In [2]:
from import ConfigManager
from IPython.paths import locate_profile
cm = ConfigManager(profile_dir=locate_profile(get_ipython().profile))
cm.update('livereveal', {
              'theme': 'sky',
              'transition': 'zoom',
              'start_slideshow_at': 'selected',
%load_ext tikzmagic

/Users/ivan/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/ ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated. You should import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.
  "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)

In [3]:
import tt
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy.sparse as ssp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import prettyplotlib as ppl
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
import matplotlib as mpl
rc_cmufonts = {"": "normal", 
                "font.serif": [], 
                "font.sans-serif": [], 
                "font.monospace": []}

fs = 12
font = {'size' : fs}
mpl.rc('font', **font)
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'

Convergence on low-rank manifolds

Ivan Oseledets
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Based on joint work with C. Lubich, H. Walach, D. Kolesnikov

The topic of this talk

Recently, much attention has been paid to solution of optimization problems on low-rank matrix and tensor manifolds.

  • Low-rank matrix manifold: $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$, $A = UV^{\top}$.
  • Low-rank tensor-train manifold, $\mathrm{rank}~A_k = r_k.$

These methods are really important, since they lead to huge complexity reduction, and there are recent theoretical results for the approximability of solutions.

Optimization problems examples

  • Linear systems: $F(X) = \langle A(X), X \rangle - 2 \langle F, X\rangle.$
  • Eigenvalue problems $F(X) = \langle A(X), X \rangle, \mbox{s.t.} \Vert X \Vert = 1.$
  • Tensor completion: $F(X) = \Vert W \circ (A - X)\Vert.$

My claim is that we need better understanding of how these methods converge!

General scheme

The general scheme is that we have some (convergent method) in a full space:

$$X_{k+1} = \Phi(X_k),$$

and we know that the solution $X_*$ is on the manifold $\mathcal{M}$.

Then we introduce a Riemannian projected method

$$X_{k+1} = R(X_k + P_{\mathcal{T}} \Phi(X_k)),$$

where $P_{\mathcal{T}}$ is a projection on the tangent space, and $R$ is a retraction.

Riemannian optimization is easy

The projection onto the tangent space is trivial for low-rank (and is not difficult for TT)

$$P_{T}(X) = X - (I - UU^{\top}) X (I - VV^{\top}).$$

For the retraction, there many choices (see the review Absil, O., 2014).

Projector-splitting scheme

One of the simplest second-order retractions is the projector-splitting (or KSL) scheme

Initially proposed as a time integrator for the dynamical low-rank approximation (C. Lubich, I. Oseledets, A projector-splitting... 2014) for matrices and (C. Lubich, I. Oseledets, B. Vandreycken, Time integration of tensor trains, SINUM, 2015).

Reformulated as a retraction in (Absil, Oseledets)

Has a trivial form: a half-step (or full) step of the Alternating least squares (ALS).

The simplest retraction possible:

The projector-splitting scheme can be implemented in a very simple "half-ALS" step.

$$ U_1, S_1 = \mathrm{QR}(A V_0), \quad V_1, S_2^{\top} = \mathrm{QR}(A^{\top} U_1).$$

Projection onto the tangent space not needed!

$$X_{k+1} = I(X_k, F), $$

where $I$ the is the projector-splitting integrator, and $F$ is the step for the full method.

What about the convergence?

Now, instead of $$X_{k+1} = \Phi(X_k), \quad X_* = \Phi(X_*),$$

and $X_*$ is on the manifold, we have the manifold-projected process

$$Y_{k+1} = I(Y_k, \Phi(Y_k) - Y_k).$$

Linear manifold

Suppose the linear case, $$\Phi(X) = X + Q(X), \quad \Vert Q \Vert < 1.$$

and $M$ is a linear subspace. Then the projected method is always not slower.

On a curved manifold, the curvature of the manifold plays crucial role in the convergence estimates.

Curvature of fixed-rank manifold

The curvature of the manifold of matrices with rank $r$ at point $X$ is equal to the $$\Vert X^{-1} \Vert_2,$$

i.e. the inverse of the minimal singular value.

In practice we know, that zero singular values for the best rank-r approximation do not harm:

Approximation of a rank-$1$ matrix with a rank-$2$ matrix is ok (block power method.)

Experimental convergence study

Our numerical experiments confirm that the low-rank matrix manifold behaves typically like a linear manifold, i. e.

projected gradient is almost always faster, independent of the curvature.

Projection-splitting as a projection onto the "middle point".

Lemma. We can write down one step of the projector-splitting scheme as a projection onto the middle point:

$$X_1 = I(X_0, F) = P_{\mathcal{T}(X_m)}( X_0 + F).$$

The proof is simple. Let $X_0 = U_0 S_0 V^{\top}_0$ and $X_1 = U_1 S_1 V^{\top}_1.$

Then take any matrix of the form $U_1, V_0$ as the middle point.

Decomposition of the error

We can decompose the error into the normal component and the tangent component.

Indeed, consider one step. $$Y_1 = I(Y_0, F), \quad Y_0 + F = X_* + H, \quad \Vert H \Vert \leq \delta \Vert Y_0 - X_* \Vert.$$ Then, $$Y_1 = P(Y_0 + F) = P(X_* + H).$$ We have $$E_1 = Y_1 - X_* = P(X_* + H) - X_* = -P_{\perp}(X_*) + P(H).$$ This is the decomposition of the error into the tangent and normal components.

In [7]:
#2d case functions
def grad(A, x, x0):
    #u, s, v = x
    #u0, s0, v0 = x0
    #u_new = np.linalg.qr(np.hstack((u, u0)))[0]
    #v_new = np.linalg.qr(np.hstack((v, v0)))[0]
    #s_new = -
    return x0 -
    #return (u_new, s_new, v_new)

#it is Frobenius norm
def get_norm(x):
    u, s, v = x
    return la.norm(s)
    #return math.sqrt(np.trace((
def check_orthogonality(u): 
    if la.norm( - np.eye(u.shape[1])) / math.sqrt(u.shape[1]) < 1e-12:
        return True
        return False
def orthogonalize(x):
    u, s, v = x
    u_new, ru = np.linalg.qr(u)
    v_new, lv = np.linalg.qr(u)
    s_new =
    return (u_new, s_new, v_new)

def diagonalize_core(x):
    u, s, v = x
    ls, s_diag, rs = la.svd(s)
    return (, np.diag(s_diag),

def func(x, x0):
    return get_norm(grad(x, x0))

def full(dx):
    return dx[0].dot(dx[1].dot(dx[2].T))

def projector_splitting_2d(x, dx, flag_dual=False):
    n, r = x[0].shape
    u, s, v = x[0].copy(), x[1].copy(), x[2].copy()
    if not flag_dual:
        u, s = np.linalg.qr( +
        s = s -
        v, s = np.linalg.qr( +
        s = s.T
        v, s = np.linalg.qr( +
        s = s.T
        s = s -
        u, s = np.linalg.qr( +
    return u, s, v

def inter_point(x, dx):
    u, s, v = x
    u, s = np.linalg.qr( +
    #dx - (I - uu') dx (I - vv') = uu' dx + dx * vv' - uu' dx vv'
    dx_tangent = + ( -
    return u.copy(), v.copy(), dx_tangent

def minus(x1, x2):
    u1, s1, v1 = x1
    u2, s2, v2 = x2
    u_new = np.linalg.qr(np.hstack((u1, u2)))[0]
    v_new = np.linalg.qr(np.hstack((v1, v2)))[0]
    s_new = -
    return u_new, s_new, v_new

def ps_proj(x, dx):
    return full(projector_splitting_2d(x, dx)) - full(x)

def rotation(u):
    return la.qr(u)[0]

Linear test case

$$\Phi (X) = X + A(X) - f,$$

where $A$ is a linear operator on matrix space, $\Vert A - I\Vert = \delta$,

$f$ is known right-hand side and $X_*$ is the solution of linear equation $A(X_*) = f$.

This problem is equivalent to the minimization problem of the quadratic functional $F(X) = \langle A(X) - f, X \rangle.$

Setting up the experiment

Generate some random matrices...

In [8]:
#Init sizes
n, r, r0 = 40, 7, 7

M = n * n 
Q = np.random.randn(M, M)
Q = Q + Q.T
Q = (Q/np.linalg.norm(Q, 2)) * 0.8 # contraction coefficient
A = np.eye(M) + Q

Generic case

In the generic case, the convergence is as follows.

In [9]:
# Case 1: Projector-Splitting versus Gradient descent
#Random initialization
x_orig = np.random.randn(n, r0), np.random.randn(r0, r0), np.random.randn(n, r0)
x_start = np.random.randn(n, r0), np.random.randn(r0, r0), np.random.randn(n, r0)
x_start, x_orig = orthogonalize(x_start), orthogonalize(x_orig)
x_orig = diagonalize_core(x_orig)
print 'The singular values of fixed point matrix are \n', np.diag(x_orig[1])
f = full(x_orig)
f =
grad_dist, orth_proj_norm, tangent_proj_norm = [], [], []
k = 50
# Gradient Descent Convergence
x = full(x_start)
for i in xrange(k):
    grad_dist.append(la.norm(x - full(x_orig)))
    dx = f - (
    x = x + dx
# Projector Splitting Convergence
x = x_start
dx_orig = full(x)-full(x_orig)
for i in xrange(k):
    dx = grad(A, x, f)
    u1, v, dx_tangent = inter_point(x, dx_orig)
    dx_orig = full(x)-full(x_orig)
    dx_orig_tangent = + ( -
    orth_proj_norm.append(la.norm(dx_orig - dx_orig_tangent))
    x = projector_splitting_2d(x, dx)
# Plotting
plt.semilogy(grad_dist, marker='x', label="GD")
plt.semilogy(orth_proj_norm, marker='o', label="Orthogonal projection")
plt.semilogy(tangent_proj_norm, marker='o', label="Tangent projection")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.40, 1), loc=2)#(1.05, 1), loc=2

The singular values of fixed point matrix are 
[ 204.56986031  124.73644216   95.6741372    58.13354487   33.50120968
   15.87931669    6.28052236]
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10e83a810>

Bad curvature

Now let us design bad singular values for the solution,

$$\sigma_k = 10^{2-2k}.$$

In [10]:
# Case 2: Stair convergence
x_orig = np.random.randn(n, r0), np.random.randn(r0, r0), np.random.randn(n, r0)
x_start = np.random.randn(n, r0), np.random.randn(r0, r0), np.random.randn(n, r0)
x_start, x_orig = orthogonalize(x_start), orthogonalize(x_orig)
x_orig = diagonalize_core(x_orig)
u, s, v = x_orig
s_diag = [10**(2-2*i) for i in xrange(r)]
x_orig = (u, np.diag(s_diag), v)
print 'The singular values of fixed point matrix are \n', s_diag
f = full(x_orig)
f =
grad_dist, orth_proj_norm, tangent_proj_norm = [], [], []
k = 50
# Gradient Descent Convergence
x = full(x_start)
for i in xrange(k):
    grad_dist.append(la.norm(x - full(x_orig)))
    dx = f - (
    x = x + dx
# Projector Splitting Convergence
x = x_start
for i in xrange(k):
    dx = grad(A, x, f)
    u1, v, dx_tangent = inter_point(x, dx_orig)
    dx_orig = full(x)-full(x_orig)
    dx_orig_tangent = + ( -
    orth_proj_norm.append(la.norm(dx_orig - dx_orig_tangent))
    x = projector_splitting_2d(x, dx)
# Plotting
plt.semilogy(grad_dist, marker='x', label="GD")
plt.semilogy(orth_proj_norm, marker='o', label="Orthogonal projection")
plt.semilogy(tangent_proj_norm, marker='o', label="Tangent projection")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.40, 1), loc=2)#(1.05, 1), loc=2

The singular values of fixed point matrix are 
[100, 1, 0.01, 0.0001, 1e-06, 1e-08, 1e-10]
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10e810e90>


The typical convergence:

  • Tangent component convergence linearly.
  • Normal components decays quadratically until it hits the next singular values, and then waits for the tangent component to catch.
  • The convergence is monotone: First the first singular vector converge, then the second and so on.

Adversal examples are still possible (similar to the convergence of the power method).

Case when Riemannian is worse

You can make up an example, when on the first iteration it is worse: it is basically the angle between $V_*$ and $V_0$.

In [11]:
# Case 3: Stair convergence
x_orig = np.random.randn(n, r0), np.random.randn(r0, r0), np.random.randn(n, r0)
x_start = np.random.randn(n, r0), np.random.randn(r0, r0), np.random.randn(n, r0)
x_start, x_orig = orthogonalize(x_start), orthogonalize(x_orig)
eps = 1e-12
u, s, v = x_orig
u1, s1, v1 = x_start
u1 = u1 - 
v1 = v1 -
x_start = u1, s1, v1
x_orig = diagonalize_core(x_orig)
print 'The singular values of fixed point matrix are \n', s_diag
f = full(x_orig)
f =
grad_dist, proj_dist = [], []
k = 10
# Gradient Descent Convergence
x = full(x_start)
for i in xrange(k):
    grad_dist.append(la.norm(x - full(x_orig)))
    dx = f - (
    x = x + dx
# Projector Splitting Convergence
x = x_start
for i in xrange(k):
    dx = grad(A, x, f)
    u1, v, dx_tangent = inter_point(x, dx_orig)
    dx_orig = full(x)-full(x_orig)    
    x = projector_splitting_2d(x, dx)
# Plotting
plt.semilogy(grad_dist, marker='x', label="GD")
plt.semilogy(proj_dist, marker='o', label="Projector Splitting")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.40, 1), loc=2)#(1.05, 1), loc=2

The singular values of fixed point matrix are 
[100, 1, 0.01, 0.0001, 1e-06, 1e-08, 1e-10]
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x111e52250>

Theory status

We are still working on the theory.

Even the case $n = 2$, $r = 1$ is non-trivial, but yesterday (Tuesday 19th) the estimate was obtained.

Actually, I think it can be generalized to arbitrary $n, r$ by block matrix argument.


  • For the algorithms: this "gradual convergence" may give a hint on how to adapt the ranks during the iteration.
  • For applications, they are many (and we are working on machine learning applications, stay tuned).
  • The TT-case is in progress as well.

In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
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