Get Facebook statuses from Python

Download status updates and comments from Facebook pages and Facebook groups.

Uses the Facebook GraphAPI.

Facebook access token

To use the Facebook GraphAPI, you need an access token. It's basically a key that unlocks the service.

How to get access token:

  1. Go to
  2. Click button Get Token and then Get User Access Token.
  3. The box Select Permissions appears. Check all boxes and click Get Access Token.
  4. Facebook will ask for your permission. Press OK.
  5. Copy the access token - the long string that start with something like E3OGYAACENWbS6CRz7qiFudEose0cBAMdqw...
  6. Come back here and replace XXX below with your access token.

In [ ]:
accesstoken = "XXX"

Define Facebook functions

Create some fuctions that will scrape Facebook pages.

It is a lot of things here, but you'll only interact with these functions:

  • getme() will get information about yourself.
  • getpage(id) will get information about a page by its page ID, slug name or URL, and return page information.
  • getstatuses(pageid) will get status updates from a page by its page ID, and return a list of statuses.

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# Install facepy package to connect o Facebook API. If it doesn't work, test with pip3 instead. 
!pip install facepy

In [ ]:
# Import the "facepy" library that talks to Facebooks API.
from facepy.exceptions import OAuthError
from facepy import GraphAPI
import datetime

# Function that connects to Faceboko GraphAPI and returns information about you.
def getme():
    print("Fetching yourself...")
    graph = GraphAPI(accesstoken, version="2.11")
    melist = graph.get("me?fields=id,name,email,birthday", page=True, retry=2, limit=1)
    for me in melist:
    print("Couldn't find you...")

# Function that gets information about a Facebook page.
def getpage(id):
    graph = GraphAPI(accesstoken, version="2.11")
    page = graph.get(str(id) + "?fields=id,name,link,fan_count", page=False, retry=2, limit=1)
# Function to get statuses from a Facebook page.
def getstatuses(id, limit=0):
    fields = "permalink_url,message,link,created_time,type,from,name,id,likes.limit(1).summary(true),comments.limit(1).summary(true),shares"
    if limit == 0:
        print("Fetching statuses (this might take some while, consider changing the limit to speed things up)...")
        print("Fetching statuses (limited to latest {0})...".format(limit))
    graph = GraphAPI(accesstoken, version="2.11")
    pages = graph.get(str(id) + "/feed?fields=" + fields, page=True, retry=2, limit=1)
    l = process_pager(pages, limit)
    print("Got {0} statuses.".format(len(l)))
# Function that process pager from facepy and cycle through each status message.
def process_pager(pages, limit):
    l = []
    i = 0
    for page in pages:
        for status in page["data"]:
            i = i + 1
            if i >= limit and limit != 0:
        if i >= limit and limit != 0:

# Function that processes a status message into a more easy-to-use dictionary.
def process_status(status):
    status_dict = {
        "fromname": status["from"]["name"],
        "fromid": status["from"]["id"],
        "id": status["id"],
        "type":  status["type"],
        "created": process_date(status["created_time"]),
        "message": "" if "message" not in status.keys() else str(status["message"].encode("utf-8")),
        "link": "" if "link" not in status.keys() else status["link"],
        "linkname": "" if "name" not in status.keys() else status["name"].encode("utf-8"),
        "likes": 0 if "likes" not in status.keys() else status["likes"]["summary"]["total_count"],
        "comments": 0 if "comments" not in status.keys() else status["comments"]["summary"]["total_count"],
        "shares": 0 if "shares" not in status.keys() else status["shares"]["count"],
        "permalink": status["permalink_url"]
# Function that convert dates from Facebook to yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
def process_date(strdate):
    dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(strdate, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000")
    #dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(hours = -6) # About -6 hours in Swedish time.
    dt = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

Get your own Facebook

In [ ]:
me = getme()

In [ ]:

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# Your name.

# Your ID.

# Your birthday.

Get information about Facebook page

In [ ]:
guardian = getpage("")

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print("{0} ({1}) has {2} fans and ID {3}.".format(guardian["name"], guardian["link"], guardian["fan_count"], guardian["id"]))

Get status messages from Facebook page

The status messages are stored as a dictionary object.

You can see the contents by printing them like print(status["id"]). Here are all the available names:

Status Description
status["fromname"] name of sender
status["fromid"] ID of sender
status["id"] ID of status message
status["type"] type of status message (e.g., link, event, picture)
status["created"] date when message was published
status["message"] status message
status["link"] URL link in the status message
status["linkname"] name of link that status message may contain
status["likes"] number of likes status message got
status["comments"] number of comments status message got
status["shares"] number of shares status message got
status["permalink"] URL link to Facebook post

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# Get Facebook status updates from The Guardian (PageID: 10513336322).
guardian_statuses = getstatuses(10513336322, limit=20)

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# Show info about each status message.
for status in guardian_statuses:
    print("Created: " + status["created"])
    print("Permalink: " + status["permalink"])
    print("Message: " + status["message"][:60])
    print("Info: {0} likes, {1} shares, {2} comments".format(status["likes"], status["shares"], status["comments"]))

In [ ]:
# Lets count the number of links among all status messages.

# Counter to store the number of links.
i = 0

# Get the number of total status messages. len() means length.
total_statuses = len(guardian_statuses)

# How many statuses are links? Do a for-loop and increment the counter with 1 if it is a link.
for status in guardian_statuses:
    if status["type"] == "link":
        i = i + 1

print("There are {0} status messages and {1} of them are links.".format(total_statuses, i))

In [ ]:
# Descriptive statistics: how many likes did they get in total?
total_likes = 0
for status in guardian_statuses:
    total_likes = total_likes + status["likes"]

print("Total {0} likes.".format(total_likes))