In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Load Results

In [2]:
from menpofast.feature import no_op, fast_dsift
from alabortijcv2015.utils import pickle_load

path = '/data/'
db = 'afw'
aam_type = 'GlobalAAM_PWA'
features_type = fast_dsift.__name__
#noise_std = [0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08]
noise_std = [0.04]

sic, sfc = [], []

aic, afc = [], []
bic, bfc, pic = [], [], []

for n in noise_std:
    sic.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_SIC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
    sfc.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_SFC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
    aic.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_AIC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
    afc.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_AFC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
    bic.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_BIC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
    bfc.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_BFC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
    pic.append(pickle_load(path + 'PhD/Results/ijcv2015/exp2_' + aam_type + '_' + features_type +  '_PIC_' + db + '_' + str(n)))
results = [sic, sfc, 
           aic, afc, 
           bic, bfc, pic]

legend_entries = ['SIC', 'SFC', 
                  'AIC', 'AFC',  
                  'BIC', 'BFC', 'PIC']

In [3]:
results = [sic, sfc, 
           aic, afc]

legend_entries = ['SIC', 'SFC', 
                  'AIC', 'AFC']

RMSE vs Sigma

In [4]:
all_errors = []

for fitter_results in results:
    mean_errors = []
    for frs in fitter_results:
        errors = [fr.final_error() for fr in frs]
all_errors = np.asarray(all_errors)
x_values = noise_std

In [5]:
plot(x_values, all_errors.T, linewidth=1, marker='o', ms=5)

legend(legend_entries, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.025))
ylabel('Mean Normalized Point-to-Point Error')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f019c263fd0>

RMSE vs Iterations

In [6]:
all_errors = []

for fitter_results in results:
    mean_errors = []
    for frs in fitter_results:
        errors = [fr.errors() for fr in frs]
        mean_errors.append(np.mean(errors, axis=0))
all_errors = np.asarray(all_errors)
x_values = range(0, fr.n_iters + 2)

In [7]:
n = 0

plot(x_values, all_errors[:, n].T, linewidth=1, marker='o', ms=5)

legend(legend_entries, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.025))
ylabel('Mean Normalized Point-to-Point Error')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f019c0ae1d0>

Cost vs Iterations

In [8]:
all_costs = []

for fitter_results in results:
    mean_costs = []
    for frs in fitter_results:
        costs = [fr.costs() for fr in frs]
        mean_costs.append(np.mean(costs, axis=0))
all_costs = np.asarray(all_costs)
x_values = range(0, fr.n_iters)

In [9]:
n = 0

plot(x_values, all_costs[:, n].T, linewidth=1, marker='o', ms=5)

legend(legend_entries, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.025))
ylabel('Mean Normalized Point-to-Point Error')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f019bfcdd50>


In [10]:
n = 0

errors = [[fr.initial_error() for fr in results[0][n]]]
for fitter_results in results:
    errors.append([fr.final_error() for fr in fitter_results[n]])

In [11]:
from menpofit.visualize import plot_ced

legend_entries2 = ['Ini'] + legend_entries

plot_ced(errors, legend_entries=legend_entries2)

Fitting Statistics

In [12]:
from __future__ import division

print '\t', 'Mean \t', 'STD \t', 'Median \t', 'Convergence \t'

for err, method in zip(errors, legend_entries2):
    print method, '\t', 
    print np.round(np.mean(err), decimals=4), '\t', 
    print np.round(np.std(err), decimals=4), '\t', 
    print np.round(np.median(err), decimals=4), '\t',
    c = 0
    for e, ini_e in zip(err, errors[0]):
        if e < ini_e:
    print np.round(c / len(err), decimals=4)

	Mean 	STD 	Median 	Convergence 	
Ini 	0.0892 	0.0262 	0.0884 	0.0
SIC 	0.0352 	0.0262 	0.0281 	0.9792
SFC 	0.0379 	0.0229 	0.0308 	0.9931
AIC 	0.0349 	0.0249 	0.0281 	0.9812
AFC 	0.0385 	0.0233 	0.031 	0.9931