Another common characterisation method is the t-plot method. First, make sure the data is imported by running the previous notebook.
In [1]:
%run import.ipynb
This method requires, besides the isotherm, a so-called thickness function which describes the thickness of adsorbate on a non-porous surface. It can be specified by the user, or otherwise the "Harkins and Jura" thickness model is used as default. When the function is called without any other parameters, the framework will attempt to find plateaus in the data and automatically fit them with a straight line.
Let's look again at the our MCM-41 pore-controlled glass.
In [2]:
isotherm = next(i for i in isotherms_n2_77k if i.material=='MCM-41')
pygaps.t_plot(isotherm, verbose=True)
The first line can be atributed to adsorption on the pore surface, while the second one is adsorption on the external surface after pore filling. Two values are calculated for each section detected: the adsorbed volume and the area. In this case, the area of the first linear region corresponds to the pore area. Compare the specific surface area obtained of 350 $m^2$ with the 360 $m^2$ obtained through the BET method previously.
In the second region, the adsorbed volume corresponds to the total pore volume and the area is the external surface area of the sample.
We can get a better result for the surface area by attempting to have the first linear region at a zero intercept.
In [3]:
pygaps.t_plot(isotherm, thickness_model='Harkins/Jura',
limits=(0.3,0.44), verbose=True)
A near perfect match with the BET method. Of course, the method is only this accurate in certain cases. Let's do the calculations for all the nitrogen isotherms, using the same assumption that the first linear region is a good indicator of surface area.
In [4]:
results = []
for isotherm in isotherms_n2_77k:
results.append((isotherm.material, pygaps.t_plot(isotherm, 'Harkins/Jura')))
[(x, y['results'][0].get('area')) for (x,y) in results]
We can see that, while we get reasonable values for the silica samples, all the rest are quite different. This is due to a number of factors depending on the material, with ultramicroporous condensation and adsorbate-adsorbent interactions having an effect on the thickness of the layer. The t-plot requires careful thought to assign meaning to the calculated values.
Since no thickness model can be universal, the framework allows for the thickness model to be substituted with an user-provided function which will be used for the thickness calculation, or even another isotherm, which will be converted into a thickness model.
For example, using a carbon black type model:
In [5]:
def carbon_model(relative_p):
return 0.88*(relative_p**2) + 6.45*relative_p + 2.98
isotherm = next(i for i in isotherms_n2_77k if i.material=='Takeda 5A')
pygaps.t_plot(isotherm, thickness_model=carbon_model, verbose=True)
Isotherms which do not use nitrogen can also be used, but one should be careful that the thickness model is well chosen.
More information about the functions and their use can be found in the manual.