A Network Tour of Data Science, EPFL 2016

Project: Facial Emotion Recognition

Dataset taken from: kaggle.com/c/challenges-in-representation-learning-facial-expression-recognition-challenge

students: Patryk Oleniuk, Carmen Galotta

The project presented here is an algorithm to recognize and detect emotions from a face picture.

Of course, the task of recognize face emotions is very easy for humans to do even if somethimes is really hard to understand how a person feels, but what can be easily understood thanks to human brain, is difficult to emulate by a machine.

The aim of this project is to classify faces in discrete human emotions. Due to the success of Convolutional Neural Network in images classification tasks it has been tought that employing it could be a good idea in face emotion as well.

The dataset has been taken from the kaggle competition and consists of 35k grey images with size 48x48 pixels already labeled with a number coding for classes of emotions, namely:


The faces are mostly centered in the image.

Configuration, dataset file

In [196]:
import random
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import scipy.misc
import time
import collections
import os
import utils as ut
import importlib
import copy


%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 20.0) # set default size of plots
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'

# Load the CSV data
emotions_dataset_dir = 'fer2013_full.csv'

#obtaining the number of line of the csv file
file = open(emotions_dataset_dir)
numline = len(file.readlines())
print ('Number of data in the dataset:',numline)

Number of data in the dataset: 35887

Load the data from *.csv file

The first step is to load the data from the .csv file.
The format of the csv line is
class{0,1,2,3,4,5,6},pix0 pix2304,DataUsage(not used)
2,234 1 34 23 ..... 234 256 0,Training
The picture is always 48x48 pixels, 0-255 greyscale.

Data cleaning:

1.Remove strange data

In the database there are some images thar are not good (e.g. some images are pixelated, unrelevant, from animations). It has been tried to filter them by looking at the maximum of the histogram. If the image is very homogenous, the maximum value of the histogram will be very high (that is to say above a certain threshold) then this image is filtered out. Of course in this way are also removed some relevant information, but it's better for the CNN not to consider these images.

2.Merge class 0 and 1

We discovered that class 1 has a very small amount of occurance in the test data et. This class, (disgust) is very similar to anger and that is why we merger class 0 and 1 together. Therefore, the recognized emotions and labels are reduced to 6:
0-(Angry + Disgust)

In [198]:
#Load the file in csv
ifile  = open(emotions_dataset_dir, "rt")
reader = csv.reader(ifile)

hist_threshold = 350 # images above this threshold will be removed
hist_div = 100 #parameter of the histogram

print('Loading Images. It may take a while, depending on the database size.')
images, emotions, strange_im, num_strange, num_skipped = ut.load_dataset(reader, numline, hist_div, hist_threshold)


print('Skipped', num_skipped, 'happy class images.')
print(str( len(images) ) + ' are left after \'strange images\' removal.')
print('Deleted ' + str( num_strange ) + ' strange images. Images are shown below')

loaded  1% of dataset (531/35856). Filtered images: 31
loaded  3% of dataset (1054/35833). Filtered images: 54
loaded  4% of dataset (1575/35812). Filtered images: 75
loaded  6% of dataset (2098/35789). Filtered images: 98
loaded  7% of dataset (2629/35758). Filtered images: 129
loaded  8% of dataset (3163/35724). Filtered images: 163
loaded 10% of dataset (3678/35709). Filtered images: 178
loaded 11% of dataset (4196/35691). Filtered images: 196
loaded 13% of dataset (4726/35661). Filtered images: 226
loaded 14% of dataset (5258/35629). Filtered images: 258
loaded 15% of dataset (5785/35602). Filtered images: 285
loaded 17% of dataset (6316/35571). Filtered images: 316
loaded 18% of dataset (6844/35543). Filtered images: 344
loaded 20% of dataset (7377/35510). Filtered images: 377
loaded 21% of dataset (7905/35482). Filtered images: 405
loaded 23% of dataset (8431/35456). Filtered images: 431
loaded 24% of dataset (8964/35423). Filtered images: 464
loaded 24% of dataset (8965/35422). Filtered images: 465
loaded 25% of dataset (9493/35394). Filtered images: 493
loaded 27% of dataset (10025/35362). Filtered images: 525
loaded 28% of dataset (10554/35333). Filtered images: 554
loaded 30% of dataset (11086/35301). Filtered images: 586
loaded 31% of dataset (11609/35278). Filtered images: 609
loaded 33% of dataset (12141/35246). Filtered images: 641
loaded 34% of dataset (12665/35222). Filtered images: 665
loaded 36% of dataset (13191/35196). Filtered images: 691
loaded 36% of dataset (13192/35195). Filtered images: 692
loaded 37% of dataset (13705/35182). Filtered images: 705
loaded 38% of dataset (14227/35160). Filtered images: 727
loaded 40% of dataset (14762/35125). Filtered images: 762
loaded 41% of dataset (15296/35091). Filtered images: 796
loaded 43% of dataset (15827/35060). Filtered images: 827
loaded 44% of dataset (16361/35026). Filtered images: 861
loaded 46% of dataset (16885/35002). Filtered images: 885
loaded 47% of dataset (17410/34977). Filtered images: 910
loaded 49% of dataset (17935/34952). Filtered images: 935
loaded 50% of dataset (18457/34930). Filtered images: 957
loaded 52% of dataset (18982/34905). Filtered images: 982
loaded 53% of dataset (19516/34871). Filtered images: 1016
loaded 55% of dataset (20045/34842). Filtered images: 1045
loaded 56% of dataset (20583/34804). Filtered images: 1083
loaded 58% of dataset (21109/34778). Filtered images: 1109
loaded 59% of dataset (21639/34748). Filtered images: 1139
loaded 61% of dataset (22178/34709). Filtered images: 1178
loaded 62% of dataset (22705/34682). Filtered images: 1205
loaded 63% of dataset (23228/34659). Filtered images: 1228
loaded 65% of dataset (23745/34642). Filtered images: 1245
loaded 66% of dataset (24268/34619). Filtered images: 1268
loaded 68% of dataset (24790/34597). Filtered images: 1290
loaded 69% of dataset (25314/34573). Filtered images: 1314
loaded 71% of dataset (25839/34548). Filtered images: 1339
loaded 72% of dataset (26373/34514). Filtered images: 1373
loaded 74% of dataset (26893/34494). Filtered images: 1393
loaded 75% of dataset (27415/34472). Filtered images: 1415
loaded 77% of dataset (27936/34451). Filtered images: 1436
loaded 78% of dataset (28460/34427). Filtered images: 1460
loaded 80% of dataset (28986/34401). Filtered images: 1486
loaded 81% of dataset (29511/34376). Filtered images: 1511
loaded 81% of dataset (29512/34375). Filtered images: 1512
loaded 83% of dataset (30054/34333). Filtered images: 1554
loaded 85% of dataset (30583/34304). Filtered images: 1583
loaded 86% of dataset (31103/34284). Filtered images: 1603
loaded 88% of dataset (31635/34252). Filtered images: 1635
loaded 89% of dataset (32162/34225). Filtered images: 1662
loaded 91% of dataset (32689/34198). Filtered images: 1689
Skipped 3095 happy class images.
31097 are left after 'strange images' removal.
Deleted 1695 strange images. Images are shown below

In [200]:
# showing strange images
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5.0, 5.0) # set default size of plots
idxs = np.random.choice(range(1,num_strange ), 6, replace=False)
for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
    plt_idx = i
    plt.subplot(1, 6, plt_idx+1)
    if(i == 0):
        plt.title('Some of the images removed from dataset (max(histogram) thresholded)')

Explore the correct data

Here there are plotted some random pictures from each class. As we can see some of them are with glasses or covered with long hair as well as some pictures taken from sideways. This is, of course, an additional challenge when training the neural network.

In [201]:
classes = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
str_emotions = ['angry','scared','happy','sad','surprised','normal']
num_classes = len(classes)
samples_per_class = 6
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 10.0) # set default size of plots
for y, cls in enumerate(classes):
    idxs = np.flatnonzero(emotions == y)
    idxs = np.random.choice(idxs, samples_per_class, replace=False)
    for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
        plt_idx = i * num_classes + y + 1
        plt.subplot(samples_per_class, num_classes, plt_idx)
        y_h, x_h = np.histogram( images[idx], hist_div );
        if(i == 0):
            plt.title(str_emotions[y] )

Prepare the Data for CNN

Here the initial data have been divided to create train and test data.
This two subsets have both an associated label to train the neural network and to test its accuracy with the test data. The number of images used for each category of emotions is shown both for the train as for the test data.
The size of each batch it has been chosen to 64 because, after analyzing the performances, we discovered that decreasing the batch size actually improved the accuracy.

In [202]:
print('number of clean data:' + str(images.shape[0]) + '  48x48 pix , 0-255 greyscale images')
n_all = images.shape[0];
n_train = 64; # number of data for training and for batch

# dividing the input data
train_data_orig = images[0:n_all-n_train,:,:]
train_labels = emotions[0:n_all-n_train]
test_data_orig = images[n_all-n_train:n_all,:,:]
test_labels = emotions[n_all-n_train:n_all]

# Convert to float
train_data_orig = train_data_orig.astype('float32')
y_train = train_labels.astype('float32')
test_data_orig = test_data_orig.astype('float32')
y_test = test_labels.astype('float32')

print('orig train data ' + str(train_data_orig.shape))
print('orig train labels ' + str(train_labels.shape) + 'from ' + str(train_labels.min()) + ' to ' + str(train_labels.max()) )
print('orig test data ' + str(test_data_orig.shape))
print('orig test labels ' + str(test_labels.shape)+ 'from ' + str(test_labels.min()) + ' to ' + str(test_labels.max()) )

for i in range (0, 5):  
    print('TRAIN: number of' , i, 'labels',len(train_labels[train_labels == i]))

for i in range (0, 5):  
    print('TEST: number of', i, 'labels',len(test_labels[test_labels == i]))

number of clean data:31097  48x48 pix , 0-255 greyscale images
orig train data (31033, 48, 48)
orig train labels (31033,)from 0.0 to 5.0
orig test data (64, 48, 48)
orig test labels (64,)from 0.0 to 5.0
TRAIN: number of 0 labels 5134
TRAIN: number of 1 labels 4829
TRAIN: number of 2 labels 5691
TRAIN: number of 3 labels 5764
TRAIN: number of 4 labels 3739
TEST: number of 0 labels 13
TEST: number of 1 labels 12
TEST: number of 2 labels 9
TEST: number of 3 labels 8
TEST: number of 4 labels 13

As we can see, the number of training images for each class is different, that is why we decided to skip 3095 "happy" class images.
In fact, the non homogeneous number of images per class could lead the network to be excessively accurate on one single class rather than on each one.

Prepare the data for CNN

Here the data are a little bit modified to be correctly fed into the CNN.
What has been done is convert, normalize and subtract the const mean value from the data images.
Finally the label values of the classes are converted to a binary one_hot vector.

In [203]:
# Data pre-processing
n = train_data_orig.shape[0];
train_data = np.zeros([n,48**2])
for i in range(n):
    xx = train_data_orig[i,:,:]
    xx -= np.mean(xx)
    xx /= np.linalg.norm(xx)
    train_data[i,:] = xx.reshape(2304); #np.reshape(xx,[-1])

n = test_data_orig.shape[0]
test_data = np.zeros([n,48**2])
for i in range(n):
    xx = test_data_orig[i,:,:]
    xx -= np.mean(xx)
    xx /= np.linalg.norm(xx)
    test_data[i] = np.reshape(xx,[-1])

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (2.0, 2.0) # set default size of plots
plt.title('example image after processing');

In [204]:
# Convert label values to one_hot vector

train_labels = ut.convert_to_one_hot(train_labels,num_classes)
test_labels = ut.convert_to_one_hot(test_labels,num_classes)

print('train labels shape',train_labels.shape)
print('test labels shape',test_labels.shape)

train labels shape (31033, 6)
test labels shape (64, 6)

Model 1 - Overfitting the data TODO not overfitting with 35k data

In the first model it has been implemented a baseline softmax classifier using a single convolutional layer and a one fully connected layer. For the initial baseline it has not be used any regularization, dropout, or batch normalization.

The equation of the classifier is simply:

$$ y=\textrm{softmax}(ReLU( x \ast W_1+b_1)W_2+b_2) $$

For this first attempt have been applied 64 filters with size 8x8.
The optimization scheme chosen if the AdamOptimizer with a learning rate of 0.004 s.

In [208]:
# Define computational graph (CG)
batch_size = n_train    # batch size
d = train_data.shape[1]  # data dimensionality
nc = 6                  # number of classes

# Inputs
xin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch_size,d]); 
y_label = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch_size,nc]); 

#Size and number of filters
K0 = 8   # size of the patch
F0 = 64  # number of filters
ncl0 = K0*K0*F0

Wcl0 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([K0,K0,1,F0], stddev=tf.sqrt(2./tf.to_float(ncl0)) )); print('Wcl=',Wcl0.get_shape())
bcl0 = bias_variable([F0]); print('bcl0=',bcl0.get_shape()) #in ReLu case, small positive bias added to prevent killing of gradient when input is negative.

#Reshaping the input to size 48x48 
x_2d0 = tf.reshape(xin, [-1,48,48,1]); print('x_2d=',x_2d0.get_shape())

# Convolutional layer
x = tf.nn.conv2d(x_2d0, Wcl0, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
x += bcl0; print('x2=',x.get_shape())

# ReLU activation
x = tf.nn.relu(x)

# Fully Connected layer
nfc = 48*48*F0
x = tf.reshape(x, [batch_size,-1]); print('x3=',x.get_shape())
Wfc = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([nfc,nc], stddev=tf.sqrt(2./tf.to_float(nfc+nc)) )); print('Wfc=',Wfc.get_shape())
bfc = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([nc])); print('bfc=',bfc.get_shape())
y = tf.matmul(x, Wfc); print('y1=',y.get_shape())
y += bfc; print('y2=',y.get_shape())

# Softmax
y = tf.nn.softmax(y); print('y3(SOFTMAX)=',y.get_shape())

# Loss
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_label * tf.log(y), 1))
total_loss = cross_entropy

# Optimization scheme
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.004).minimize(total_loss)

# Accuracy
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_label,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

Wcl= (8, 8, 1, 64)
bcl0= (64,)
x_2d= (64, 48, 48, 1)
x2= (64, 48, 48, 64)
x3= (64, 147456)
Wfc= (147456, 6)
bfc= (6,)
y1= (64, 6)
y2= (64, 6)
y3(SOFTMAX)= (64, 6)

In [209]:
# Run Computational Graph
n = train_data.shape[0]
indices = collections.deque()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(1001):
    # Batch extraction
    if len(indices) < batch_size:
    idx = [indices.popleft() for i in range(batch_size)]
    batch_x, batch_y = train_data[idx,:], train_labels[idx]
    # Run CG for vao to increase the test acriable training
    _,acc_train,total_loss_o = sess.run([train_step,accuracy,total_loss], feed_dict={xin: batch_x, y_label: batch_y})
    # Run CG for test set
    if not i%100:
        print('\nIteration i=',i,', train accuracy=',acc_train,', loss=',total_loss_o)
        acc_test = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={xin: test_data, y_label: test_labels})
        print('test accuracy=',acc_test)

Iteration i= 0 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= 1.79321
test accuracy= 0.125

Iteration i= 50 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.75663
test accuracy= 0.140625

Iteration i= 100 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= 1.77818
test accuracy= 0.1875

Iteration i= 150 , train accuracy= 0.390625 , loss= 1.54151
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 200 , train accuracy= 0.34375 , loss= 1.58651
test accuracy= 0.234375

Iteration i= 250 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.62262
test accuracy= 0.21875

Iteration i= 300 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.61711
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 350 , train accuracy= 0.328125 , loss= 1.58538
test accuracy= 0.3125
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-209-8aa88172f806> in <module>()
     16     # Run CG for vao to increase the test acriable training
---> 17     _,acc_train,total_loss_o = sess.run([train_step,accuracy,total_loss], feed_dict={xin: batch_x, y_label: batch_y})
     19     # Run CG for test set

/Users/patryk/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py in run(self, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    380     try:
    381       result = self._run(None, fetches, feed_dict, options_ptr,
--> 382                          run_metadata_ptr)
    383       if run_metadata:
    384         proto_data = tf_session.TF_GetBuffer(run_metadata_ptr)

/Users/patryk/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py in _run(self, handle, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    653     movers = self._update_with_movers(feed_dict_string, feed_map)
    654     results = self._do_run(handle, target_list, unique_fetches,
--> 655                            feed_dict_string, options, run_metadata)
    657     # User may have fetched the same tensor multiple times, but we

/Users/patryk/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py in _do_run(self, handle, target_list, fetch_list, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    721     if handle is None:
    722       return self._do_call(_run_fn, self._session, feed_dict, fetch_list,
--> 723                            target_list, options, run_metadata)
    724     else:
    725       return self._do_call(_prun_fn, self._session, handle, feed_dict,

/Users/patryk/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py in _do_call(self, fn, *args)
    728   def _do_call(self, fn, *args):
    729     try:
--> 730       return fn(*args)
    731     except errors.OpError as e:
    732       message = compat.as_text(e.message)

/Users/patryk/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py in _run_fn(session, feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list, options, run_metadata)
    710         return tf_session.TF_Run(session, options,
    711                                  feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list,
--> 712                                  status, run_metadata)
    714     def _prun_fn(session, handle, feed_dict, fetch_list):



Nevertheless, we discarded this fist model because it overfits the training data already at iteration 400, while getting a test accuracy of only 28%. In order to prevent overfitting in the following models have been applied different techniques such as dropout and pool, as well as tried to implement a neural network of more layers.

This should help and improve the model since the first convolutional layer will just extract some simplest characteristics of the image such as edges, lines and curves. Adding layers will improve the performances because they will detect some high level feature which in this case could be really relevant since it's about face expressions.


To prevent the overfitting problem observed with the first model the following techniques have been studied and used.

1.Choosing Hyperparameters

One of the most challenging choise to be done while constructing a convolutional neural network is the choice of the number and dimension of the filter to be used as well as the number of layers to employ.
Of course there is not a standard design, because it depends on the dataset and the features of the different images and on the complexity of the task. For our purpose we decided to start with a higher size of filter and then decrease it.

Besides, the activation layer that has been employed is the ReLU one (Rectified Linear Units) which is the most used and most efficient since it helps to alleviate the vanishing gradient problem. The ReLU layer applies the non linear function f(x) = max(0, x) to the input basically just eliminating all the negative activations. This design choice also explain why we initialized the bias vector b to a small positive value that is to prevent killing of gradient when input is negative.

2.Pooling Layers

Pool layer could be added after the ReLu ones. This layer is also known as a downsampling layer. The intuitive reasoning behind this layer is that once we know that a specific feature is in the original input volume, its exact location is not as important as its relative location to the other features. This layer drastically reduces the spatial dimensions of the input volume and is used to reduce the computation cost and to control overfitting.

3.Dropout Layers

Finally, dropout layers can be used to deactivate with a defined probability a random set of activations in that specific layer which in the forward pass is then considered as set to zero. Also this technique can help to prevent the overfitting problem.

Ref: https://adeshpande3.github.io/adeshpande3.github.io/A-Beginner's-Guide-To-Understanding-Convolutional-Neural-Networks-Part-2/

Advanced computational graphs - functions

In [210]:
#Definition of function that have been used in the CNN

d = train_data.shape[1]

def weight_variable2(shape, nc10):
        initial2 = tf.random_normal(shape, stddev=tf.sqrt(2./tf.to_float(ncl0)) )
        return tf.Variable(initial2)
def conv2dstride2(x,W):
        return tf.nn.conv2d(x,W,strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')

def conv2d(x,W):
        return tf.nn.conv2d(x,W,strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
def max_pool_2x2(x):
    return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
def weight_variable(shape):
        initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=1/np.sqrt(d/2) )
        return tf.Variable(initial)
def bias_variable(shape):
    initial = tf.constant(0.01,shape=shape)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

Model 2 - 4 x Convolutional Layers, 1x Fully Connected

The second model consists in a 4 layer convolutional neural network with a final fully connected layer.

$$ x= maxpool2x2( ReLU( ReLU( x* W_1+b_1) * W_2+b_2))$$

2 times (also for $W_3,b_3 W_4,b_4$)

for each layer it has been added a pool layer after the ReLU and this result in a decreasing dimensionality (from 48 to 12)

$$ y=\textrm{softmax} {( x W_5+b_5)}$$

For the 1,2,3 layers the filter used are 16 with a dimension of 7x7 while for the 4,5,6 a dimension of 5x5. A dropout layer is also applied. The optimization scheme used it AdamOptimizer with a learning rate of 0.001 s.

In [32]:

# Define computational graph (CG)
batch_size = n_train    # batch size
d = train_data.shape[1]  # data dimensionality
nc = 6                  # number of classes

# Inputs
xin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch_size,d])
y_label = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch_size,nc]) 

# Convolutional layer
K0 = 7   # size of the patch
F0 = 16  # number of filters
ncl0 = K0*K0*F0

K1 = 5   # size of the patch
F1 = 16  # number of filters
ncl0 = K1*K1*F1

K2 = 3   # size of the patch
F2 = 2  # number of filters
ncl0 = K2*K2*F2

nfc = int(48*48*F0/4)
nfc1 = int(48*48*F1/4)
nfc2 = int(48*48*F2/4)


#First set of conv followed by conv stride 2 operation and dropout 0.5
W_conv1=weight_variable([K0,K0,1,F0]); print('W_conv1=',W_conv1.get_shape())
b_conv1=bias_variable([F0]); print('b_conv1=',b_conv1.get_shape())
x_2d0 = tf.reshape(xin, [-1,48,48,1]); print('x_2d0=',x_2d0.get_shape())

h_conv1=tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_2d0,W_conv1)+b_conv1); print('h_conv1=',h_conv1.get_shape())
h_conv1= tf.nn.dropout(h_conv1,keep_prob_input);

# 2nd convolutional layer 
W_conv2=weight_variable([K0,K0,F0,F0]); print('W_conv2=',W_conv2.get_shape())
b_conv2=bias_variable([F0]); print('b_conv2=',b_conv2.get_shape())

h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_conv1,W_conv2)+b_conv2); print('h_conv2=',h_conv2.get_shape())
h_conv2_pooled = max_pool_2x2(h_conv2); print('h_conv2_pooled=',h_conv2_pooled.get_shape())

# reshaping for fully connected
h_conv2_pooled_rs = tf.reshape(h_conv2_pooled, [batch_size,-1]); print('x_rs',h_conv2_pooled_rs.get_shape());
W_norm3 = weight_variable([nfc1, nfc]); print('W_norm3=',W_norm3.get_shape())
b_conv3 = bias_variable([nfc1]); print('b_conv3=',b_conv3.get_shape())

# fully connected layer
h_full3 = tf.matmul( W_norm3, tf.transpose(h_conv2_pooled_rs) ); print('h_full3=',h_full3.get_shape())
h_full3 = tf.transpose(h_full3); print('h_full3=',h_full3.get_shape())
h_full3 += b_conv3; print('h_full3=',h_full3.get_shape())

h_full3=tf.nn.relu(h_full3); print('h_full3=',h_full3.get_shape())
h_full3=tf.nn.dropout(h_full3,keep_prob_input); print('h_full3_dropout=',h_full3.get_shape())
#reshaping back to conv
h_full3_rs = tf.reshape(h_full3, [batch_size, 24,24,-1]); print('h_full3_rs=',h_full3_rs.get_shape())

#Second set of conv followed by conv stride 2 operation
W_conv4=weight_variable([K1,K1,F1,F1]); print('W_conv4=',W_conv4.get_shape())
b_conv4=bias_variable([F1]); print('b_conv4=',b_conv4.get_shape())

h_conv4=tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_full3_rs,W_conv4)+b_conv4); print('h_conv4=',h_conv4.get_shape())
h_conv4 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv4); print('h_conv4_pooled=',h_conv4.get_shape())

# reshaping for fully connected
h_conv4_pooled_rs = tf.reshape(h_conv4, [batch_size,-1]); print('x2_rs',h_conv4_pooled_rs.get_shape());
W_norm4 = weight_variable([ 2304, nc]); print('W_norm4=',W_norm4.get_shape())
b_conv4 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([nc])); print('b_conv4=',b_conv4.get_shape())

# fully connected layer
h_full4 = tf.matmul( h_conv4_pooled_rs, W_norm4 ); print('h_full4=',h_full4.get_shape())
h_full4 += b_conv4; print('h_full4=',h_full4.get_shape())

y = h_full4; 

## Softmax
y = tf.nn.softmax(y); print('y(SOFTMAX)=',y.get_shape())

# Loss
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_label * tf.log(y), 1))
total_loss = cross_entropy

# Optimization scheme

train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(total_loss)

# Accuracy
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_label,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

W_conv1= (7, 7, 1, 16)
b_conv1= (16,)
x_2d0= (64, 48, 48, 1)
h_conv1= (64, 48, 48, 16)
W_conv2= (7, 7, 16, 16)
b_conv2= (16,)
h_conv2= (64, 48, 48, 16)
h_conv2_pooled= (64, 24, 24, 16)
x_rs (64, 9216)
W_norm3= (9216, 9216)
b_conv3= (9216,)
h_full3= (9216, 64)
h_full3= (64, 9216)
h_full3= (64, 9216)
h_full3= (64, 9216)
h_full3_dropout= (64, 9216)
h_full3_rs= (64, 24, 24, 16)
W_conv4= (5, 5, 16, 16)
b_conv4= (16,)
h_conv4= (64, 24, 24, 16)
h_conv4_pooled= (64, 12, 12, 16)
x2_rs (64, 2304)
W_norm4= (2304, 6)
b_conv4= (6,)
h_full4= (64, 6)
h_full4= (64, 6)
y(SOFTMAX)= (64, 6)

In [34]:
# Run Computational Graph
n = train_data.shape[0]
indices = collections.deque()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(15001):
    # Batch extraction
    if len(indices) < batch_size:
    idx = [indices.popleft() for i in range(batch_size)]
    batch_x, batch_y = train_data[idx,:], train_labels[idx]
    # Run CG for vao to increase the test acriable training
    _,acc_train,total_loss_o = sess.run([train_step,accuracy,total_loss], feed_dict={xin: batch_x, y_label: batch_y, keep_prob_input: 0.2})
    # Run CG for test set
    if not i%50:
        print('\nIteration i=',i,', train accuracy=',acc_train,', loss=',total_loss_o)
        acc_test = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict = {xin: test_data, y_label: test_labels, keep_prob_input: 1.0})
        print('test accuracy=',acc_test)

Iteration i= 0 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= 1.81342
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 50 , train accuracy= 0.296875 , loss= 1.73246
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 100 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.73931
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 150 , train accuracy= 0.296875 , loss= 1.72349
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 200 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= 1.76086
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 250 , train accuracy= 0.234375 , loss= 1.76248
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 300 , train accuracy= 0.4375 , loss= 1.66216
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 350 , train accuracy= 0.296875 , loss= 1.74216
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 400 , train accuracy= 0.28125 , loss= 1.71685
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 450 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= 1.77828
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 500 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= 1.80727
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 550 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= 1.81363
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 600 , train accuracy= 0.296875 , loss= 1.72657
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 650 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= 1.76831
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 700 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.71473
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 750 , train accuracy= 0.25 , loss= 1.75159
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 800 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= 1.74456
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 850 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= 1.74755
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 900 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= 1.7886
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 950 , train accuracy= 0.25 , loss= 1.78174
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 1000 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= 1.75878
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 1050 , train accuracy= 0.328125 , loss= 1.60412
test accuracy= 0.1875

Iteration i= 1100 , train accuracy= 0.296875 , loss= 1.60866
test accuracy= 0.21875

Iteration i= 1150 , train accuracy= 0.390625 , loss= 1.54249
test accuracy= 0.234375

Iteration i= 1200 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= 1.68946
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1250 , train accuracy= 0.328125 , loss= 1.69423
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1300 , train accuracy= 0.25 , loss= 1.82452
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1350 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.57006
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 1400 , train accuracy= 0.453125 , loss= 1.49094
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 1450 , train accuracy= 0.28125 , loss= 1.59885
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 1500 , train accuracy= 0.46875 , loss= 1.4657
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 1550 , train accuracy= 0.359375 , loss= 1.6766
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 1600 , train accuracy= 0.4375 , loss= 1.42932
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 1650 , train accuracy= 0.4375 , loss= 1.54232
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 1700 , train accuracy= 0.359375 , loss= 1.56087
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 1750 , train accuracy= 0.34375 , loss= 1.52979
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 1800 , train accuracy= 0.484375 , loss= 1.24113
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 1850 , train accuracy= 0.5 , loss= 1.29663
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 1900 , train accuracy= 0.421875 , loss= 1.50518
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 1950 , train accuracy= 0.484375 , loss= 1.4314
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 2000 , train accuracy= 0.546875 , loss= 1.22234
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 2050 , train accuracy= 0.609375 , loss= 1.07084
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 2100 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 1.05964
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 2150 , train accuracy= 0.546875 , loss= 1.13608
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2200 , train accuracy= 0.59375 , loss= 1.10272
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2250 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 1.02101
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 2300 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.1885
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 2350 , train accuracy= 0.640625 , loss= 1.06229
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 2400 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.844576
test accuracy= 0.234375

Iteration i= 2450 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.912081
test accuracy= 0.234375

Iteration i= 2500 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.762628
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2550 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.672189
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 2600 , train accuracy= 0.703125 , loss= 0.844424
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2650 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.553445
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 2700 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.663643
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 2750 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.575097
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 2800 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.552762
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2850 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.558738
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 2900 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.383834
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 2950 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.299958
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 3000 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.3261
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 3050 , train accuracy= 0.890625 , loss= 0.327195
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 3100 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.371926
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 3150 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.186605
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 3200 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.356853
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 3250 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.251413
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 3300 , train accuracy= 0.890625 , loss= 0.283096
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 3350 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.39704
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 3400 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.426079
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 3450 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.228251
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 3500 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.146214
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 3550 , train accuracy= 0.90625 , loss= 0.226694
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 3600 , train accuracy= 0.890625 , loss= 0.352907
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 3650 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.319878
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 3700 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.24295
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 3750 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0932747
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 3800 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.228627
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 3850 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.108302
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 3900 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.081531
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 3950 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.115952
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 4000 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.142903
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 4050 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.214985
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 4100 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.131247
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4150 , train accuracy= 0.90625 , loss= 0.218566
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4200 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0710721
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 4250 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0758563
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4300 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.13325
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4350 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0819775
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 4400 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.151875
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4450 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0212798
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 4500 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.173048
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4550 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0837226
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 4600 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0158739
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 4650 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.115407
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 4700 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.165667
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 4750 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0750263
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 4800 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0474025
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 4850 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0522296
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 4900 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0275876
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 4950 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0354277
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 5000 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0286355
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 5050 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0423537
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 5100 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.0828448
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 5150 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0750526
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5200 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0730488
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5250 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0701784
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5300 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0809151
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5350 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.178306
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 5400 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0341018
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5450 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0246107
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 5500 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.201077
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 5550 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0967953
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 5600 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0680321
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 5650 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.101876
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5700 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.135739
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5750 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.00736336
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 5800 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0789129
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5850 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0491046
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 5900 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0656656
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 5950 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0265577
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6000 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0451549
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6050 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.0752453
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6100 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0690617
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 6150 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.101244
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 6200 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0782982
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 6250 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0649566
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6300 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0536397
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 6350 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.17045
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 6400 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.063767
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 6450 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0904744
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 6500 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.116667
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6550 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0419344
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 6600 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.0613582
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6650 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.00558766
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 6700 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.160755
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 6750 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.113051
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 6800 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.040503
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 6850 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0486807
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 6900 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0126887
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 6950 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0386406
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7000 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.039738
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 7050 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0448127
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 7100 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0703137
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7150 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.133236
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7200 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.176943
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 7250 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0673487
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7300 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0533711
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 7350 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0231136
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 7400 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0349553
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 7450 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0368719
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7500 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.140134
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7550 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0422568
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7600 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.122542
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 7650 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.0775115
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 7700 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0414034
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 7750 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0447551
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 7800 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.355575
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 7850 , train accuracy= 0.9375 , loss= 0.191669
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 7900 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.381706
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 7950 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0140976
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 8000 , train accuracy= 1.0 , loss= 0.0170938
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 8050 , train accuracy= 0.953125 , loss= 0.294972
test accuracy= 0.34375

Iteration i= 8100 , train accuracy= 0.96875 , loss= 0.0559145
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 8150 , train accuracy= 0.984375 , loss= 0.0277839
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 8200 , train accuracy= 0.25 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8250 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8300 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8350 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8400 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8450 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8500 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8550 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8600 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8650 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8700 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8750 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8800 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8850 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8900 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 8950 , train accuracy= 0.328125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9000 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9050 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9100 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9150 , train accuracy= 0.0625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9200 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9250 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9300 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9350 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9400 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9450 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9500 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9550 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9600 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9650 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9700 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9750 , train accuracy= 0.234375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9800 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9850 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9900 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 9950 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10000 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10050 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10100 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10150 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10200 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10250 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10300 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10350 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10400 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10450 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10500 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10550 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10600 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10650 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10700 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10750 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10800 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10850 , train accuracy= 0.234375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10900 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 10950 , train accuracy= 0.234375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11000 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11050 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11100 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11150 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11200 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11250 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11300 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11350 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11400 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11450 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11500 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11550 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11600 , train accuracy= 0.0625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11650 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11700 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11750 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11800 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11850 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11900 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 11950 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12000 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12050 , train accuracy= 0.078125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12100 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12150 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12200 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12250 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12300 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12350 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12400 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12450 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12500 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12550 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12600 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12650 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12700 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12750 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12800 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12850 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12900 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 12950 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13000 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13050 , train accuracy= 0.09375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13100 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13150 , train accuracy= 0.234375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13200 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13250 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13300 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13350 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13400 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13450 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13500 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13550 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13600 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13650 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13700 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13750 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13800 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13850 , train accuracy= 0.078125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13900 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 13950 , train accuracy= 0.28125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14000 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14050 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14100 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14150 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14200 , train accuracy= 0.171875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14250 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14300 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14350 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14400 , train accuracy= 0.046875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14450 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14500 , train accuracy= 0.125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14550 , train accuracy= 0.078125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14600 , train accuracy= 0.109375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14650 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14700 , train accuracy= 0.203125 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14750 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14800 , train accuracy= 0.046875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14850 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14900 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 14950 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625

Iteration i= 15000 , train accuracy= 0.234375 , loss= nan
test accuracy= 0.15625


As we can see, this second model has better performances compared to the first one, it reaches a test accuracy up to 35% while still showing overfit.
Unfortunately after few iterations it finished learning stucking on 0.15625 of test accuracy. For this reason also this model has been discarded.

Model 3: Computational graph - 6 Layers, Conv-Relu-Maxpool, 1 Fully Connected L.

The third model consists in a 6 layer convolutional neural network with a final fully connected layer.

$$ x= maxpool2x2( ReLU( ReLU( x* W_1+b_1) * W_2+b_2))$$

2 times (also for $W_3,b_3 W_4,b_4$)

for each layer it has been added a pool layer after the ReLU and this result in a decreasing dimensionality (from 48 to 6) $$ ReLU( x* W_5+b_5) $$ which is 1 additional conv layer and finally a fully connected layer at the end.

$$ y=\textrm{softmax} {( x W_6+b_1)}$$

For the 1,2,3 layers the filter used are 22 with a dimension of 8x8 while for the 4,5,6 a dimension of 4x4. A dropout layer is also applied. The optimization scheme used it AdamOptimizer with a learning rate of 0.001 s.

In [223]:

# implementation of Conv-Relu-COVN-RELU - pool
# based on : http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/

# Define computational graph (CG)
batch_size = n_train    # batch size
d = train_data.shape[1]  # data dimensionality
nc = 6                  # number of classes

# Inputs
xin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch_size,d]); #print('xin=',xin,xin.get_shape())
y_label = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch_size,nc]); #print('y_label=',y_label,y_label.get_shape())

#for the first conc-conv
# Convolutional layer
K0 = 8   # size of the patch
F0 = 22  # number of filters
ncl0 = K0*K0*F0

#for the second conc-conv
K1 = 4   # size of the patch
F1 = F0  # number of filters
ncl1 = K1*K1*F1

#drouput probability

#1st set of conv followed by conv2d operation and dropout 0.5
W_conv1=weight_variable([K0,K0,1,F0]); print('W_conv1=',W_conv1.get_shape())
b_conv1=bias_variable([F0]); print('b_conv1=',b_conv1.get_shape())
x_2d1 = tf.reshape(xin, [-1,48,48,1]); print('x_2d1=',x_2d1.get_shape())

h_conv1=tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_2d1, W_conv1) + b_conv1); print('h_conv1=',h_conv1.get_shape())
#h_conv1= tf.nn.dropout(h_conv1,keep_prob_input);

# 2nd convolutional layer + max pooling
W_conv2=weight_variable([K0,K0,F0,F0]); print('W_conv2=',W_conv2.get_shape())
b_conv2=bias_variable([F0]); print('b_conv2=',b_conv2.get_shape())

# conv2d + max pool
h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_conv1,W_conv2)+b_conv2); print('h_conv2=',h_conv2.get_shape())
h_conv2_pooled = max_pool_2x2(h_conv2); print('h_conv2_pooled=',h_conv2_pooled.get_shape())

#3rd set of conv 
W_conv3=weight_variable([K0,K0,F0,F0]); print('W_conv3=',W_conv3.get_shape())
b_conv3=bias_variable([F1]); print('b_conv3=',b_conv3.get_shape())
x_2d3 = tf.reshape(h_conv2_pooled, [-1,24,24,F0]); print('x_2d3=',x_2d3.get_shape())

h_conv3=tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_2d3, W_conv3) + b_conv3); print('h_conv3=',h_conv3.get_shape())

# 4th convolutional layer 
W_conv4=weight_variable([K1,K1,F1,F1]); print('W_conv4=',W_conv4.get_shape())
b_conv4=bias_variable([F1]); print('b_conv4=',b_conv4.get_shape())

#conv2d + max pool 4x4
h_conv4 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_conv3,W_conv4)+b_conv4); print('h_conv4=',h_conv4.get_shape())
h_conv4_pooled = max_pool_2x2(h_conv4); print('h_conv4_pooled=',h_conv4_pooled.get_shape())
h_conv4_pooled = max_pool_2x2(h_conv4_pooled); print('h_conv4_pooled=',h_conv4_pooled.get_shape())

#5th set of conv 
W_conv5=weight_variable([K1,K1,F1,F1]); print('W_conv5=',W_conv5.get_shape())
b_conv5=bias_variable([F1]); print('b_conv5=',b_conv5.get_shape())
x_2d5 = tf.reshape(h_conv4_pooled, [-1,6,6,F1]); print('x_2d5=',x_2d5.get_shape())

h_conv5=tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_2d5, W_conv5) + b_conv5); print('h_conv5=',h_conv5.get_shape())

# 6th convolutional layer 
W_conv6=weight_variable([K1,K1,F1,F1]); print('W_con6=',W_conv6.get_shape())
b_conv6=bias_variable([F1]); print('b_conv6=',b_conv6.get_shape())
b_conv6= tf.nn.dropout(b_conv6,keep_prob_input);

#conv2d + max pool 4x4
h_conv6 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_conv5,W_conv6)+b_conv6); print('h_conv6=',h_conv6.get_shape())
h_conv6_pooled = max_pool_2x2(h_conv6); print('h_conv6_pooled=',h_conv6_pooled.get_shape())

# reshaping for fully connected
h_conv6_pooled_rs = tf.reshape(h_conv6, [batch_size,-1]); print('x2_rs',h_conv6_pooled_rs.get_shape());
W_norm6 = weight_variable([  6*6*F1, nc]); print('W_norm6=',W_norm6.get_shape())
b_norm6 = bias_variable([nc]); print('b_conv6=',b_norm6.get_shape())

# fully connected layer
h_full6 = tf.matmul( h_conv6_pooled_rs, W_norm6 ); print('h_full6=',h_full6.get_shape())
h_full6 += b_norm6; print('h_full6=',h_full6.get_shape())

y = h_full6; 

## Softmax
y = tf.nn.softmax(y); print('y3(SOFTMAX)=',y.get_shape())

# Loss
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_label * tf.log(y), 1))
total_loss = cross_entropy

# Optimization scheme
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(total_loss)

# Accuracy
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_label,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

W_conv1= (8, 8, 1, 22)
b_conv1= (22,)
x_2d1= (64, 48, 48, 1)
h_conv1= (64, 48, 48, 22)
W_conv2= (8, 8, 22, 22)
b_conv2= (22,)
h_conv2= (64, 48, 48, 22)
h_conv2_pooled= (64, 24, 24, 22)
W_conv3= (8, 8, 22, 22)
b_conv3= (22,)
x_2d3= (64, 24, 24, 22)
h_conv3= (64, 24, 24, 22)
W_conv4= (4, 4, 22, 22)
b_conv4= (22,)
h_conv4= (64, 24, 24, 22)
h_conv4_pooled= (64, 12, 12, 22)
h_conv4_pooled= (64, 6, 6, 22)
W_conv5= (4, 4, 22, 22)
b_conv5= (22,)
x_2d5= (64, 6, 6, 22)
h_conv5= (64, 6, 6, 22)
W_con6= (4, 4, 22, 22)
b_conv6= (22,)
h_conv6= (64, 6, 6, 22)
h_conv6_pooled= (64, 3, 3, 22)
x2_rs (64, 792)
W_norm6= (792, 6)
b_conv6= (6,)
h_full6= (64, 6)
h_full6= (64, 6)
y3(SOFTMAX)= (64, 6)

In [239]:
# Run Computational Graph
n = train_data.shape[0]
indices = collections.deque()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(20001):
    # Batch extraction
    if len(indices) < batch_size:
    idx = [indices.popleft() for i in range(batch_size)]
    batch_x, batch_y = train_data[idx,:], train_labels[idx]
    # Run CG for vao to increase the test acriable training
    _,acc_train,total_loss_o = sess.run([train_step,accuracy,total_loss], feed_dict={xin: batch_x, y_label: batch_y, keep_prob_input: 0.5})
    # Run CG for test set
    if not i%100:
        print('\nIteration i=',i,', train accuracy=',acc_train,', loss=',total_loss_o)
        acc_test = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict = {xin: test_data, y_label: test_labels, keep_prob_input: 1.0})
        print('test accuracy=',acc_test)

Iteration i= 0 , train accuracy= 0.140625 , loss= 1.79194
test accuracy= 0.125

Iteration i= 100 , train accuracy= 0.15625 , loss= 1.78374
test accuracy= 0.140625

Iteration i= 200 , train accuracy= 0.21875 , loss= 1.7552
test accuracy= 0.140625

Iteration i= 300 , train accuracy= 0.1875 , loss= 1.7827
test accuracy= 0.109375

Iteration i= 400 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= 1.74103
test accuracy= 0.109375

Iteration i= 500 , train accuracy= 0.28125 , loss= 1.56178
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 600 , train accuracy= 0.46875 , loss= 1.48862
test accuracy= 0.203125

Iteration i= 700 , train accuracy= 0.265625 , loss= 1.61876
test accuracy= 0.171875

Iteration i= 800 , train accuracy= 0.328125 , loss= 1.54113
test accuracy= 0.234375

Iteration i= 900 , train accuracy= 0.421875 , loss= 1.46915
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 1000 , train accuracy= 0.5 , loss= 1.41078
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1100 , train accuracy= 0.53125 , loss= 1.39398
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 1200 , train accuracy= 0.421875 , loss= 1.42175
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1300 , train accuracy= 0.484375 , loss= 1.28492
test accuracy= 0.265625

Iteration i= 1400 , train accuracy= 0.359375 , loss= 1.59055
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 1500 , train accuracy= 0.3125 , loss= 1.5398
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 1600 , train accuracy= 0.5 , loss= 1.27093
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1700 , train accuracy= 0.453125 , loss= 1.22606
test accuracy= 0.25

Iteration i= 1800 , train accuracy= 0.421875 , loss= 1.47522
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 1900 , train accuracy= 0.40625 , loss= 1.42197
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2000 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.11563
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2100 , train accuracy= 0.5 , loss= 1.2982
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 2200 , train accuracy= 0.453125 , loss= 1.3712
test accuracy= 0.28125

Iteration i= 2300 , train accuracy= 0.484375 , loss= 1.35187
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 2400 , train accuracy= 0.46875 , loss= 1.19431
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 2500 , train accuracy= 0.515625 , loss= 1.27885
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 2600 , train accuracy= 0.515625 , loss= 1.41198
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 2700 , train accuracy= 0.390625 , loss= 1.43115
test accuracy= 0.328125

Iteration i= 2800 , train accuracy= 0.59375 , loss= 1.20443
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 2900 , train accuracy= 0.65625 , loss= 0.975287
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 3000 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.936872
test accuracy= 0.296875

Iteration i= 3100 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.22948
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 3200 , train accuracy= 0.5625 , loss= 1.10099
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 3300 , train accuracy= 0.59375 , loss= 1.19427
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 3400 , train accuracy= 0.484375 , loss= 1.16296
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 3500 , train accuracy= 0.515625 , loss= 1.04793
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 3600 , train accuracy= 0.5625 , loss= 1.04873
test accuracy= 0.359375

Iteration i= 3700 , train accuracy= 0.390625 , loss= 1.35736
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 3800 , train accuracy= 0.609375 , loss= 1.05242
test accuracy= 0.3125

Iteration i= 3900 , train accuracy= 0.5625 , loss= 1.14358
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 4000 , train accuracy= 0.5625 , loss= 1.108
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 4100 , train accuracy= 0.546875 , loss= 1.11705
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 4200 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.13918
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 4300 , train accuracy= 0.484375 , loss= 1.33966
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 4400 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.959784
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 4500 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.00547
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 4600 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.873088
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 4700 , train accuracy= 0.59375 , loss= 1.17829
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 4800 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.10707
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 4900 , train accuracy= 0.703125 , loss= 0.877062
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 5000 , train accuracy= 0.703125 , loss= 0.9895
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 5100 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.938752
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 5200 , train accuracy= 0.5625 , loss= 1.05793
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 5300 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 0.984425
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 5400 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.92945
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 5500 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.01687
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 5600 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.677204
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 5700 , train accuracy= 0.609375 , loss= 0.975263
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 5800 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 0.984679
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 5900 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.960162
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 6000 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.898046
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 6100 , train accuracy= 0.453125 , loss= 1.33846
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 6200 , train accuracy= 0.59375 , loss= 1.09784
test accuracy= 0.375

Iteration i= 6300 , train accuracy= 0.609375 , loss= 0.985122
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 6400 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.878923
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 6500 , train accuracy= 0.546875 , loss= 1.15876
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 6600 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.843817
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 6700 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.829748
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 6800 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.752732
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 6900 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.901663
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 7000 , train accuracy= 0.65625 , loss= 0.928061
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 7100 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.9133
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 7200 , train accuracy= 0.578125 , loss= 1.06565
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 7300 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.683552
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 7400 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.886149
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 7500 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.929639
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 7600 , train accuracy= 0.65625 , loss= 0.884104
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 7700 , train accuracy= 0.5 , loss= 1.22974
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 7800 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.746289
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 7900 , train accuracy= 0.640625 , loss= 0.964105
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 8000 , train accuracy= 0.53125 , loss= 1.10334
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 8100 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.798964
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 8200 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.913957
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 8300 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.729876
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 8400 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.595767
test accuracy= 0.53125

Iteration i= 8500 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.735916
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 8600 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.778324
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 8700 , train accuracy= 0.640625 , loss= 0.958758
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 8800 , train accuracy= 0.734375 , loss= 0.628525
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 8900 , train accuracy= 0.59375 , loss= 1.04702
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 9000 , train accuracy= 0.609375 , loss= 1.02124
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 9100 , train accuracy= 0.65625 , loss= 0.923155
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 9200 , train accuracy= 0.640625 , loss= 0.870108
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 9300 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.674644
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 9400 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.858173
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 9500 , train accuracy= 0.625 , loss= 0.945199
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 9600 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.598063
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 9700 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.604092
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 9800 , train accuracy= 0.65625 , loss= 0.707822
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 9900 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.639305
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 10000 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.549462
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 10100 , train accuracy= 0.734375 , loss= 0.769658
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 10200 , train accuracy= 0.734375 , loss= 0.746855
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 10300 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.840991
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 10400 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.633859
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 10500 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.598237
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 10600 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.663027
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 10700 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.552958
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 10800 , train accuracy= 0.734375 , loss= 0.715571
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 10900 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.713517
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 11000 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.968141
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 11100 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.690156
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 11200 , train accuracy= 0.703125 , loss= 0.726283
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 11300 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.705732
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 11400 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.878256
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 11500 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 1.00681
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 11600 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.79699
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 11700 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.561315
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 11800 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.919506
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 11900 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.542903
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 12000 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.585808
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 12100 , train accuracy= 0.6875 , loss= 0.861125
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 12200 , train accuracy= 0.65625 , loss= 0.835672
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 12300 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.59488
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 12400 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.55018
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 12500 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.707877
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 12600 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.679853
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 12700 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.668407
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 12800 , train accuracy= 0.734375 , loss= 0.704842
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 12900 , train accuracy= 0.703125 , loss= 0.661948
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 13000 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.434618
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 13100 , train accuracy= 0.859375 , loss= 0.425481
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 13200 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.469879
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 13300 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.648009
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 13400 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.467417
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 13500 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.618275
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 13600 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.415127
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 13700 , train accuracy= 0.734375 , loss= 0.627953
test accuracy= 0.53125

Iteration i= 13800 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.670546
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 13900 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.719572
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 14000 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.539482
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 14100 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.321256
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 14200 , train accuracy= 0.859375 , loss= 0.473588
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 14300 , train accuracy= 0.75 , loss= 0.666359
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 14400 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.743096
test accuracy= 0.40625

Iteration i= 14500 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.83011
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 14600 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.559244
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 14700 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.659799
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 14800 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.565591
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 14900 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.462911
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 15000 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.649306
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 15100 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.430201
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 15200 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.544656
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 15300 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.476049
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 15400 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.568518
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 15500 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.640078
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 15600 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.502844
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 15700 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.413574
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 15800 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.631717
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 15900 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.613366
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 16000 , train accuracy= 0.671875 , loss= 0.634249
test accuracy= 0.390625

Iteration i= 16100 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.506904
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 16200 , train accuracy= 0.859375 , loss= 0.448911
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 16300 , train accuracy= 0.859375 , loss= 0.395126
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 16400 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.488732
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 16500 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.461827
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 16600 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.397317
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 16700 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.520891
test accuracy= 0.421875

Iteration i= 16800 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.5105
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 16900 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.427761
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 17000 , train accuracy= 0.859375 , loss= 0.437656
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 17100 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.457886
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 17200 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.403451
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 17300 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.39625
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 17400 , train accuracy= 0.796875 , loss= 0.683927
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 17500 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.357479
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 17600 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.343771
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 17700 , train accuracy= 0.890625 , loss= 0.268168
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 17800 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.348731
test accuracy= 0.53125

Iteration i= 17900 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.677665
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 18000 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.336307
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 18100 , train accuracy= 0.890625 , loss= 0.29896
test accuracy= 0.53125

Iteration i= 18200 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.458075
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 18300 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.459532
test accuracy= 0.46875

Iteration i= 18400 , train accuracy= 0.71875 , loss= 0.640311
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 18500 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.498854
test accuracy= 0.53125

Iteration i= 18600 , train accuracy= 0.90625 , loss= 0.322264
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 18700 , train accuracy= 0.78125 , loss= 0.565783
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 18800 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.39525
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 18900 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.427192
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 19000 , train accuracy= 0.921875 , loss= 0.299445
test accuracy= 0.515625

Iteration i= 19100 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.36012
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 19200 , train accuracy= 0.828125 , loss= 0.46301
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 19300 , train accuracy= 0.765625 , loss= 0.549023
test accuracy= 0.5

Iteration i= 19400 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.398623
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 19500 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.293031
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 19600 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.39247
test accuracy= 0.484375

Iteration i= 19700 , train accuracy= 0.875 , loss= 0.430336
test accuracy= 0.453125

Iteration i= 19800 , train accuracy= 0.8125 , loss= 0.450704
test accuracy= 0.53125

Iteration i= 19900 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.373512
test accuracy= 0.4375

Iteration i= 20000 , train accuracy= 0.84375 , loss= 0.388213
test accuracy= 0.5625


This third model reaches a test accuracy up to 56% which is the best result we could get. We can also see that we have prevent a little bit the overfitting problem observed with the previous models.

Saving the trained graph in TF file


In [258]:
# Add ops to save and restore all the variables.
saver = tf.train.Saver()

# Save the variables to disk.
save_path = saver.save(sess, "model_6layers.ckpt")
print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path)

Model saved in file: model_6layers.ckpt

Class Accuracy

To see how our network behaves for every classes, it is calculated separately the accuracy for each of them.
As we can see it is slightly different for each emotion, with a highest accuracy for the surprised one (72%) and a lowest for the sad one (31%).

In [259]:
# calculating accuracy for each class separately for the test set
result_cnn = sess.run([y], feed_dict = {xin: test_data,  keep_prob_input: 1.0})
#result = sess.run(y, feed_dict={xin: test_data, keep_prob_input: 1.0})

tset = test_labels.argmax(1);
result = np.asarray(result_cnn[:][0]).argmax(1);

for i in range (0,nc):
    print('accuracy',str_emotions[i]+str('   '), '\t',ut.calc_partial_accuracy(tset, result, i))

accuracy angry    	 0.6956521739130435
accuracy scared    	 0.5714285714285714
accuracy happy    	 0.6
accuracy sad    	 0.3157894736842105
accuracy surprised    	 0.7272727272727273
accuracy normal    	 0.43478260869565216

Feeding the CNN with some data (camera/file)

Finally to test if the model really works it's needed to feed some new row and unlabeled data into the neural network. To do so some images are taken from the internet or could be taken directly from the camera.

In [257]:
#faces, marked_img = ut.get_faces_from_img('big_bang.png');
#faces, marked_img = ut.get_faces_from_img('big_bang.png');
faces, marked_img = ut.get_faces_from_img('camera');

# if some face was found in the image
    #creating the blank test vector
    data_orig = np.zeros([n_train, 48,48])

    #putting face data into the vector (only first few)
    for i in range(0, len(faces)):
        data_orig[i,:,:] = ut.contrast_stretch(faces[i,:,:]);

        #preparing image and putting it into the batch 
        n = data_orig.shape[0];
        data = np.zeros([n,48**2])
        for i in range(n):
            xx = data_orig[i,:,:]
            xx -= np.mean(xx)
            xx /= np.linalg.norm(xx)
            data[i,:] = xx.reshape(2304); #np.reshape(xx,[-1])

    result = sess.run([y], feed_dict={xin: data, keep_prob_input: 1.0})
    plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 10.0) # set default size of plots
    for i in range(0, len(faces)):
        emotion_nr = np.argmax(result[0][i]);
        plt_idx = (2*i)+1;
        plt.subplot( 5, 2*len(faces)/5+1, plt_idx)
        plt.imshow(np.reshape(data[i,:], (48,48)))
        ax = plt.subplot(5, 2*len(faces)/5+1, plt_idx +1)
        ax.bar(np.arange(nc) , result[0][i])
        ax.set_xticklabels(str_emotions, rotation=45, rotation_mode="anchor")

Conclusions and comments

  • The data contains a lot of noisy data, i.e. faces are rotated and of different size.
  • A lot of emotions in the dataset were labeled wrong. (e.g. happy images in sad images).
  • (we think) That is why we couldn't achieve very good accuracy.
  • The accuracy is very good for "Happy" and "Surprised" class. These images seems to be the most "clean" as data.
  • The computational power to train CNN is very high, therefore it was very time consuming to try different computational graphs.
  • The facial emotion recognition is has very complicated features that were hard to explore for our computational graphs.

Possible improvements in the future

  • For sure the CNN would perfom better if the faces were always the same size and aligned to be straight.
  • We could try another, deeper CNN architectures to extract more features.

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