Lecture 3: Finite Difference Method

To be learned:

  • Approximation + Stability = Convergence
  • 2D elliptic equation (a.k.a. ${\rm div}(k \nabla u) = f$)
  • 2D diffusion equation
    • explicit method
    • implicit method
  • Application to Image Processing

Approximation + Stability = Convergence

  • Exact problem: $A u = f$
  • Approximate problem: $A_h u_h = f_h$
  • Approximation: $\|A_h u - f_h\| = \epsilon_h$
    • we had earlier that $\epsilon_h = O(h^2)$
  • Stability (hard to prove for nontrivial equations): $\|A_h^{-1}\| \leq C$ as $h\to 0$.

  • Then $\|u_h - u\| \leq C \|A_h u_h - A_h u\| = C \|f - A_h u\| = C \epsilon_h~~~$ ($=O(h^2)$ in our case)

  • Exercise: how did we do the first transition?

How does it work for a 1D ODE?

  • Exact problem: $ u'' = f, \quad u(0)=u(1) = 0 $

  • Approximate problem: $$ \begin{align*} h^{-2} (u _h(x+h)-2u _h(x)+u _h(x-h)) &= f(x), \\ u _h(0) = u _h(1) &= 0 \end{align*} $$ on a grid with $h=1/N$

  • Approximation (we need to substitute $u$ into the approximate problem): $$ \begin{align*} & h^{-2} (u(x+h)-2u(x)+u(x-h)) - f(x) \\&= u''(x) - f(x) + O(h^2) = O(h^2) \end{align*} $$ (easy!)

  • Stability... gotta work hard...

Proving stability

  • $A_h$ is symmetric (disagreers will be suspected of not doing the homework! :) )
  • $\|A_h^{-1}\| \leq C$ $\Leftrightarrow$ $|\lambda_\min(A_h)| \geq C^{-1}$, where $\lambda_\min$ is the eigenvalue with the smallest absolute value

  • Exercise: Do some math:

    • Prove that $v^{(k)}(x) := \sin(k \pi x)$ is an eigenvector
    • Find its eigenvalue $\lambda^{(k)}$
    • What is an easy way to prove that $v^{(k)}$ are linearly independent for $k=1,...,N-1$?
    • Can you now prove that $\|A_h^{-1}\| \leq C$?

2D Elliptic Equation

  • A general diffusion equation is $$ {\rm div}(k\, \nabla u) = f $$
  • Here $k$ is typically a scalar diffusion coefficient
  • Sometimes $k$ is a matrix (diffusion tensor)


  • If $k={\rm const}$ then we know how to do it: $$ {\rm div}(k\, \nabla u) = k \Delta u = k \Delta_h u $$

  • In a tabular form we write it as $$ k \Delta_h \sim \begin{pmatrix} 0 & k & 0 \\ k & -4k & k \\ 0 & k & 0 \end{pmatrix} $$

  • If $k\ne{\rm const}$ then we shall be more careful: $$\scriptstyle {\rm div}(k\, \nabla u)(x,y) = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 0 & k(x,y-h/2) & 0 \\ k(x-h/2,y) & \text{guess} & k(x+h/2,y) \\ 0 & k(x,y+h/2) & 0 \end{array}\right) $$

  • Let's see how it works in 1D:

    • $k(x+h/2) u'(x+h/2) = k(x+h/2) (u(x+h)-u(x)) h^{-1} + O(h^2)$ (Exercise: prove)
    • Likewise for $k(x-h/2) u'(x-h/2)$
    • Hence $$\textstyle \frac{k(x+h/2) (u(x+h/2)-u(x)) - k(x-h/2) (u(x)-u(x-h))}{h^2} = (k u')'+ O(h^2) $$
  • Exercise: work it out in 2D
  • Exercise: attempt to work it out in 2D when $k=k(x)$ is a 2x2 matrix

Nicer notation

  • If we denote the FD operators $D_+ u = u(x+h) - u(x)$ and $D_- u = u(x) - u(x-h)$, then
$$ {\rm div}(k\nabla u)(x) = D_- \big(k(x+h/2) \, D_+ u(x)\big) $$

Time-dependent: 2D diffusion

$$ \begin{align*} u _t &= k (u _{xx} + u _{yy})\\ u| _{t=0} &= u _0 \\ u| _{\Gamma} &= 0 \end{align*} $$
  • Approximation is typically easy: just replace with discrete operators:
$$ \begin{align*} \frac{u _h(t+\tau)-u _h(t)}{\tau} &= k \Delta _h u _h(t) \qquad \text{for }(x,y)\in\Omega \\ u _h| _{t=0} &= u _0 \\ u _h| _{\Gamma} &= 0 \end{align*} $$
  • This is an explicit discretization: we don't need to invert $\Delta_h$ (also called the "forward difference scheme")

  • Exercise: Order of approximation: $O(\tau + h^2)$

  • Stability: again not easy


  • We want the result in the form $\|u_h\| \leq C \|u_0\|$
  • We know that $\|u(t)\|$ decreases in time (energy diffuses $\Rightarrow$ not growing)
  • Hence we require $\|u_h(t+\tau)\| \leq \|u_h(t)\|$
  • In other words, eigenvalues of $I + \tau k\Delta_h$ are between $-1$ and $1$
  • Exercise: derive the stability condition on $\tau$ (and $h$ and $k$)

So that you know: Implicit discretization

$$ \begin{align*} \frac{u_h(t+\tau)-u_h(t)}{\tau} &= k \frac{\Delta_h u_h(t+\tau) + \Delta_h u_h(t)}{2} \qquad \text{for }(x,y)\in\Omega \\ u_h|_{t=0} &= u_0 \\ u_h|_{\Gamma} &= 0 \end{align*} $$
  • This is called the "Crank-Nicolson" scheme

  • Here we do need to invert $\Delta_h$: $$ u_h(t+\tau) = (I - \frac{1}{2} \tau \Delta_h)^{-1} (I + \frac{1}{2} \tau \Delta_h) u_h(t) $$

  • Exercise: approximation error is $O(\tau^2 + h^2)$

  • Exercise: stability is unconditional (i.e., always stable!)

  • If we can efficiently invert $(I - \frac{1}{2} \tau \Delta_h)^{-1}$ then it is better than the explicit!

Cool application: Image processing

  • Let's solve $$ \begin{align*} \frac{u_h(t+\tau)-u_h(t)}{\tau} &= k \Delta_h u_h(t) \qquad \text{for }(x,y)\in\Omega \\ u_h|_{t=0} &= u_0 \\ u_h|_{\Gamma} &= u_0|_{\Gamma} \end{align*} $$ Here $u_0(x,y)$ is the image we want to process

In [1]:
from IPython.html.widgets import interact
from PIL import Image
from numba import autojit
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import PIL
from IPython.display import display, Image
from io import BytesIO

def display_img_array(ima):
    im = PIL.Image.fromarray(ima)
    bio = BytesIO()
    im.save(bio, format='png')
    display(Image(bio.getvalue(), format='png', retina=True))

import pyamg
A = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(pyamg.gallery.laplacian.poisson(imarray.shape))

imarray = imarray.astype(float)
vec = imarray.reshape(-1,1);
for iter in range(1, 20):
    vec += -0.1*A*vec;
imarray = vec.reshape(imarray.shape);
imarray_blur = imarray.astype(dtype="uint8")

def set_cursor(i):
    if i==0:
    elif i==1:

interact(set_cursor, i=(0, 2, 1))


In [2]:

(625L, 500L)

"Anisotropic" diffusion

  • Let's solve $$ \begin{align*} u' &= {\rm div} (k \nabla u) \qquad \text{for }(x,y)\in\Omega \\ u|_{t=0} &= u_0 \\ u|_{\Gamma} &= u_0|_{\Gamma} \end{align*}, $$ where $k=k(\nabla u) = 1/\sqrt{1+|\nabla u|^2}$ ($|v|$ is the length of $v$)

  • We use the explicit finite difference method:

  • We discretize it with $\tau=0.25$ below:

In [2]:
imarray = imarray_noisy.astype(float)

def time_step(imarray):
    new_imarray = imarray;
    for i in range(1,imarray.shape[0]-2):
        for j in range(1,imarray.shape[1]-2):
            dx1 = (imarray[i+1,j]-imarray[i,j]);
            dx0 = (imarray[i,j]-imarray[i-1,j]);
            dx = (dx1+dx0)/2;
            dy1 = (imarray[i,j+1]-imarray[i,j]);
            dy0 = (imarray[i,j]-imarray[i,j-1]);
            dy = (dy0+dy1)/2;
            new_imarray[i,j] += 0.25*(dx1/np.sqrt(1+dx1*dx1+dy*dy)-dx0/np.sqrt(1+dx0*dx0+dy*dy));
            new_imarray[i,j] += 0.25*(dy1/np.sqrt(1+dy1*dy1+dx*dx)-dy0/np.sqrt(1+dy0*dy0+dx*dx));
    imarray = new_imarray;

time_step = autojit(time_step)
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

num_steps = 20
num_images = 10
imarray_denoise = []
for outer_iter in xrange(num_images): # how many images will be produced
    for iter in xrange(num_steps): # how many time steps to do for each image

def set_cursor(i):

interact(set_cursor, i=(0, num_images-1, 1))

<function __main__.set_cursor>

To install the JSAnimation library

In order to view animation of noise removal you need to install JSAnimation library. The easiset way to do this is to run from command line:

conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/IOOS jsanimation

Win-64 users:

conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/melund JSAnimation

You can explore all available packages of that library by running:

binstar search -t conda jsanimation

In [3]:
from JSAnimation import IPython_display

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
im = plt.imshow(imarray_denoise[0], cmap='gray')

def animate(i):
    return [im]

def init():
    return im

animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=num_images, 
                        init_func=init,interval=300, blit=False)


Once Loop Reflect