In [132]:
# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 20180410
@author: zhangji
%pylab inline
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18.5, 10.5)
fontsize = 40
import os
import importlib
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import re
from scanf import scanf
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from scipy import interpolate, integrate, optimize
from codeStore import support_fun as spf
from src import slenderBodyTheory as slb
from src import stokesletsInPipe as stlpp
from src import stokes_flow as sf
from src import geo
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm as tqdm_notebook
PWD = os.getcwd()
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=130, precision=5)
In [35]:
greenFun = stlpp.StokesletsRinginPipe_light(threshold=1000)
In [53]:
mij = greenFun.solve_u_light(0.2, 0.2)
R = 0.1
z_list = np.linspace(0, 1e1, 100)
tu = []
for zi in z_list:
tu.append(greenFun.solve_u1_light(0.1, zi))
tu = np.array(tu)
In [54]:
plt.plot(z_list, tu[:, 2])
In [174]:
length = 0.2
rh = 0.8
deltalength = 0.005
u_geo = geo.revolve_pipe()
# f_geo = u_geo.create_deltalength(deltalength, length, rh)
f_geo = u_geo.create_half_deltalength_v2(deltalength, length, rh)
t1 = u_geo.get_nodes()
# f_geo = u_geo.copy()
# f_geo.node_zoom((length - deltalength) / length)
t2 = f_geo.get_nodes()
plt.plot(t1[:, 2], t1[:, 0], '-o')
plt.plot(t2[:, 2], t2[:, 0], '.')
# plt.plot(t1[:, 2], np.ones_like(t1[:, 2]) * t1[-1, 0], '-o')
# plt.plot(t2[:, 2], np.ones_like(t1[:, 2]) * t2[-1, 0], '.')
plt.ylim(rh - 0.1, rh + 0.05)
print(t1.min(), t1.min())
# print(t1[:, [0, 2]][:])
In [117]:
n = 100
factor = 0.1
f1 = lambda x: (np.exp(x * factor) - 1) / (2 * (np.exp(0.5 * factor) - 1))
f2 = lambda x: np.log(2 * (np.exp(0.5 / factor) - 1) * x + 1) * factor
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, n)
y1 = np.sign(x) * f1(np.abs(x)) + 0.5
y2 = np.sign(x) * f2(np.abs(x)) + 0.5
y = (y1 * factor + y2 / factor) / (y1[-1] * factor + y2[-1] / factor)
x = x * 2
y = y * 2 - 1
plt.plot(y[int(n/2):], x[int(n/2):], '.')
In [142]:
a = 1
b = 1
deltalength = 0.05
kwargs = {}
u_geo = geo.revolve_ellipse()
f_geo = u_geo.create_deltalength(deltalength, a, b)
t1 = u_geo.get_nodes()
afct = (a - deltalength) / a
bfct = (b - deltalength) / b
t2 = f_geo.get_nodes()
plt.plot(t1[:, 2], t1[:, 0], '.')
plt.plot(t2[:, 2], t2[:, 0], '.')
In [ ]:
In [1]:
import sys
import petsc4py
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import importlib
# from time import time
# from import loadmat
# from src.stokes_flow import problem_dic, obj_dic
from src import geo
from petsc4py import PETSc
from src import stokes_flow as sf
from src.myio import *
from src.support_class import *
from src.objComposite import createEcoliComp_tunnel
from src.myvtk import save_singleEcoli_vtk
from ecoli_in_pipe.ecoli_common import *
In [4]:
rs1 = 0.6
rs2 = 0.6
ls = 1
ds = 0.01
stokeslets_threshold = 100
ksp_max_it = 1000
use_tqdm_notebook = True
matrix_method = 'pf_stokesletsRingInPipe'
OptDB = PETSc.Options()
fileHandle = OptDB.getString('f', 'try_stokesletsRingInPipe')
OptDB.setValue('f', fileHandle)
OptDB.setValue('sm', matrix_method)
main_kwargs = {'fileHandle': fileHandle}
problem_kwargs = get_problem_kwargs(**main_kwargs)
problem_kwargs['rs1'] = rs1
problem_kwargs['rs2'] = rs2
problem_kwargs['ls'] = ls
problem_kwargs['ds'] = ds
problem_kwargs['ksp_max_it'] = ksp_max_it
problem_kwargs['use_tqdm_notebook'] = use_tqdm_notebook
problem_kwargs['stokeslets_threshold'] = stokeslets_threshold
if not problem_kwargs['restart']:
# # sphere
# rs1 = problem_kwargs['rs1']
# rs2 = problem_kwargs['rs2']
# ds = problem_kwargs['ds']
# u_geo = geo.revolve_ellipse()
# f_geo = u_geo.create_deltalength(ds, rs1, rs2)
# u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
# cylinder
rs = problem_kwargs['rs1']
ls = problem_kwargs['ls']
ds = problem_kwargs['ds']
u_geo = geo.revolve_pipe()
f_geo = u_geo.create_deltalength(ds, ls, rs)
u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
revolve_obj1 = sf.StokesFlowObj()
revolve_obj1.set_data(f_geo, u_geo, name='sphereObj_0')
problem1 = sf.StokesletsRingInPipeProblem(**problem_kwargs)
problem1.do_solve_process((revolve_obj1,), pick_M=False)
print(revolve_obj1.get_total_force()[:3] * 2 * np.pi / (6 * np.pi * rs2))
matrix_method = 'pf_stokesletsRingInPipeProblemSymz'
OptDB = PETSc.Options()
fileHandle = OptDB.getString('f', 'try_stokesletsRingInPipe')
OptDB.setValue('f', fileHandle)
OptDB.setValue('sm', matrix_method)
main_kwargs = {'fileHandle': fileHandle}
problem_kwargs = get_problem_kwargs(**main_kwargs)
problem_kwargs['rs1'] = rs1
problem_kwargs['rs2'] = rs2
problem_kwargs['ls'] = ls
problem_kwargs['ds'] = ds
problem_kwargs['ksp_max_it'] = ksp_max_it
problem_kwargs['use_tqdm_notebook'] = use_tqdm_notebook
problem_kwargs['stokeslets_threshold'] = stokeslets_threshold
if not problem_kwargs['restart']:
# # sphere
# rs1 = problem_kwargs['rs1']
# rs2 = problem_kwargs['rs2']
# ds = problem_kwargs['ds']
# u_geo = geo.revolve_ellipse()
# f_geo = u_geo.create_half_deltalength(ds, rs1, rs2)
# u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
# cylinder
rs = problem_kwargs['rs1']
ls = problem_kwargs['ls']
ds = problem_kwargs['ds']
u_geo = geo.revolve_pipe()
f_geo = u_geo.create_half_deltalength(ds, ls, rs)
u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
revolve_obj2 = sf.StokesFlowObj()
revolve_obj2.set_data(f_geo, u_geo, name='sphereObj_0')
problem2 = sf.StokesletsRingInPipeProblemSymz(**problem_kwargs)
problem2.do_solve_process((revolve_obj2,), pick_M=False)
print(revolve_obj2.get_total_force()[:3] * 2 * np.pi / (6 * np.pi * rs2) * 2)
In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
tfct = 0.0031
n_nodes = revolve_obj1.get_f_nodes().shape[0]
tf = revolve_obj1.get_force().reshape((-1, 3)).T[:, :int(n_nodes/2)]
tu = revolve_obj1.get_velocity().reshape((-1, 3)).T[:, :int(n_nodes/2)]
tfn = revolve_obj1.get_f_nodes().T[:, :int(n_nodes/2)]
tun = revolve_obj1.get_u_nodes().T[:, :int(n_nodes/2)]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
axi = axs[0]
axi.plot(tun[2], tun[0])
axi.plot(tfn[2], tfn[0])
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
axi = axs[1]
axi.quiver(tfn[2], tfn[0], tf[2]*tfct, tf[0]*tfct, scale = 1., units='width')
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
tf = revolve_obj2.get_force().reshape((-1, 3)).T
tu = revolve_obj2.get_velocity().reshape((-1, 3)).T
tfn = revolve_obj2.get_f_nodes().T
tun = revolve_obj2.get_u_nodes().T
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
axi = axs[0]
axi.plot(tun[2], tun[0])
axi.plot(tfn[2], tfn[0])
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
axi = axs[1]
axi.quiver(tfn[2], tfn[0], tf[2]*tfct, tf[0]*tfct, scale = 1., units='width')
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
In [2]:
rs1 = 0.5
rs2 = 0.5
ls = 1
ds = 0.01
stokeslets_threshold = 100
ksp_max_it = 1000
use_tqdm_notebook = True
matrix_method = 'pf_stokesletsRingInPipeProblemSymz'
OptDB = PETSc.Options()
fileHandle = OptDB.getString('f', 'try_stokesletsRingInPipe')
OptDB.setValue('f', fileHandle)
OptDB.setValue('sm', matrix_method)
main_kwargs = {'fileHandle': fileHandle}
problem_kwargs = get_problem_kwargs(**main_kwargs)
problem_kwargs['rs1'] = rs1
problem_kwargs['rs2'] = rs2
problem_kwargs['ls'] = ls
problem_kwargs['ds'] = ds
problem_kwargs['ksp_max_it'] = ksp_max_it
problem_kwargs['use_tqdm_notebook'] = use_tqdm_notebook
problem_kwargs['stokeslets_threshold'] = stokeslets_threshold
if not problem_kwargs['restart']:
# cylinder
rs = problem_kwargs['rs1']
ls = problem_kwargs['ls']
ds = problem_kwargs['ds']
u_geo = geo.revolve_pipe()
f_geo = u_geo.create_half_deltalength(ds, ls, rs)
# u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)))
revolve_obj2 = sf.StokesFlowObj()
revolve_obj2.set_data(f_geo, u_geo, name='sphereObj_0')
problem2 = sf.StokesletsRingInPipeProblemSymz(**problem_kwargs)
problem2.do_solve_process((revolve_obj2,), pick_M=False)
print(revolve_obj2.get_total_force()[:3] * 2 * np.pi / (6 * np.pi * rs2) * 2)
print(revolve_obj2.get_total_force()[3:] * 2 * np.pi / (8 * np.pi * rs2 ** 2) * 2)
In [33]:
m2 = problem2.get_M()
tun2 = revolve_obj2.get_u_nodes().T
tfn2 = revolve_obj2.get_f_nodes().T
tf2 = revolve_obj2.get_force()
tu2 = revolve_obj2.get_velocity()
In [34]:
%matplotlib inline
tfct = 0.5
tf = revolve_obj2.get_force().reshape((-1, 3)).T
tu = revolve_obj2.get_velocity().reshape((-1, 3)).T
tfn = revolve_obj2.get_f_nodes().T
tun = revolve_obj2.get_u_nodes().T
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
axi = axs[0]
axi.plot(tun[2], tun[0])
axi.plot(tfn[2], tfn[0])
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
axi = axs[1]
axi.quiver(tfn[2], tfn[0], tf[2]*tfct, tf[0]*tfct, scale = 1., units='width')
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
In [11]:
print(revolve_obj2.get_total_force()[:] * 2 * np.pi / (6 * np.pi * rs2) * 2)
In [ ]:
In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import numpy as np
from src.geo import *
from petsc4py import PETSc
from src import stokes_flow as sf
from codeStore.ecoli_common import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
In [10]:
problem_kwargs = {'rs1': 1.0,
'ch': 0.1,
'ffweightz': 1,
'rh12': 0.2,
'bnodeshandle': 'bnodes',
'with_T_geo': True,
'n_node_threshold': 10000,
'rs2': 1.0,
'eT': -0.1,
'pickProblem': False,
'rh2': 0.05,
'rot_norm': np.array([1, 0, 0]),
'fileHandle': 'dbg',
'rT2': 0.05,
'precondition_method': 'none',
'hfct': 1,
'rh1': 0.2,
'restart': False,
'with_cover': 2,
'zoom_factor': 1,
'ds': 0.1,
'rh11': 0.2,
'rel_Us': np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
'ntT': 3,
'n_tail': 2,
'Tfct': 1,
'solve_method': 'gmres',
'ls': 4.0,
'center': np.array([0, 0, 0]),
'getConvergenceHistory': False,
'ffweightT': 1,
'dist_hs': 2,
'eh': -0.1,
'matrix_method': 'pf_stokesletsRing',
'int_limit': 10000,
'int_epsabs': 1e-200,
'rT1': 0.2,
'es': -1.0,
'ffweighty': 1,
'matname': 'body1',
'int_epsrel': 1e-10,
'belemshandle': 'belems',
'rot_theta': 0,
'ph': 3,
'left_hand': False,
'plot_geo': False,
'nth': 3,
'rel_Uh': np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
'ffweightx': 1}
problem_kwargs['ls'] = 4
fileHandle = problem_kwargs['fileHandle']
# cylinder in bulk fluid
rs1 = problem_kwargs['rs1']
rs2 = problem_kwargs['rs2']
err_msg = 'the symmetric assumption needs rs1==rs2'
assert rs1 == rs2, err_msg
ls = problem_kwargs['ls']
ds = problem_kwargs['ds']
u_geo = revolve_pipe()
f_geo = u_geo.create_deltaz(ds, ls, rs1)
u_geo.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
revolve_obj = sf.StokesFlowRingObj()
revolve_obj.set_data(f_geo, u_geo, name='pipeObj_0')
problem = sf.StokesletsRingProblem(**problem_kwargs)
if problem_kwargs['pickProblem']:
problem.pickmyself('%s_tran' % fileHandle, ifcheck=True)
# translation
revolve_obj.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
if problem_kwargs['pickProblem']:
problem.pickmyself('%s_tran' % fileHandle, pick_M=False, mat_destroy=False)
PETSc.Sys.Print('translational resistance is %f ' %
problem.vtk_obj('%s_tran' % fileHandle)
# rotation
revolve_obj.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)))
if problem_kwargs['pickProblem']:
problem.pickmyself('%s_rot' % fileHandle, pick_M=False)
PETSc.Sys.Print('rotational resistance is %f ' %
problem.vtk_obj('%s_rot' % fileHandle)
In [ ]:
In [11]:
# rotation
revolve_obj.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)))
if problem_kwargs['pickProblem']:
problem.pickmyself('%s_rot' % fileHandle, pick_M=False)
PETSc.Sys.Print('rotational resistance is %f ' %
problem.vtk_obj('%s_rot' % fileHandle)
center = revolve_obj.get_u_geo().get_origin()
fnodes = revolve_obj.get_f_nodes()
rf = np.vstack((fnodes[:, 0], fnodes[:, 0], fnodes[:, 0],)).T
f = revolve_obj.get_force().reshape((-1, revolve_obj.get_n_unknown())) * rf
r = revolve_obj.get_f_geo().get_nodes() - center
t = np.cross(r, f[:, :3]) # some solve methods may have additional degrees of freedoms.
f_t = np.hstack((f, t)).sum(axis=0) * 2 * np.pi
# %matplotlib inline
# tfct = 0.01
# tf = revolve_obj.get_force().reshape((-1, 3)).T
# tu = revolve_obj.get_velocity().reshape((-1, 3)).T
# tfn = revolve_obj.get_f_nodes().T
# tun = revolve_obj.get_u_nodes().T
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100)
# fig.patch.set_facecolor('white')
# axi = axs[0]
# axi.plot(tun[2], tun[0])
# axi.plot(tfn[2], tfn[0])
# axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
# # axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
# axi = axs[1]
# axi.quiver(tfn[2], tfn[0], tf[2]*tfct, tf[0]*tfct, scale = 1., units='width')
# axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
# axi.set_ylim(-0.2, 1.3)
In [ ]:
In [12]:
# translation
revolve_obj.set_rigid_velocity(np.array((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
if problem_kwargs['pickProblem']:
problem.pickmyself('%s_tran' % fileHandle, pick_M=False, mat_destroy=False)
PETSc.Sys.Print('translational resistance is %f ' %
problem.vtk_obj('%s_tran' % fileHandle)
center = revolve_obj.get_u_geo().get_origin()
fnodes = revolve_obj.get_f_nodes()
rf = np.vstack((fnodes[:, 0], fnodes[:, 0], fnodes[:, 0],)).T
f = revolve_obj.get_force().reshape((-1, revolve_obj.get_n_unknown())) * rf
r = revolve_obj.get_f_geo().get_nodes() - center
t = np.cross(r, f[:, :3]) # some solve methods may have additional degrees of freedoms.
f_t = np.hstack((f, t)).sum(axis=0) * 2 * np.pi
%matplotlib inline
tfct = 0.0001
tf = revolve_obj.get_force().reshape((-1, 3)).T
tu = revolve_obj.get_velocity().reshape((-1, 3)).T
tfn = revolve_obj.get_f_nodes().T
tun = revolve_obj.get_u_nodes().T
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100)
axi = axs[0]
axi.plot(tun[2], tun[0])
axi.plot(tfn[2], tfn[0])
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
# axi.set_xlim(0, 1)
axi = axs[1]
axi.quiver(tfn[2], tfn[0], tf[2]*tfct, tf[0]*tfct, scale = 1., units='width')
axi.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
axi.set_ylim(-0.2, 1.3)
In [ ]:
In [ ]: