In this notebook, we visualise the results from the magpy
convergence tests. These tests ensure that the numerical methods are implemented correctly.
Running the tests Before executing this notebook, you'll need to run the convergence tests. In order to do this you must:
cd /path/to/magpy/directory
make test/convergence/run
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
datapath = '../../../test/convergence/output/'
In [2]:
# load results
path = datapath + 'task1/'
files = !ls {path}
results = {name: np.fromfile(path + name) for name in files if name!='dt'}
dts = np.fromfile(path + 'dt')
In [3]:
tvecs = {
i: dts[i] * np.arange(len(results['heun'+str(i)]))
for i in range(len(dts))
The following plot shows $x(t)$ for:
Both methods look accurate
In [4]:
plt.plot(tvecs[0], results['true'], label='Analytic')
plt.plot(tvecs[3], results['heun3'], label='Heun')
plt.plot(tvecs[3], results['implicit3'], label='Implicit')
plt.xlabel('$t$'); plt.ylabel('$x(t)$'); plt.legend()
We introduce stiffness into the 1D problem in order to compare the explicit (Heun) and implicit methods. This is done here by creating a large separation in timescales (the deterministic dynamics are fast, the random dynamics are slow).
$$dX(t) = aX(t)dt + bX(t)dW(t)$$
In [5]:
# load results
path = datapath + 'task2/'
files = !ls {path}
results = {name: np.fromfile(path + name) for name in files if name!='dt'}
dts = np.fromfile(path + 'dt')
In [6]:
tvecs = {
i: dts[i] * np.arange(len(results['heun'+str(i)]))
for i in range(len(dts))
The plot of $x(t)$ shows that the explicit solver performs poorly on the stiff problem, as expected. The implicit solution looks accurate.
In [7]:
plt.plot(tvecs[0], results['true'], label='Analytic')
plt.plot(tvecs[3], results['heun3'], label='Heun')
plt.plot(tvecs[3], results['implicit3'], label='Implicit')
plt.xlabel('$t$'); plt.ylabel('$x(t)$'); plt.legend()
In [8]:
# load results
path = datapath + 'task3/'
files = !ls {path}
results = {name: np.fromfile(path + name) for name in files if name!='dt'}
The implicit solver blows up for these unstable problems. The explicit solver is able to track the trajectory closely.
In [9]:
plt.plot(results['true'], label='Analytic')
plt.plot(results['heun'], label='Heun')
plt.plot(results['implicit'], label='Implicit')
plt.legend(), plt.ylabel('$X(t_n)$'); plt.xlabel('$n$')
plt.ylim(0.999, 1.001)
In [10]:
# Load results
path = datapath + 'task4/'
files = !ls {path}
results = {name: np.fromfile(path + name).reshape((-1,3)) for name in files if name!='dt'}
dts = np.fromfile(path + 'dt')
Below is an example of the true trajectory of the x,y,z coordinates of magnetisation.
In [11]:
plt.title('True trajectory')
Below we compare three integrators:
We compare the residuals (difference between the true and estimated trajectories) in x,y,z for a number of time step sizes. Note that we are using reduced time (see docs elsewhere).
In [12]:
integ_names = ['heun', 'implicit_slow', 'implicit_mid']
dt_indices = range(len(dts))
fg, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=len(dts), ncols=len(integ_names),
sharey='row', sharex=True,
for ax_row, dt_idx in zip(axs, dt_indices):
for ax, name in zip(ax_row, integ_names):
mag = results[name + str(dt_idx)]
true = results['true'][::10**dt_idx]
time = dts[dt_idx] * np.arange(mag.shape[0])
ax.plot(time, mag-true)
ax.set_title('{} | {:1.0e} '.format(name, dts[dt_idx]))
From the above results we make three observations:
In [13]:
intes = ['heun', 'implicit_slow', 'implicit_mid', 'implicit_fast']
dt_indices = range(2,4)
fg, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=len(intes), figsize=(5*len(intes), 12))
for axrow, direction in zip(axs, range(3)):
for ax, inte in zip(axrow, intes):
for idx in dt_indices:
numerical = results[inte+str(idx)][:,direction]
time = dts[idx] * np.arange(numerical.size)
ax.plot(time, numerical, label='dt={:1.0e}'.format(dts[idx]))
actual = results['true'][:,direction]
time = dts[0] * np.arange(actual.size)
ax.plot(time, actual, 'k--', label='actual')
ax.set_ylim(0 if direction==2 else -1.1 ,1.1)
We now perform finite-temperature simulations of the LLG equation using the explicit and implicit scheme. We determine the global convergence (i.e. the increase in accuracy with decreasing time step).
We expect the convergence to be linear in log-log
space and have a convergence rate (slope) of 0.5
Files are ordered from smallest timestep at index 0
to lowest at index 4
Below we show an example of the problem, which we are solving.
In [14]:
x = np.fromfile(datapath+'task5/example_sol').reshape((-1,3))
In [17]:
fnames = !ls {datapath}task5/implicit*
global_sols = [np.fromfile(fname).reshape((-1,3)) for fname in fnames]
In [18]:
# Compute difference between solutions at consecutive timesteps
diffs = np.diff(global_sols, axis=0)
# Take err as L2 norm
err = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=2)
# Compute expected error
Eerr = np.mean(err, axis=1)
In [19]:
# Load the dt values
dts = np.fromfile(datapath+'task5/dt')[1:]
In [20]:
# Fit a straight line
a,b = np.linalg.lstsq(np.stack([np.ones_like(dts), np.log2(dts)]).T, np.log2(Eerr))[0]
In [21]:
plt.plot(np.log2(dts), np.log2(Eerr), 'x', ms=10, label='Observations')
plt.plot(np.log2(dts), a + np.log2(dts)*b, '-', label='Fit b={:.3f}'.format(b))
plt.xlabel('$\\log_2 \\Delta t$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('$\\log_2 E (\\left| Y_T-Y_T^{\\Delta t}\\right|)^2$', fontsize=14)
In [22]:
fnames = !ls {datapath}task5/heun*
global_sols = [np.fromfile(fname).reshape((-1,3)) for fname in fnames]
In [23]:
# Compute difference between solutions at consecutive timesteps
diffs = np.diff(global_sols, axis=0)
# Take err as L2 norm
err = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=2)
# Compute expected error
Eerr = np.mean(err, axis=1)
In [24]:
# Fit a straight line
a,b = np.linalg.lstsq(np.stack([np.ones_like(dts), np.log2(dts)]).T, np.log2(Eerr))[0]
In [25]:
plt.plot(np.log2(dts), np.log2(Eerr), 'x', ms=10, label='Observations')
plt.plot(np.log2(dts), a + np.log2(dts)*b, '-', label='Fit b={:.3f}'.format(b))
plt.xlabel('$\\log_2 \\Delta t$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('$\\log_2 E (\\left| Y_T-Y_T^{\\Delta t}\\right|)^2$', fontsize=14)