The following commands were written to file ``:
Data: Stipendi
NaN 48
0 13
30 5
10 2
70 1
12 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 68.571429
0 18.571429
30 7.142857
10 2.857143
70 1.428571
12 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 22.000000
mean 11.454545
std 18.070569
min 0.000000
25% 0.000000
50% 0.000000
75% 25.500000
max 70.000000
Name: D38[SQ001], dtype: float64
Data: Spazi
NaN 36
0 8
30 5
50 5
60 2
25 2
20 2
15 2
10 2
80 1
12 1
75 1
40 1
70 1
5 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 51.428571
0 11.428571
30 7.142857
50 7.142857
60 2.857143
25 2.857143
20 2.857143
15 2.857143
10 2.857143
80 1.428571
12 1.428571
75 1.428571
40 1.428571
70 1.428571
5 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 34.000000
mean 27.705882
std 24.305542
min 0.000000
25% 6.250000
50% 25.000000
75% 50.000000
max 80.000000
Name: D38[SQ002], dtype: float64
Data: Materiali di consumo
NaN 31
10 15
20 7
5 5
15 4
30 2
100 2
60 1
40 1
3 1
2 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 44.285714
10 21.428571
20 10.000000
5 7.142857
15 5.714286
30 2.857143
100 2.857143
60 1.428571
40 1.428571
3 1.428571
2 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 39.000000
mean 18.974359
std 21.943093
min 2.000000
25% 10.000000
50% 10.000000
75% 20.000000
max 100.000000
Name: D38[SQ003], dtype: float64
Data: Macchine e strumenti
NaN 28
60 5
70 5
30 4
50 3
45 3
25 3
75 3
40 3
90 3
35 3
20 2
15 1
18 1
100 1
0 1
12 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 40.000000
60 7.142857
70 7.142857
30 5.714286
50 4.285714
45 4.285714
25 4.285714
75 4.285714
40 4.285714
90 4.285714
35 4.285714
20 2.857143
15 1.428571
18 1.428571
100 1.428571
0 1.428571
12 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 42.000000
mean 48.452381
std 24.240867
min 0.000000
25% 30.000000
50% 45.000000
75% 70.000000
max 100.000000
Name: D38[SQ004], dtype: float64
Data: Trasporti
NaN 53
0 7
5 5
45 1
10 1
20 1
3 1
2 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 75.714286
0 10.000000
5 7.142857
45 1.428571
10 1.428571
20 1.428571
3 1.428571
2 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 17.000000
mean 6.176471
std 11.220714
min 0.000000
25% 0.000000
50% 3.000000
75% 5.000000
max 45.000000
Name: D38[SQ005], dtype: float64
Data: Comunicazione
NaN 44
5 10
10 6
0 3
20 2
3 2
2 2
80 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 62.857143
5 14.285714
10 8.571429
0 4.285714
20 2.857143
3 2.857143
2 2.857143
80 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 26.000000
mean 9.230769
std 15.310931
min 0.000000
25% 3.500000
50% 5.000000
75% 10.000000
max 80.000000
Name: D38[SQ006], dtype: float64
Data: Consulenze
NaN 47
5 10
0 6
10 3
100 1
20 1
50 1
1 1
dtype: int64
Data %:
NaN 67.142857
5 14.285714
0 8.571429
10 4.285714
100 1.428571
20 1.428571
50 1.428571
1 1.428571
dtype: float64
Data: statistics:
count 23.000000
mean 10.913043
std 22.065838
min 0.000000
25% 0.500000
50% 5.000000
75% 7.500000
max 100.000000
Name: D38[SQ007], dtype: float64