If you haven't read the One particle equilibrium
notebook yet, go and read it now.
In the previous notebook we showed that we can use Magpy to compute the correct thermal equilibrium for a single particle. However, we also need to check that the interactions are correctly implemented by simulating the thermal equilibrium of multiple interacting particles.
In this notebook we'll simulate an ensemble of two particle systems with Magpy. Instead of computing the distribution analytically, we will use the Metropolis Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo technique to generate the correct equilibrium.
Many thanks to Jonathon Waters for the terse python implementation of the Metropolis algorithm!
Problem setup
In this example the system comprises two identical particles separated by a distance $R$. The particles have their anisotropy axes in the same direction. We are interested in the following four variables: the angle between the particle's moments and the anisotropy axis $\theta_1,\theta_2$ and the rotational (azimuth) angle of the particles around the anisotropy axis $\phi_1,\phi_2$
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
#import tqdm
import magpy as mp
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
def e_anisotropy(moments, anisotropy_axes, V, K, particle_id):
cos_t = np.sum(moments[particle_id, :]*anisotropy_axes[particle_id, :])
return -K*V*cos_t**2
In [3]:
def e_dipole(moments, positions, Ms, V, particle_id):
mu_0 = mp.core.get_mu0()
mask = np.ones(moments.shape[0], dtype=bool)
mask[particle_id] = False
rs = positions[mask]-positions[particle_id, :]
mod_rs = np.linalg.norm(rs, axis=1)
rs[:, 0] = rs[:, 0] / mod_rs
rs[:, 1] = rs[:, 1] / mod_rs
rs[:, 2] = rs[:, 2] / mod_rs
m1_m2 = np.sum(moments[particle_id, :]*moments[mask], axis=1)
m1_r = np.sum(moments[particle_id, :]*rs, axis=1)
m2_r = np.sum(moments[mask]*rs, axis=1)
numer = (V**2)*(Ms**2)*mu_0*(3*m1_r*m2_r - m1_m2)
denom = 4*np.pi*np.power(mod_rs, 3)
return -np.sum(numer/denom)
In [4]:
def e_total(moments, positions, anisotropy_axes, Ms, V, K, particle_id):
return (
e_dipole(moments, positions, Ms, V, particle_id)
+ e_anisotropy(moments, anisotropy_axes, V, K, particle_id)
Once we run this loop many times, we'll have a list of accepted samples of the system state. The distribution of this ensemble of states is guaranteed to converge to the true distribution. Monte-Carlo is much faster than numerical integration methods when we have many particles.
In [5]:
def sphere_point():
theta = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
phi = np.arccos(1-2*np.random.rand())
return np.array([np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta), np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi)])
def MH(positions, ani_axis, spins, Neq, Nsamps, SampRate, Ms, V, K, T, seed=42):
k_b = mp.core.get_KB()
test = np.copy(spins)
Ntot = Neq+Nsamps*SampRate
Out = np.zeros([spins.shape[0], spins.shape[1], Nsamps])
ns = 0
for n in tqdm_notebook(range(Ntot)):
# pick a random spin
i = int(np.random.rand(1)*positions.shape[0])
# pick a random dir
test[i, :] = sphere_point()
dE = e_total(test, positions, ani_axis, Ms, V, K, i) - \
e_total(moments, positions, ani_axis, Ms, V, K, i)
if(np.random.rand(1) < np.exp(-dE/(k_b*T))):
spins[i, :] = test[i, :]
test[i, :] = spins[i, :]
if (n >= Neq and (n-Neq)%SampRate == 0):
Out[:, :, ns] = np.copy(spins)
ns += 1
return Out
In [6]:
N = 2 # Two particles
T = 330 # temperature
K = 1e5 # anisotropy strength
R = 9e-9 # distance between two particles
r = 7e-9 # radius of the particles
V = 4./3 * np.pi * r**3 # volume of particle
Ms = 4e5 # saturation magnetisation
# particle 1 particle 2
positions = np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., R]])
moments = np.array([sphere_point(), sphere_point()])
anisotropy_axes = np.array([[0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 1.]])
In [7]:
output = MH(positions, anisotropy_axes, moments, 100000, 600000, 20, Ms, V, K, T, 0)
In [9]:
thetas = np.arccos(output[:, 2, :])
plt.hist(thetas[0], bins=50, normed=True)
plt.title('Magnetisation angle histogram (MCMC)')
plt.xlabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta$ rads')
plt.ylabel('Probability $p(\\theta)$');
We now use Magpy to simulate a large ensemble of the identical two-particle system. Once the ensemble has reached a stationary distribution, we determine the distribution of magnetisation angles over the ensemble. We expect this distribution to match the equilibrium distribution determined by the MCMC sampler.
In [10]:
# additionally we must specify damping
alpha = 0.1
# We build a model of the two particles
base_model = mp.Model(
radius=[r, r],
# Create an ensemble of 50,000 identical models
ensemble = mp.EnsembleModel(50000, base_model)
In [11]:
res = ensemble.simulate(end_time=1e-9, time_step=1e-12,
max_samples=500, random_state=1002,
n_jobs=-1, implicit_solve=True,
In [12]:
m_z0 = np.array([state['z'][0] for state in res.final_state()])/Ms
m_z1 = np.array([state['z'][1] for state in res.final_state()])/Ms
theta0 = np.arccos(m_z0)
theta1 = np.arccos(m_z1)
In [13]:
plt.hist(theta0, bins=50, alpha=0.5, normed=True, label='magpy')
plt.hist(thetas[0], bins=50, alpha=0.5, normed=True, label='MCMC')
plt.xlabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta$ (rads)')
plt.ylabel('Probability $p(\\theta)$');
The results look to be a good match!
Below we compare the joint distribution of $\theta_0$ and $\theta_1$ (the magnetisation angle of both particles). In other words, this is the probability distribution over the entire state space. It is important to compare the joint distributions because the two particles interact with one another, creating a dependence between the two magnetisation angles.
In [26]:
fg, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(11,4), sharey=True)
histdat = axs[0].hist2d(theta0, theta1, bins=16, normed=True)
axs[1].hist2d(thetas[0], thetas[1], bins=histdat[1], normed=True);
for ax, title in zip(axs, ['Magpy', 'MCMC']):
ax.set_xlabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_0$')
ax.set_ylabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_1$')
fg.colorbar(histdat[3], ax=axs.tolist());
In [27]:
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
kde = gaussian_kde(thetas)
tgrid_x = np.linspace(theta0.min(), theta0.max(), 16)
tgrid_y = np.linspace(theta1.min(), theta1.max(), 16)
tgrid_x, tgrid_y = np.meshgrid(tgrid_x, tgrid_y)
Z = np.reshape(kde(np.vstack([tgrid_x.ravel(), tgrid_y.ravel()])).T, tgrid_x.shape)
In [57]:
fg, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,5))
hist = ax.hist2d(theta0, theta1, bins=16, normed=True)
contour = ax.contour(tgrid_x, tgrid_y, Z, cmap='hot_r')
fg.colorbar(contour, label='MCMC')
fg.colorbar(hist[3], label='Magpy')
ax.set_xlabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_0$')
ax.set_ylabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_1$');
In [58]:
res_noi = ensemble.simulate(end_time=1e-9, time_step=1e-12,
max_samples=500, random_state=1002,
n_jobs=-1, implicit_solve=True,
m_z0 = np.array([state['z'][0] for state in res_noi.final_state()])/Ms
m_z1 = np.array([state['z'][1] for state in res_noi.final_state()])/Ms
theta0_noi = np.arccos(m_z0)
theta1_noi = np.arccos(m_z1)
In [63]:
plt.hist(theta0, bins=50, normed=True, alpha=0.4, label='Magpy')
plt.hist(theta0_noi, bins=50, normed=True, alpha=0.4, label='Magpy (no inter.)');
plt.hist(thetas[0], bins=50, histtype='step', lw=2, normed=True, alpha=0.4, label='MCMC')
plt.xlabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_0$ rads')
plt.ylabel('Probability $p(\\theta_0)$');
plt.title('Comparison of $\\theta_0$ distrubition');
In [66]:
fg, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,5))
hist = ax.hist2d(theta0_noi, theta1_noi, bins=16, normed=True)
contour = ax.contour(tgrid_x, tgrid_y, Z, cmap='hot_r')
fg.colorbar(contour, label='MCMC')
fg.colorbar(hist[3], label='Magpy')
ax.set_xlabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_0$')
ax.set_ylabel('Magnetisation angle $\\theta_1$');
The results show that the distributions cleary deviate when we ignore interactions.