In [1]:
using QuantEcon, QuantEcon.Models
using Gadfly, DataFrames
This exercise asked you to validate the laws of motion for $\gamma$ and $\mu$ given in the lecture, based on the stated result about Bayesian updating in a scalar Gaussian setting. The stated result tells us that after observing average output $X$ of the $M$ firms, our posterior beliefs will be
$$ N(\mu_0, 1/\gamma_0) $$where
$$ \mu_0 = \frac{\mu \gamma + M X \gamma_x}{\gamma + M \gamma_x} \quad \text{and} \quad \gamma_0 = \gamma + M \gamma_x $$If we take a random variable $\theta$ with this distribution and then evaluate the distribution of $\rho \theta + \sigma_\theta w$ where $w$ is independent and standard normal, we get the expressions for $\mu'$ and $\gamma'$ given in the lecture.
First let's replicate the plot that illustrates the law of motion for precision, which is
$$ \gamma_{t+1} = \left( \frac{\rho^2}{\gamma_t + M \gamma_x} + \sigma_\theta^2 \right)^{-1} $$Here $M$ is the number of active firms. The next figure plots $\gamma_{t+1}$ against $\gamma_t$ on a 45 degree diagram for different values of $M$
In [2]:
econ = UncertaintyTrapEcon()
rho, sig_theta, gx = econ.rho, econ.sig_theta, econ.gx # simplify names
# grid for gamma and gamma_{t+1}
γ = linspace(1e-10, 3, 200)
M_range = 0:6
γp = 1 ./ (rho^2 ./ (γ .+ gx.*M_range') + sig_theta^2)
plot(x=repeat(collect(γ), outer=[length(M_range)+1]),
y=vec([γ γp]),
color=repeat(["45°"; map(string, M_range)], inner=[length(γ)]),
Geom.line, Guide.colorkey("M"), Guide.xlabel("γ"), Guide.ylabel("γ'"))
The points where the curves hit the 45 degree lines are the long run steady states corresponding to each $M$, if that value of $M$ was to remain fixed. As the number of firms falls, so does the long run steady state of precision.
Next let's generate time series for beliefs and the aggregates -- that is, the number of active firms and average output.
In [3]:
function QuantEcon.simulate(uc::UncertaintyTrapEcon, capT::Int=2000)
# allocate memory
μ_vec = Array(Float64, capT)
θ_vec = Array(Float64, capT)
γ_vec = Array(Float64, capT)
X_vec = Array(Float64, capT)
M_vec = Array(Int, capT)
# set initial using fields from object
μ_vec[1] =
γ_vec[1] = uc.gamma
θ_vec[1] = 0
# draw standard normal shocks
w_shocks = randn(capT)
for t=1:capT-1
X, M = gen_aggregates(uc)
X_vec[t] = X
M_vec[t] = M
update_beliefs!(uc, X, M)
update_theta!(uc, w_shocks[t])
μ_vec[t+1] =
γ_vec[t+1] = uc.gamma
θ_vec[t+1] = uc.theta
# Record final values of aggregates
X, M = gen_aggregates(uc)
X_vec[end] = X
M_vec[end] = M
return μ_vec, γ_vec, θ_vec, X_vec, M_vec
First let's see how well $\mu$ tracks $\theta$ in these simulations
In [13]:
srand(7) # set random seed for reproducible results
μ_vec, γ_vec, θ_vec, X_vec, M_vec = simulate(econ)
p=plot(x=repeat(collect(1:length(μ_vec)), outer=[2]),
y=[μ_vec; θ_vec],
color=repeat(["μ", "θ"], inner=[length(μ_vec)]),
Geom.line, Guide.colorkey("Variable"))
Now let's plot the whole thing together
In [14]:
mdf = DataFrame(t=1:length(θ_vec), θ=θ_vec, μ=μ_vec, γ=γ_vec, M=M_vec)
plot(stack(mdf, [2:5]), x="t",
Geom.subplot_grid(Geom.line, free_y_axis=true))