Kinetic and energetic exploration of stored memories

Introduction, equilibrium relaxation

In this notebook, we use the memexp module to show some examples of memory explorations using energetic as well as kinetic exploratory mechanisms. To begin, we load the module (as well as other modules that will be useful).

In [1]:
import memories.memexp as mx

%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os as os
import numpy as np

We will start studying the simple case of relaxation to a stored memory using stochastic dynamics. That is, we use a stochastic Hopfield model. This will introduce us to the Simulation class, as well as the Network class

In [2]:
MySim = mx.Simulation(model = 'hopfield', N = 300, p=10, mu=3, seed=100, beta = 100., swipes=300, ds=1.)

Above we have created a simulation object for a system with $N=500$ neurons and $p=10$ patterns. We have chosen patter $\mu=3$ as the target pattern, which means that the original state contains an overlap of 50 neurons with the target state pattern. Since we have fixed the inverse temperature to a large value $\beta=100$ the system will behave deterministically, as in Hopfield's original paper. We will run the simulation for $10^2$ swipes, which means $500\times 10^2$ time steps, and we will save the state fo the system every $ds=1$ swipes.

In [3]:


We can see that the system converged by checking the last state of the network class inside the simulation:

In [4]:

array([ 0.10666667,  0.09333333,  0.03333333,  1.        ,  0.08666667,
       -0.10666667, -0.11333333, -0.13333333, -0.09333333, -0.04      ])

Graphically the evolution can be seen by loading the stored data and plotting the overlaps over time. First we load the network class, which contains the network parameters and useful functions.

In [5]:
import pickle

net = pickle.load( open( MySim.path + '/net.pkl','rb') )

We now create the variables where we will store the overlaps.

In [6]:
neuron_t = np.zeros_like(net.N)
file_list =[ x for x in os.listdir(MySim.path) if x[0]=='S' ]
overlaps_t = np.zeros((len(file_list), net.p))

We can now read the files and calculate the overlaps over time

In [7]:
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    sigma  = np.load(MySim.path + '/' + file_list[i])
    net.neurons = sigma
    overlaps_t[i,:] = net.overlaps()

Finally, we plot the overlaps

In [8]:
plt.ylabel('overlaps, $m^{\mu}$',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.xlabel('time, ',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
for i in range(len(overlaps_t[0,:])):
    plt.plot(overlaps_t[:,i],label='%d' % (i))

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x106e0de90>

Kinetic memory exploration

We now generate a simulation class for the kinetic dynamics (model = 'kinetic'), which runs over a longer time $T$ (swipes = 300). We choose values for the delay time $\tau$ (tau = 50.*300) and the non-equilibrium driving $\lambda$ (lambda=1.5). The length of the encoded sequence is k=3.

In [278]:
MyKinSim = mx.Simulation(model = 'kinetic', N = 300, p = 8, k = 3,  seed=250, beta = 5., swipes=100*5, ds=1., lamda = 1.5, tau=150.*300)

We run the simulation

In [279]:


Before evaluating the simulaion results, we create the variables where we will store the overlaps

In [280]:
net = pickle.load( open( MyKinSim.path + '/net.pkl','rb') )

neuron_t = np.zeros_like(MyKinSim.N)
file_list = [ x for x in os.listdir(MyKinSim.path) if x[0]=='S' ]
overlaps_t = np.zeros((len(file_list), net.p))

We can now read the files and calculate the overlaps over time

In [281]:
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    sigma  = np.load(MyKinSim.path + '/' + file_list[i])
    net.neurons = sigma
    overlaps_t[i,:] = net.overlaps()

Finally, we plot the overlaps

In [282]:
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

ax = plt.subplot(111)
plt.ylabel('overlaps, $m^{\mu}$',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.xlabel('time, ',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.axis([0, MyKinSim.swipes, -.4, 1.2])

for i in range(len(overlaps_t[0,:])):
    plt.plot(overlaps_t[:,i],label='%d' % (i))


Test of analysis

In [23]:
import tools.evaluation as ev

ev.my_score((net.k, net.p), [overlaps_t], cutoff = 0.5, time_retrieved = 0.10 * net.tau / net.N)


Energetic memory exploration

We generate a simulation class for the energetic dynamics case (model = 'energetic'), keeping all values equal to the kinetic case.

In [58]:
MyEnSim = mx.Simulation(model = 'energetic', N = 300, p=10, k = 3, seed=250, beta = 3., swipes=15*100, ds=1., tau=150.*300)

We run the simulation, which is now slower. The reason is that for each time step the hebbian matrix has to be re-calculated.

In [59]:


As before, we create the variables where the results will be stored

In [60]:
net = pickle.load( open( MyEnSim.path + '/net.pkl','rb') )

neuron_t = np.zeros_like(net.N)
file_list = [ x for x in os.listdir(MyEnSim.path) if x[0]=='S' ]
overlaps_t = np.zeros((len(file_list), net.p))

We can now read the files and calculate the overlaps over time

In [61]:
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    sigma  = np.load(MyEnSim.path + '/' + file_list[i])
    net.neurons = sigma
    overlaps_t[i,:] = net.overlaps()

Finally, we plot the overlaps

In [62]:
plt.ylabel('overlaps, $m^{\mu}$',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.xlabel('time, ',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
for i in range(len(overlaps_t[0,:])):
    plt.plot(overlaps_t[:,i],label='%d' % (i))

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10a4fb250>

In [64]:
import tools.evaluation as ev

ev.my_score((net.k, net.p), [overlaps_t], cutoff = 0.5, time_retrieved = 0.1 * net.tau / net.N)

(3, 2)

Modified energetic memory exploration

We generate a simulation class for the energetic dynamics case (model = 'energetic'), keeping all values equal to the kinetic case.

In [152]:
MyEnSim = mx.Simulation(model = 'energetic-modified', N = 300, p=20, k = 3, seed=250, beta = 3., swipes=5*100, ds=1., tau=150.*300)

We run the simulation, which is now slower. The reason is that for each time step the hebbian matrix has to be re-calculated.

In [153]:


As before, we create the variables where the results will be stored

In [154]:
net = pickle.load( open( MyEnSim.path + '/net.pkl','rb') )

neuron_t = np.zeros_like(net.N)
file_list = [ x for x in os.listdir(MyEnSim.path) if x[0]=='S' ]
overlaps_t = np.zeros((len(file_list), net.p))

We can now read the files and calculate the overlaps over time

In [155]:
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    sigma  = np.load(MyEnSim.path + '/' + file_list[i])
    net.neurons = sigma
    overlaps_t[i,:] = net.overlaps()

Finally, we plot the overlaps

In [156]:
plt.ylabel('overlaps, $m^{\mu}$',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.xlabel('time, ',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
for i in range(len(overlaps_t[0,:])):
    plt.plot(overlaps_t[:,i],label='%d' % (i))

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1103968d0>

Kinetic exploration of correlated memories

We now generate a simulation class for the kinetic dynamics (model = 'kinetic'), which runs over a longer time $T$ (swipes = 300). We choose values for the delay time $\tau$ (tau = 50.*300) and the non-equilibrium driving $\lambda$ (lambda=1.5).

In [232]:
MyKinSim = mx.Simulation(model = 'kinetic', N = 300, p = 7, k = 10, correlation = 10, seed=250, beta = 5., swipes = 100*15, ds = 1., lamda = 1.5, tau=150.*300)

We run the simulation

In [233]:


Before evaluating the simulaion results, we create the variables where we will store the overlaps

In [234]:
net = pickle.load( open( MyKinSim.path + '/net.pkl','rb') )

neuron_t = np.zeros_like(net.N)
file_list = [ x for x in os.listdir(MyKinSim.path) if x[0]=='S' ]
overlaps_t = np.zeros((len(file_list), net.p))

We can now read the files and calculate the overlaps over time

In [235]:
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    sigma  = np.load(MyKinSim.path + '/' + file_list[i])
    net.neurons = sigma
    overlaps_t[i,:] = net.overlaps()

Finally, we plot the overlaps

In [236]:
plt.ylabel('overlaps, $m^{\mu}$',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.xlabel('time, ',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
for i in range(len(overlaps_t[0,:])):
    plt.plot(overlaps_t[:,i],label='%d' % (i))

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x111148e90>

Energetic exploration of correlated memories

We generate a simulation class for the energetic dynamics case (model = 'energetic'), keeping all values equal to the kinetic case.

In [291]:
MyEnSim = mx.Simulation(model = 'energetic', N = 300, p = 10, k = 7, correlation = 30, seed=298, beta = 5., swipes = 100*15, ds=1., tau=150.*300)

We run the simulation, which is now slower. The reason is that for each time step the hebbian matrix has to be re-calculated.

In [292]:


As before, we create the variables where the results will be stored

In [293]:
net = pickle.load( open( MyKinSim.path + '/net.pkl','rb') )

neuron_t = np.zeros_like(net.N)
file_list = [ x for x in os.listdir(MyEnSim.path) if x[0]=='S' ]
overlaps_t = np.zeros((len(file_list), net.p))

We can now read the files and calculate the overlaps over time

In [294]:
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    sigma  = np.load(MyEnSim.path + '/' + file_list[i])
    net.neurons = sigma
    overlaps_t[i,:] = net.overlaps()

Finally, we plot the overlaps

In [295]:
plt.ylabel('overlaps, $m^{\mu}$',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
plt.xlabel('time, ',fontdict={'fontsize':20})
for i in range(len(overlaps_t[0,:])):
    plt.plot(overlaps_t[:,i],label='%d' % (i))

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11a7e3cd0>

In [300]:
import tools.evaluation as ev

ev.my_score((net.k, net.p), [overlaps_t], cutoff = 0.5, time_retrieved = 0.1 * net.tau / net.N)
