The Devito compiler

In Devito, an Operator carries out three fundamental tasks: generation of low-level code, JIT compilation, and execution. Overall, the lowering process performed by an Operator – from high-level equations to dynamically compiled and executable code – consists of multiple compiler passes, summarized in the Figure bellow. The following series of notebooks will describe these compilation passes in a hands-on fashion. We will explore the heart of the Operator class, which orchestrates code generation and compilation. For more details, see the Operator class.

The reader of this series of tutorials is expected to be familiar with the basic Devito API (i.e., Grid, Function/TimeFunction, Operator, ...). Otherwise, the CFD tutorials in examples/cfd are a better place to start.

Many of the examples and exercises shown here are extracted from test cases found in the folder devito/tests, or from the documentation itself.


  • Preliminaries
  • Lowering
  • Clustering
  • Symbolic optimization via the Devito Symbolic Engine (DSE)
  • Tree-fication
  • IET analysis
  • Loop optimization via the Devito Loop Engine (DLE)
    • Classic transformations (SIMD, blocking, ...)
    • OpenMP parallelism
    • MPI parallelism
  • Finalization


F. Luporini, M. Lange, M. Loubotin, N. Kukreja, J. Huckelheim, C. Yount, P. Witte, P. Kelly, G. Gorman, F. Herrmann. Architecture and Performance of Devito, A System for Automated Stencil Computation. Submitted to SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2018. [arXiv:1807.03032]