In [1]:
# Tell matplotlib to plot in line
%matplotlib inline

# import pandas
import pandas

# seaborn magically adds a layer of goodness on top of Matplotlib
# mostly this is just changing matplotlib defaults, but it does also
# provide some higher level plotting methods.
import seaborn

# Tell seaborn to set things up

In [8]:
infile = "../files/pijessie_weather.csv"

In [2]:
!scp $infile

weather.csv                                   100% 9735KB   4.8MB/s   00:02    

In [9]:
""" assume it is csv and let pandas do magic

  index_col tells it to use the 'date' column in the data
  as the row index, plotting picks up on this and uses the
  date on the x-axis

  The *parse_dates* bit just tells it to try and figure out
  the date/time in the columne labeled 'date'.
data = pandas.read_csv(infile, index_col='date', parse_dates=['date'])

See the pressure plummet as Joaquin approaches Bermuda

Pressure is still dropping as of 17.50pm BDA time.

It looks like pressure was starting to bottom out around 10pm BDA time.

No surprise that is when my power went out :(

I will have to look into more reliable power for the raspberry pi for the next storm.

In [4]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe585742860>

In [12]:
# See how this compares to "normal" pressure
# Plot the last 10 days


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe58565db00>

In [10]:

temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht
2015-10-05 00:58:00.057913 26.2 98395 245.990163 98410 96.199997 25.799999
2015-10-05 00:59:00.673876 26.2 98383 247.865819 98389 96.099998 25.700001
2015-10-05 01:00:01.316217 26.2 98383 247.013206 98383 95.900002 25.700001
2015-10-05 01:01:04.485819 26.2 98408 247.098464 98395 95.900002 25.700001
2015-10-05 01:02:05.128270 26.1 98414 244.455788 98420 95.900002 25.700001

In [6]:


Bermuda Weather Radar

I found the Bermuda weather radar invaluable for watchin Joaquin

Below is a screenshot from 19.39 BDA time.

In [7]:
from IPython import display
