', c=det_df['Sd1'],cmap='viridis')
ax.set_xlabel('d1 channel')
ax.set_ylabel('d2 channel')
ax.set_title('D1 singles counts')
cbar = plt.colorbar(sc,fraction=0.043,pad=0.1)
cbar.set_label('D1 singles counts')

ax = plt.gca()
sc = ax.scatter(det_df['d1'],det_df['d2'],s=13,marker='s',
                edgecolor = 'none', c=det_df['Sd2'],cmap='viridis')
ax.set_xlabel('d1 channel')
ax.set_ylabel('d2 channel')
ax.set_title('D2 singles counts')
cbar = plt.colorbar(sc,fraction=0.043,pad=0.1)
cbar.set_label('D2 Singles counts')

Calculate W values

In [29]:
det_df = bicorr_sums.calc_det_df_W(det_df)

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Cd Cd_err Sd1 Sd1_err Sd2 Sd2_err W W_err
0 1 2 102 15.0 23776.0 154.194682 788117.0 887.75954 5227204.0 2286.307941 5.771366e-09 3.807325e-11
1 1 3 103 30.0 14170.0 119.037809 788117.0 887.75954 5083312.0 2254.620145 3.536978e-09 3.002001e-11
2 1 4 104 45.0 13777.0 117.375466 788117.0 887.75954 5450655.0 2334.663787 3.207120e-09 2.759560e-11
3 1 5 105 60.0 13033.0 114.162165 788117.0 887.75954 5765819.0 2401.211986 2.868089e-09 2.535796e-11
4 1 6 106 75.0 11558.0 107.508139 788117.0 887.75954 5492867.0 2343.686626 2.669887e-09 2.504164e-11

In [30]:
ax = plt.gca()
sc = ax.scatter(det_df['d1'],det_df['d2'],s=13,marker='s',
                edgecolor = 'none', c=det_df['W'],cmap='viridis')
ax.set_xlabel('d1 channel')
ax.set_ylabel('d2 channel')
cbar = plt.colorbar(sc,fraction=0.043,pad=0.1)

In [31]:
chIgnore = [1,17,33]
det_df_ignore = det_df[~det_df['d1'].isin(chIgnore) & ~det_df['d2'].isin(chIgnore)]
bicorr_plot.W_vs_angle_all(det_df_ignore, save_flag=False)

<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

In [18]:

Condense to angle bin

In [32]:
angle_bin_edges = np.arange(8,190,10)

[  8  18  28  38  48  58  68  78  88  98 108 118 128 138 148 158 168 178

In [33]:
by_angle_df = bicorr_sums.condense_det_df_by_angle(det_df_ignore, angle_bin_edges)

angle_bin_centers angle_bin_max angle_bin_min len pair_is std_angle W W_err std W
0 13.0 18 8 40.0 0.439220 8.943096e-10 8.920461e-13 2.850903e-11
1 23.0 28 18 17.0 0.705868 6.664925e-10 1.190272e-12 1.355515e-11
2 33.0 38 28 84.0 2.934340 5.755158e-10 4.906239e-13 2.164828e-11
3 43.0 48 38 57.0 1.684873 5.163925e-10 5.618214e-13 1.306246e-11
4 53.0 58 48 53.0 2.414525 4.882797e-10 5.731019e-13 2.717532e-11

Plot it

In [34]:
bicorr_plot.W_vs_angle(det_df_ignore, by_angle_df, save_flag=False)

<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

Save to disk

In order to compare datasets, it would be nice to save these results to disk and reload in another notebook for comparison. These results are pretty easy, format-wise, so I'll just use the built-in pandas methods.

In [39]:

In [40]:

In [41]:


In [12]:
det_df_filled = pd.read_csv(r'det_df_e_filled.csv',index_col=0)

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Cd Cd_err Sd1 Sd1_err Sd2 Sd2_err W W_err
0 1 2 102 15.0 23776.0 154.194682 788117.0 887.75954 5227204.0 2286.307941 5.771366e-09 3.807325e-11
1 1 3 103 30.0 14170.0 119.037809 788117.0 887.75954 5083312.0 2254.620145 3.536978e-09 3.002001e-11
2 1 4 104 45.0 13777.0 117.375466 788117.0 887.75954 5450655.0 2334.663787 3.207120e-09 2.759560e-11
3 1 5 105 60.0 13033.0 114.162165 788117.0 887.75954 5765819.0 2401.211986 2.868089e-09 2.535796e-11
4 1 6 106 75.0 11558.0 107.508139 788117.0 887.75954 5492867.0 2343.686626 2.669887e-09 2.504164e-11

In [14]:
chIgnore = [1,17,33]
det_df_ignore = det_df_filled[~det_df_filled['d1'].isin(chIgnore) & ~det_df_filled['d2'].isin(chIgnore)]

d1 d2 d1d2 angle Cd Cd_err Sd1 Sd1_err Sd2 Sd2_err W W_err
44 2 3 203 15.0 24306.0 155.903817 5227204.0 2286.307941 5083312.0 2254.620145 9.147392e-10 5.894934e-12
45 2 4 204 30.0 16141.0 127.047235 5227204.0 2286.307941 5450655.0 2334.663787 5.665161e-10 4.472565e-12
46 2 5 205 45.0 15363.0 123.947570 5227204.0 2286.307941 5765819.0 2401.211986 5.097363e-10 4.124022e-12
47 2 6 206 60.0 13146.0 114.656007 5227204.0 2286.307941 5492867.0 2343.686626 4.578520e-10 4.003054e-12
48 2 7 207 75.0 12933.0 113.723349 5227204.0 2286.307941 5730066.0 2393.755627 4.317876e-10 3.805796e-12

In [7]:
singles_e_df_filled = pd.read_csv(r'singles_e_df_filled.csv',index_col=0)

ch Sd Sd_err
0 1 788117.0 887.759540
1 2 5227204.0 2286.307941
2 3 5083312.0 2254.620145
3 4 5450655.0 2334.663787
4 5 5765819.0 2401.211986

In [8]:
by_angle_e_df = pd.read_csv(r'by_angle_e_df.csv',index_col=0)

angle_bin_centers angle_bin_max angle_bin_min len pair_is std_angle W W_err std W
0 13.0 18 8 40.0 0.439220 8.943096e-10 8.920461e-13 2.850903e-11
1 23.0 28 18 17.0 0.705868 6.664925e-10 1.190272e-12 1.355515e-11
2 33.0 38 28 84.0 2.934340 5.755158e-10 4.906239e-13 2.164828e-11
3 43.0 48 38 57.0 1.684873 5.163925e-10 5.618214e-13 1.306246e-11
4 53.0 58 48 53.0 2.414525 4.882797e-10 5.731019e-13 2.717532e-11

In [16]:
bicorr_plot.W_vs_angle(det_df_ignore, by_angle_e_df, save_flag=False)

<Figure size 576x396 with 0 Axes>

In [ ]: