Web scraping of IMDb and write movie review

Simple news robot that gets movie title, director, rating, actors etc. from Internet Movie Database and automatically writes a very short review.

Import libraries and create functions

BeautifulSoup4 and lxml is two libraries that are used to extract contents from web pages. You may need to install them with pip.

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# Install libraries. Try pip3 instead if it doesn't work.
!pip install BeautifulSoup4
!pip install lxml

In [ ]:
# Import libraries.
from urllib import request
from lxml import html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import ssl

# Function to scrape HTML from web page.
def scrapewebpage(url):
    UseSSL = True  # If you get SSLError, change this to False.
    if UseSSL:
        web = request.urlopen(url)
        web = request.urlopen(url, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
    if web.getcode() == 200:
        print("Error %s reading %s" % str(web.getcode()), url)

# Helper function that scrape web page and return BeautifulSoup object.
def makesoup(url):
    html = scrapewebpage(url)
    return(BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml-xml"))

Scrape Internet Movie Database

Here we'll extract information from the HTML code. This is the hard part. Luckily, we already have a lot of information here.

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# Scrape movie Interstellar (2014).
soup = makesoup('http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/')

In [ ]:
# Movie ID.
movieid = soup.find(property="pageId").get("content")

# Movie URL.
movielink = 'http://www.imdb.com/title/' + movieid + '/'

# Title.
title = soup.find(itemprop="name").get_text()
title = title.strip() # Remove white spaces before and after title.

# Year.
year = soup.find(id="titleYear").get_text()
year = year[1:5] # Remove parentheses, so that (2014) becomes 2014.
year = int(year) # Year is a string now, int() will convert it to an integer (number).

# Remove year from title.
titleclean = title.replace("(" + str(year) + ")", "").strip()

# Length of movie.
duration = soup.find(itemprop="duration").get_text()
duration = duration.strip() # Remove white spaces before and after.

# Movie director.
director = soup.find(itemprop="director").find(itemprop="name").get_text()
director = director.strip() # Remove white spaces before and after.

# Movie rating.
rating = soup.find(itemprop="ratingValue").get_text()
rating = float(rating) # Float makes rating into a decimal number, like 6.8.

# Create a list of main actors.
actors = []
for castlist in soup.find_all("table", "cast_list"):
	for actor in castlist.find_all(itemprop="name"):

In [ ]:
print("Title:    " + titleclean)
print("Year:     " + str(year))
print("Director: " + director)
print("Duration: " + duration)
print("Rating:   " + str(rating))
for actor in actors:
	print("- " + actor)

Create news article

The title of the news article is based on the movie rating.

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# The higher the rating, the more spectacular title of the news article.
if rating == 10:
    newstitle = "The master piece {0} ({1}) by {2}".format(titleclean, year, director)
elif rating < 10 and rating > 7:
    newstitle = "Impressive {0} ({1}) by {2}".format(titleclean, year, director)
elif rating <= 7 and rating >= 4:
    newstitle = "{0} ({1}) by {2}".format(titleclean, year, director)
elif rating < 4:
    newstitle = "{0} by {2} is the worst movie of {1}".format(titleclean, year, director)

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# Number of years ago the movie was produced.
import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now()

yearsago = now.year - year

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# Body text of the news article.
newsbody = """{0} by {1} was produced {2} years ago and have gotten the rating {3} on the movie site IMDb.

{4} and {5} is in the leading cast.

""".format(titleclean, director, yearsago, rating, actors[0], actors[1], movielink)

Print news article

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