
Creating an isotherm

First, we need to import the package.

In [1]:
import pygaps

The backbone of the framework is the PointIsotherm class. This class stores the isotherm data alongside isotherm properties such as the material, adsorbate and temperature, as well as providing easy interaction with the framework calculations. There are several ways to create a PointIsotherm object:

  • directly from arrays
  • from a pandas.DataFrame
  • parsing json, csv files, or excel files
  • from an sqlite database

See the isotherm creation part of the documentation for a more in-depth explanation. For the simplest method, the data can be passed in as arrays of pressure and loading. There are four other required parameters: the material name, the material batch or ID, the adsorbate used and the temperature (in K) at which the data was recorded.

In [2]:
isotherm = pygaps.PointIsotherm(
    pressure=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.35, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05],
    loading=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.45, 0.4, 0.3, 0.15, 0.05],
    material= 'Carbon X1',
    adsorbate = 'N2',
    temperature = 77,

WARNING: 'pressure_unit' was not specified, assumed as 'bar'
WARNING: 'pressure_mode' was not specified, assumed as 'absolute'
WARNING: 'adsorbent_unit' was not specified, assumed as 'g'
WARNING: 'adsorbent_basis' was not specified, assumed as 'mass'
WARNING: 'loading_unit' was not specified, assumed as 'mmol'
WARNING: 'loading_basis' was not specified, assumed as 'molar'

Unless specified, the loading is read in mmol/g and the pressure is read in bar, although these settings can be changed. Read more about it in the units section of the manual. The isotherm can also have other properties which are passed in at creation.

Alternatively, the data can be passed in the form of a pandas.DataFrame. This allows for other complementary data, such as isosteric enthalpy, XRD peak intensity, or other simultaneous measurements corresponding to each point to be saved.

The DataFrame should have at least two columns: the pressures at which each point was recorded, and the loadings for each point. The loading_key and pressure_key parameters specify which column in the DataFrame contain the loading and pressure, respectively. The other_keys parameter should be a list of other columns to be saved.

In [3]:
import pandas

data = pandas.DataFrame({
    'pressure': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.45, 0.35, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05],
    'loading': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.15, 0.05],
    'isosteric_enthalpy (kJ/mol)': [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10]

isotherm = pygaps.PointIsotherm(
    other_keys=['isosteric_enthalpy (kJ/mol)'],
    material= 'Carbon X1',
    adsorbate = 'N2',
    temperature = 77,
    material_batch = 'Batch 1',

pyGAPS also comes with a variety of parsers. Here we can use the JSON parser to get an isotherm previously saved on disk. For more info on parsing to and from various formats see the manual and the associated examples.

In [4]:
with open(r'data/carbon_x1_n2.json') as f:
    isotherm = pygaps.isotherm_from_json(f.read())

To see a summary of the isotherm as well as a graph, use the included function:

In [5]:

Material: Takeda 5A
Adsorbate: nitrogen
Temperature: 77.355K
iso_type: Isotherme
material_batch: Test
	Uptake in: mmol/g
	Pressure in: bar
Other properties: 
	is_real: True
	machine: Triflex
	t_act: 200.0
	user: PI

Now that the PointIsotherm is created, we are ready to do some analysis.

Isotherm analysis

The framework has several isotherm analysis tools which are commonly used to characterise porous materials such as:

  • BET surface area
  • the t-plot method / alpha s method
  • mesoporous PSD (pore size distribution) calculations
  • microporous PSD calculations
  • DFT kernel fitting PSD methods
  • isosteric enthalpy of adsorption calculation
  • etc.

All methods work directly with generated Isotherms. For example, to perform a tplot analysis and get the results in a dictionary use:

In [6]:
result_dict = pygaps.t_plot(isotherm)

import pprint

{'results': [{'adsorbed_volume': 0.4493471225837101,
              'area': 99.54915759758686,
              'corr_coef': 0.9996658295304233,
              'intercept': 0.012929909242021878,
              'section': [84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90],
              'slope': 0.0028645150000192595}],
 't_curve': array([0.14381104, 0.14800322, 0.1525095 , 0.15712503, 0.1617626 ,
       0.16612841, 0.17033488, 0.17458578, 0.17879119, 0.18306956,
       0.18764848, 0.19283516, 0.19881473, 0.2058225 , 0.21395749,
       0.2228623 , 0.23213447, 0.2411563 , 0.24949659, 0.25634201,
       0.2635719 , 0.27002947, 0.27633547, 0.28229453, 0.28784398,
       0.29315681, 0.29819119, 0.30301872, 0.30762151, 0.31210773,
       0.31641915, 0.32068381, 0.32481658, 0.32886821, 0.33277497,
       0.33761078, 0.34138501, 0.34505614, 0.34870159, 0.35228919,
       0.35587619, 0.35917214, 0.36264598, 0.36618179, 0.36956969,
       0.37295932, 0.37630582, 0.37957513, 0.38277985, 0.38608229,
       0.3892784 , 0.3924393 , 0.39566979, 0.39876923, 0.40194987,
       0.40514492, 0.40824114, 0.41138787, 0.41450379, 0.41759906,
       0.42072338, 0.42387825, 0.42691471, 0.43000525, 0.44357547,
       0.46150731, 0.47647445, 0.49286816, 0.50812087, 0.52341251,
       0.53937129, 0.55659203, 0.57281485, 0.5897311 , 0.609567  ,
       0.62665975, 0.64822743, 0.66907008, 0.69046915, 0.71246898,
       0.73767931, 0.76126425, 0.79092372, 0.82052677, 0.85273827,
       0.88701466, 0.92485731, 0.96660227, 1.01333614, 1.06514197,
       1.1237298 , 1.19133932, 1.27032012, 1.36103511, 1.45572245,

If in an interactive environment, such as iPython or Jupyter, it is useful to see the details of the calculation directly. To do this, increase the verbosity of the method and use matplotlib to display extra information, including graphs:

In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

result_dict = pygaps.area_BET(isotherm, verbose=True)


BET surface area: a = 1111 m2/g
Minimum pressure point chosen is 0.01 and maximum is 0.093
The slope of the BET fit: s = 87.602
The intercept of the BET fit: i = 0.238
The BET constant is: C = 368
Amount for a monolayer: n = 0.01138 mol/g

Depending on the method, different parameters can be passed to tweak the way the calculations are performed. For example, if a mesoporous size distribution is desired using the Dollimore-Heal method on the desorption branch of the isotherm, assuming the pores are cylindrical and that adsorbate thickness can be described by a Halsey-type thickness curve, the code will look like:

In [8]:
result_dict = pygaps.psd_mesoporous(

For more information on how to use each method, check the manual and the associated examples.

Isotherm modelling

The framework comes with functionality to fit point isotherm data with common isotherm models such as Henry, Langmuir, Temkin, Virial etc.

The modelling is done through the ModelIsotherm class. The class is similar to the PointIsotherm class, and shares the same ability to store parameters. However, instead of data, it stores model coefficients for the model it's describing.

To create a ModelIsotherm, the same parameters dictionary / pandas DataFrame procedure can be used. But, assuming we've already created a PointIsotherm object, we can use it to instantiate the ModelIsotherm instead. To do this we use the class method:

In [9]:
model_iso = pygaps.ModelIsotherm.from_pointisotherm(isotherm, model='BET', verbose=True)

Attempting to model using BET
Model BET success, RMSE is 1.086

A minimisation procedure will then attempt to fit the model's parameters to the isotherm points. If successful, the ModelIsotherm is returned.

In the user wants to screen several models at once, the class method can also be passed a parameter which allows the ModelIsotherm to select the best fitting model. Below, we will attempt to fit several simple available models, and the one with the best RMSE will be returned. Depending on the models requested, this method may take significant processing time.

In [10]:
model_iso = pygaps.ModelIsotherm.from_pointisotherm(isotherm, guess_model='all', verbose=True)

Attempting to model using Henry
Model Henry success, RMSE is 7.419
Attempting to model using Langmuir
Model Langmuir success, RMSE is 2.120
Attempting to model using DSLangmuir
Model DSLangmuir success, RMSE is 0.846
Attempting to model using DR
Model DR success, RMSE is 1.315
Attempting to model using Freundlich
Model Freundlich success, RMSE is 0.738
Attempting to model using Quadratic
Model Quadratic success, RMSE is 0.848
Attempting to model using BET
Model BET success, RMSE is 1.086
Attempting to model using TemkinApprox
Model TemkinApprox success, RMSE is 2.046
Attempting to model using Toth
Model Toth success, RMSE is 0.757
Attempting to model using Jensen-Seaton
Model Jensen-Seaton success, RMSE is 0.533
Best model fit is Jensen-Seaton

More advanced settings can also be specified, such as the optimisation model to be used in the optimisation routine or the initial parameter guess. For in-depth examples and discussion check the manual and the associated examples.

To print the model parameters use the same print method as before.

In [11]:
# Prints isotherm parameters and model info

Material: Takeda 5A
Adsorbate: nitrogen
Temperature: 77.355K
iso_type: Isotherme
material_batch: Test
	Uptake in: mmol/g
	Pressure in: bar
Other properties: 
	branch: ads
	plot_fit: False
	is_real: False
	machine: Triflex
	t_act: 200.0
	user: PI
Jensen-Seaton isotherm model.
RMSE = 0.5325
Model parameters:
	K = 544353796.820126
	a = 16.729588
	b = 0.335824
	c = 0.180727
Model applicable range:
	Pressure range: 0.00 - 0.96
	Loading range: 0.51 - 21.59

We can calculate the loading at any pressure using the internal model by using the loading_at function.

In [12]:
# Returns the loading at 1 bar calculated with the model


In [13]:
# Returns the loading in the range 0-1 bar calculated with the model
pressure = [0.1,0.5,1]

array([12.08223156, 14.82544349, 17.40231984])


pyGAPS makes graphing both PointIsotherm and ModelIsotherm objects easy to facilitate visual observations, inclusion in publications and consistency. Plotting an isotherm is as simple as:

In [14]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pygaps.plot_iso([isotherm, model_iso], branch='ads')


Many settings can be specified to change the look and feel of the graphs. More explanations can be found in the manual and in the examples section.