
  • FEniCS means Finite Elements + Computational Software and 'ni' just "sits nicely in the middle"
  • Finite elements solver for PDE
  • Easy-to-use notation to translate scientific models into efficient code
  • C++ and Python interface
  • Easy installation with
    conda install -c conda-forge fenics
  • Comprehensive tutorial and FEniCS book are available online
  • To install package for mesh generation
    conda install -c conda-forge mshr
  • Important! To use FEniCS inside separate environment Jupyter Notebook
    conda create -n fenics_env python=3.6
    source activate fenics_env
    conda install -c conda-forge fenics
    conda install notebook
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
    conda install -c conda-forge mshr
    jupyter notebook

Main steps

  1. Identify the computational domain $(\Omega)$, the PDE, its boundary conditions, and source terms $(f)$
  2. Reformulate the PDE as a finite element variational problem
  3. Write a Python program which defines the computational domain, the variational problem, the boundary conditions, and source terms, using the corresponding FEniCS abstractions
  4. Call FEniCS to solve the boundary-value problem and visualize the results

Variational form

Finite elements methods starts from variational form of PDE. Consider Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions $$ \begin{align} -\Delta u &= f(x), \quad x \in \Omega\\ u(x) &= u_D(x), \quad x \in \partial \Omega \end{align} $$

To get its variational form one needs:

  1. Multiply both sides by test function $v$ such that $v \equiv 0$ on the boundary $\partial \Omega$
  2. Intergate both sides over the domain $\Omega$ and apply integration-by-parts theorem
$$ \begin{align} & -\int_{\Omega} \nabla^2 u \cdot v dx = \int_{\Omega} f \cdot v dx \\ & \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v dx - \underbrace{\int_{\partial \Omega} \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} v ds}_{=0} = \int_{\Omega} f \cdot v dx \end{align} $$

Therefore, variational form of Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions is $$ \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v dx = \int_{\Omega} f \cdot v dx $$ Now let's see how these form is converted to FEniCS code...

FEniCS example

  • Domain $\Omega = [0, 1]^2$
  • $f = -6$
  • $u_D = 1 + x^2 + y^2$ for $(x, y) \in \partial \Omega$

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
from __future__ import print_function
import fenics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Set domain and mesh

In [2]:
mesh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(8, 8)
_ = fenics.plot(mesh)

  • List of other default meshes are available here
  • Also you can create your own mesh in the following manner

In [3]:
import dolfin
import mshr
import math

domain_vertices = [dolfin.Point(0.0, 0.0),
                   dolfin.Point(10.0, 0.0),
                   dolfin.Point(10.0, 2.0),
                   dolfin.Point(8.0, 2.0),
                   dolfin.Point(7.5, 1.0),
                   dolfin.Point(2.5, 1.0),
                   dolfin.Point(2.0, 4.0),
                   dolfin.Point(0.0, 4.0),
                   dolfin.Point(0.0, 0.0)]

p = mshr.Polygon(domain_vertices);
fenics.plot(mshr.generate_mesh(p, 20))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f46851298d0>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f4685129a58>]

In [5]:
R = 1.1
r = 0.9
x, y, z = 1, -1, 1

# Create geometry
s1 = mshr.Sphere(dolfin.Point(0, 0, 0), 1)
s2 = mshr.Sphere(dolfin.Point(x, y, z), r)
b1 = mshr.Box(dolfin.Point(-2, -2, -0.03), dolfin.Point(2, 2, 0.03))
geometry = s1 - b1 - s2
death_star_mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(geometry, 10)

# Plot mesh
fenics.plot(death_star_mesh, color="grey")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f4684057860>

Set function space

In [6]:
V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
  • The first argument is a mesh
  • The second argument is a family of functions that we use: "P" is a Lagrange polynomial. "DP" means discontinuous polynomial. The list of supported function spaces is available here
  • The third argument is a degree of the polynomial

Set Dirichlet boundary conditions

In [7]:
u_D = fenics.Expression('1 + x[0]*x[0] + 2*x[1]*x[1]', degree=2)

def boundary(x, on_boundary):
    return on_boundary

bc = fenics.DirichletBC(V, u_D, boundary)
  • Function $u_D$ is written as Expression object that is directly translated into efficient C++ code
  • The first argument is a string that represent mathematical equation in a valid C++ syntax
  • If inside Expression some constant appeares, they should be clearly specified
    f = Expression("exp(-kappa*pow(pi, 2)*t)*sin(pi*k*x[0])", degree=2, kappa=1.0, t=0, k=4)
  • The second parameter indicates the degree of function space that will be used to evaluare expression in every local element. So, the optimal value of this parameter is the same as in function space or greater by one or two
  • Function boundary checks whether requested point x lies on the Dirichlet boundary or not. Argument on_boundary is True if requested point lies on the physical boundary of the mesh and False otherwise

Set variational form

In [8]:
u = fenics.TrialFunction(V)
v = fenics.TestFunction(V)
f = fenics.Constant(-6.0)   # Or f = Expression(’-6’, degree=0)
# Left-hand side
a = fenics.dot(fenics.grad(u), fenics.grad(v))*fenics.dx
# Right-hand side
L = f*v*fenics.dx
  • Function $u$ in variational form is called trial function
  • Auxilliary function $v$ is called test function
  • Variational forms of right- and left-hand sides are very similar to the mathematical notation
  • dot is used for vectors and inner is used for matrices

Compute solution

In [9]:
u = fenics.Function(V)
fenics.solve(a == L, u, bc)
  • Redefine u from TrialFunction to solution Function
  • In solver we pass, variational form with sign ==, unknown solution and bondary conditions

In [10]:
# Plot solution and mesh

<matplotlib.tri.tricontour.TriContourSet at 0x7f467e42c2b0>

Compute error of the solution

$$ E = \sqrt{\int_{\Omega} (u - u_D)^2 dx} $$

In [11]:
error_L2 = fenics.errornorm(u_D, u, 'L2')
print("Error in L2 norm = {}".format(error_L2))
error_H1 = fenics.errornorm(u_D, u, 'H1')
print("Error in H1 norm = {}".format(error_H1))

Error in L2 norm = 0.008235098073354806
Error in H1 norm = 0.1615842922655032

Maximum of the difference between boundary function and solution on mesh vertices: $$ \max_{x_i \in M} |u(x_i) - u_D(x_i)| $$

In [12]:
vertex_values_u_D = u_D.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
vertex_values_u = u.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
import numpy as np
error_max = np.max(np.abs(vertex_values_u_D - vertex_values_u))
print('Error max =', error_max)

Error max = 1.33226762955e-15

In [13]:
plt.contourf(vertex_values_u.reshape(9, 9).T)

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f467e49ada0>


  • The power of variational formulation and FEniCS
  • The workflow for solving PDE with FEniCS
  • Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are supported
  • Different boundary conditions for different parts of mesh are supported
  • For more examples and use cases, see tutorial and FEniCS book