In [ ]:
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import describe
from scipy.stats import norm as norm_dist
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
from math import log, sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker, colors, gridspec
from copy import deepcopy
from utils import plot_hist, moving_average, hw, time_scale, hist_size_func
from binascii import unhexlify
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widgets
import tabulate
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# File name with output from ECTesterReader or ECTesterStandalone ECDH.
fname = "filename.csv"
# The time unit used in displaying the plots. One of "milli", "micro", "nano".
# WARNING: Using nano might lead to very large plots/histograms and to the
# notebook to freeze or run out of memory, as well as bad visualization
# quality, due to noise and low density.
time_unit = "milli"
# A number which will be used to divide the time into sub-units, e.g. for 5, time will be in fifths of units
scaling_factor = 1
# The amount of entries skipped from the beginning of the file, as they are usually outliers.
skip_first = 10
# Whether to plot things in logarithmic scale or not.
log_scale = False
# Whether to trim the time data outside the 1 - 99 percentile range (adjust below). Quite useful.
trim = True
# How much to trim? Either a number in [0,1] signifying a quantile, or an absolute value signifying a threshold
trim_low = 0.01
trim_high = 0.99
# Graphical (matplotlib) style name
style = "ggplot"
# Color map to use, and what color to assign to "bad" values (necessary for log_scale)
color_map =
color_map_bad = "black"
# What function to use to calculate number of histogram bins of time
# one of "sqrt", "sturges", "rice", "scott" and "fd" or a number specifying the number of bins
hist_size = "sturges"
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# Setup plot style
cmap = deepcopy(color_map)
# Normalization, linear or log.
if log_scale:
norm = colors.LogNorm()
norm = colors.Normalize()
# Read the header line.
with open(fname, "r") as f:
header = f.readline()
header_names = header.split(";")
if len(header_names) != 5:
print("Bad data?")
# Load the data
hx = lambda x: int(x, 16)
data = np.genfromtxt(fname, delimiter=";", skip_header=1, converters={2: unhexlify, 3: hx, 4: hx},
dtype=np.dtype([("index", "u4"), ("time", "u4"), ("pub", "O"), ("priv", "O"), ("secret", "O")]))
# Skip first (outliers?)
data = data[skip_first:]
# Setup the data
orig_time_unit = header_names[1].split("[")[1][:-1]
time_disp_unit = time_scale(data["time"], orig_time_unit, time_unit, scaling_factor)
# Trim times
quant_low_bound = trim_low if 0 <= trim_low <= 1 else 0.01
quant_high_bound = trim_high if 0 <= trim_high <= 1 else 0.95
quantiles = mquantiles(data["time"], prob=(quant_low_bound, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, quant_high_bound))
if trim:
low_bound = quantiles[0] if 0 <= trim_low <= 1 else trim_low
high_bound = quantiles[4] if 0 <= trim_high <= 1 else trim_high
data_trimmed = data[np.logical_and(data["time"] >= low_bound,
data["time"] <= high_bound)]
quantiles_trim = mquantiles(data_trimmed["time"], prob=(quant_low_bound, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, quant_high_bound))
low_bound = None
high_bound = None
data_trimmed = data
quantiles_trim = quantiles_gen
description = describe(data["time"])
description_trim = describe(data_trimmed["time"])
max_time = description.minmax[1]
min_time = description.minmax[0]
bit_size = len(bin(max(data["priv"]))) - 2
byte_size = (bit_size + 7) // 8
bit_size = byte_size * 8
hist_size_time = hist_size_func(hist_size)(description.nobs, min_time, max_time, description.variance, quantiles[1], quantiles[3])
hist_size_time_trim = hist_size_func(hist_size)(description_trim.nobs, description_trim.minmax[0], description_trim.minmax[1], description_trim.variance, quantiles_trim[1], quantiles_trim[3])
if hist_size_time < 30:
hist_size_time = max_time - min_time
if hist_size_time_trim < 30:
hist_size_time_trim = description_trim.minmax[1] - description_trim.minmax[0]
In [ ]:
desc = [("N", "min, max", "mean", "variance", "skewness", "kurtosis"),
display(HTML(tabulate.tabulate(desc, tablefmt="html")))
desc = [("N", "min, max", "mean", "variance", "skewness", "kurtosis"),
display(HTML(tabulate.tabulate(desc, tablefmt="html")))
In [ ]:
tbl = [(quant_low_bound, "0.25", "0.5", "0.75", quant_high_bound),
list(map(lambda x: "{} {}".format(x, time_disp_unit), quantiles))]
display(HTML(tabulate.tabulate(tbl, tablefmt="html")))
In [ ]:
display("Bitsize: {}".format(bit_size))
display("Histogram time bins: {}".format(hist_size_time))
display("Histogram time bins(trimmed): {}".format(hist_size_time_trim))
In [ ]:
fig_private = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 8), dpi=90)
axe_private = fig_private.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, title="Private key MSB vs key agreement time")
priv_msb = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x >> (bit_size - 8), data_trimmed["priv"])), dtype=np.dtype("u1"))
max_msb = max(priv_msb)
min_msb = min(priv_msb)
heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(priv_msb, data_trimmed["time"],
bins=[max_msb - min_msb + 1, hist_size_time_trim])
extent = [min_msb, max_msb, yedges[0], yedges[-1]]
im = axe_private.imshow(heatmap.T, extent=extent, aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, origin="low",
interpolation="nearest", norm=norm)
axe_private.set_xlabel("private key MSB value")
axe_private.set_ylabel("key agreement time ({})".format(time_disp_unit))
fig_private.colorbar(im, ax=axe_private)
del priv_msb
In [ ]:
fig_priv_hist = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 12), dpi=90)
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2.5, 1])
axe_priv_hist = fig_priv_hist.add_subplot(gs[0], title="Private key Hamming weight vs key agreement time")
axe_priv_hist_hw = fig_priv_hist.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=axe_priv_hist, title="Private key Hamming weight")
priv_hw = np.array(list(map(hw, data_trimmed["priv"])), dtype=np.dtype("u2"))
h, xe, ye = np.histogram2d(priv_hw, data_trimmed["time"], bins=[max(priv_hw) - min(priv_hw), hist_size_time_trim])
im = axe_priv_hist.imshow(h.T, origin="low", cmap=cmap, aspect="auto", extent=[xe[0], xe[-1], ye[0], ye[-1]], norm=norm)
axe_priv_hist.axvline(x=bit_size//2, alpha=0.7, linestyle="dotted", color="white", label=str(bit_size//2) + " bits")
axe_priv_hist.set_xlabel("private key Hamming weight")
axe_priv_hist.set_ylabel("key agreement time ({})".format(time_disp_unit))
plot_hist(axe_priv_hist_hw, priv_hw, "private key Hamming weight", log_scale, None)
param =
pdf_range = np.arange(min(priv_hw), max(priv_hw))
norm_pdf = norm_dist.pdf(pdf_range, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) * description_trim.nobs
axe_priv_hist_hw.plot(pdf_range, norm_pdf, label="fitted normal distribution")
fig_priv_hist.colorbar(im, ax=[axe_priv_hist, axe_priv_hist_hw])
display(HTML("<b>Private key Hamming weight fitted with normal distribution:</b>"))
display(HTML(tabulate.tabulate([("Mean", "Variance"), param], tablefmt="html")))
del priv_hw
In [ ]:
fig_ka_hist = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 8), dpi=90)
axe_hist_full = fig_ka_hist.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
axe_hist_trim = fig_ka_hist.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
plot_hist(axe_hist_full, data["time"], "key agreement time ({})".format(time_disp_unit), log_scale, hist_size_time);
plot_hist(axe_hist_trim, data_trimmed["time"], "key agreement time ({})".format(time_disp_unit), log_scale, hist_size_time_trim);
In [ ]:
fig_avg = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 7), dpi=90)
axe_avg = fig_avg.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, title="Moving average of key agreement time")
avg_100 = moving_average(data["time"], 100)
avg_1000 = moving_average(data["time"], 1000)
axe_avg.plot(avg_100, label="window = 100")
axe_avg.plot(avg_1000, label="window = 1000")
if low_bound is not None:
axe_avg.axhline(y=low_bound, alpha=0.7, linestyle="dotted", color="green", label="Low trim bound = {}".format(low_bound))
if high_bound is not None:
axe_avg.axhline(y=high_bound, alpha=0.7, linestyle="dotted", color="orange", label="Hight trim bound = {}".format(high_bound))
axe_avg.set_ylabel("key agreement time ({})".format(time_disp_unit))
del avg_100, avg_1000
In [ ]:
fig_priv_hists = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 8), dpi=90)
priv_msb = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x >> (bit_size - 8), data["priv"])), dtype=np.dtype("u1"))
priv_lsb = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x & 0xff, data["priv"])), dtype=np.dtype("u1"))
axe_msb_s_hist = fig_priv_hists.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, title="Private key MSB")
axe_lsb_s_hist = fig_priv_hists.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, title="Private key LSB")
msb_h = plot_hist(axe_msb_s_hist, priv_msb, "private key MSB", log_scale, False, False)
lsb_h = plot_hist(axe_lsb_s_hist, priv_lsb, "private key LSB", log_scale, False, False)
del priv_msb, priv_lsb
In [ ]:
fig_bl = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 12), dpi=90)
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2.5, 1])
axe_bl_heat = fig_bl.add_subplot(gs[0], title="Private key bit length vs keygen time")
axe_bl_hist = fig_bl.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=axe_bl_heat, title="Private key bit length")
bl_data = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x.bit_length(), data_trimmed["priv"])), dtype=np.dtype("u2"))
h, xe, ye = np.histogram2d(bl_data, data_trimmed["time"], bins=[max(bl_data) - min(bl_data), hist_size_time_trim])
im = axe_bl_heat.imshow(h.T, origin="low", cmap=cmap, aspect="auto", extent=[xe[0], xe[-1], ye[0], ye[-1]], norm=norm)
axe_bl_heat.set_xlabel("private key bit length")
axe_bl_heat.set_ylabel("key agreement time ({})".format(time_disp_unit))
plot_hist(axe_bl_hist, bl_data, "Private key bit length", log_scale, align="right")
fig_bl.colorbar(im, ax=[axe_bl_heat, axe_bl_hist])
del bl_data
In [ ]:
fig_bl_time = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 5), dpi=90)
axe_bl_time = fig_bl_time.add_subplot(111)
def f(center, width):
lower_bnd = center - width/2
upper_bnd = center + width/2
values = data_trimmed[np.logical_and(data_trimmed["time"] <= upper_bnd,
data_trimmed["time"] >= lower_bnd)]
axe_bl_time.set_title("Private key bit length, given key agreement time $\in ({}, {})$ {}".format(int(lower_bnd), int(upper_bnd), time_disp_unit))
bl_data = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x.bit_length(), values["priv"])), dtype=np.dtype("u2"))
plot_hist(axe_bl_time, bl_data, "private key bit length", bins=11, range=(bit_size-10, bit_size+1), align="left")
axe_bl_time.set_xlim((bit_size-10, bit_size))
center_w = widgets.IntSlider(min=min(data_trimmed["time"]),
description="center {}".format(time_disp_unit))
width_w = widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max=100, continuous_update=False,
description="width {}".format(time_disp_unit))
w = interactive(f, center=center_w,
In [ ]:
p_str = input("The prime specifying the finite field:")
p = int(p_str, 16) if p_str.startswith("0x") else int(p_str)
In [ ]:
r_str = input("The order of the curve:")
r = int(r_str, 16) if r_str.startswith("0x") else int(r_str)
All of the following tests should pass (e.g. be true), given a large enough sample.
In [ ]:
max_priv = max(data["priv"])
un = len(np.unique(data["priv"])) != 1
if un:
print("Private keys are smaller than order:\t\t\t" + str(max_priv < r))
print("Private keys are larger than prime(if order > prime):\t" + str(r <= p or max_priv > p))
print("Private keys reach full bit length of order:\t\t" + str(max_priv.bit_length() == r.bit_length()))
In [ ]:
if un:
print("Private key bit length (min, max):" + str(min(data["priv"]).bit_length()) + ", " + str(max(data["priv"]).bit_length()))
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