In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#import math
from scipy import pi
from sympy import Rational, sqrt, Symbol, init_printing
In [2]:
# local packages
# from plothelp import label_line
from smgroup import *
from constants import *
In [3]:
In [4]:
ng = Symbol('n_g') # number of generations
nh = Symbol('n_h') # number of SM Higgs doublets = 1
# we count only left-handed particles
SMfermions = [
Weyl(1, 2, -1, ng), # left lepton doublet
Weyl(1, 1, 2, ng), # anti-right lepton singlet
Weyl(3, 2, Rational(1,3), ng), # left quark doublet
Weyl(3, 1, Rational(-4,3), ng), # anti-right up quark singlet
Weyl(3, 1, Rational(2,3), ng) # anti-right down quark singlet
SMscalars = [
ComplexScalar(1, 2, 1, nh) # Higgs doublet
In [5]:
def rge1L(N, BSMfermions=[], BSMscalars=[], num=False):
"""One loop RGE coefficient."""
a = Rational(-11,3)*CA(N)
for rep in SMfermions + BSMfermions:
a += Rational(4,3) * rep.wS2(N)
for rep in SMscalars + BSMscalars:
a += Rational(1,3) * rep.wS2(N)
if num:
return float(a.subs({ng:3, nh:1}))
return a
In [6]:
def rge1LM(BSMfermions=[], BSMscalars=[]):
"""All three one-loop RGE coefficients."""
return np.array([rge1L(N, BSMfermions=BSMfermions, BSMscalars=BSMscalars, num=True) for N in [1,2,3]])
In [7]:
def rge2L(N, M, BSMfermions=[], BSMscalars=[], num=False):
"""Two-loop RGE coeffs. Same syntax as for one-loop."""
b = 0
if M != N:
for rep in SMfermions + SMscalars + BSMfermions + BSMscalars:
b += 4 * rep.wS2(N) * rep.C2(M)
if M == N:
b += Rational(-34,3)*CA(N)**2
for rep in SMfermions + BSMfermions:
b += rep.wS2(N)*(4*rep.C2(N)+Rational(20,3)*CA(N))
for rep in SMscalars + BSMscalars:
b += rep.wS2(N)*(4*rep.C2(N)+Rational(2,3)*CA(N))
if num:
return float(b.subs({ng:3, nh:1}))
return b
In [8]:
def rge2LM(BSMfermions=[], BSMscalars=[]):
"""Whole matrix of two-loop RGE coefficients."""
return np.array([[rge2L(N, M, BSMfermions=BSMfermions, BSMscalars=BSMscalars, num=True) for M in [1,2,3]] for N in [1,2,3]])
In [9]:
# Test SM values:
[rge1L(k) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [10]:
# Test SM values:
# SARAH values: [41/10, -19/6, -7]
[rge1L(k).subs({ng:3, nh:1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [11]:
# Should be: 4.1, -3.1666, -7.
In [12]:
# Compare to Lindner's table (new scalars)
# last row should be: 8.4*Y**2 224. 21.0
Y = Symbol('Y')
for D3 in [1, 3, 6, 8]:
for D2 in range(1, 8):
rep = ComplexScalar(D3, D2, Y)
print(rep, " {:10s} {:5s} {:3s}".format(*[str(3*(rge1L(k, BSMscalars=[rep], num=False)-rge1L(k, num=False)).evalf(3)) for k in [1,2,3]]))
In [13]:
# Compare to Lindner's table (new fermions)
Y = Symbol('Y')
for D3 in [1, 3, 6, 8]:
for D2 in range(1, 8):
rep = Weyl(D3, D2, Y)
print(rep, " {:10s} {:5s} {:3s}".format(*[str((1.5*(rge1L(k, BSMfermions=[rep], num=False)-rge1L(k, num=False))).evalf(3)) for k in [1,2,3]]))
THDM-Scalar septuplet model from SARAH
In [14]:
# SARAH = [21/5, 5/3, -7]
[rge1L(k, BSMscalars=[ComplexScalar(1, 2, 1), RealScalar(1, 7, 0)]).subs({ng: 3, nh: 1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [15]:
[Rational(n,-10) for n in [-11, -45, 260]]
In [16]:
[rge2L(3, k).subs(ng, 3) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [17]:
[Rational(n,30) for n in [27, 175, 360]]
In [18]:
[rge2L(2, k).subs({ng: 3, nh:1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [19]:
[Rational(n,50) for n in [199, 135, 440]]
In [20]:
[rge2L(1, k).subs({ng: 3, nh:1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [21]:
In [22]:
[Rational(n,50) for n in [208, 180, 440]] # SARAH
In [23]:
[rge2L(1, k, BSMscalars=[ComplexScalar(1, 2, 1), RealScalar(1, 7, 0)]).subs({ng: 3, nh:1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [24]:
[Rational(n,30) for n in [36, 20960, 360]] # SARAH
In [25]:
[rge2L(2, k, BSMscalars=[ComplexScalar(1, 2, 1), RealScalar(1, 7, 0)]).subs({ng: 3, nh:1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [26]:
[Rational(n,-10) for n in [-11, -45, 260]] # SARAH
In [27]:
[rge2L(3, k, BSMscalars=[ComplexScalar(1, 2, 1), RealScalar(1, 7, 0)]).subs({ng: 3, nh:1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
This model has one generation of vector-like quark doublets
In [28]:
[Rational(223, 30), Rational(-7, 6), Rational(-17, 3)] # SARAH
In [29]:
[rge1L(k, BSMfermions=[Weyl(3, 2, Rational(-5,3)), Weyl(3, 2, Rational(5,3))]).subs({ng: 3, nh: 1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [30]:
[Rational(n,150) for n in [1222, 1530, 3320]] # SARAH
In [31]:
[rge2L(1, k, BSMfermions=[Weyl(3, 2, Rational(-5,3)), Weyl(3, 2, Rational(5,3))]).subs({ng: 3, nh: 1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [32]:
[Rational(n,30) for n in [102, 910, 600]] # SARAH
In [33]:
[rge2L(2, k, BSMfermions=[Weyl(3, 2, Rational(-5,3)), Weyl(3, 2, Rational(5,3))]).subs({ng: 3, nh: 1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
In [34]:
[Rational(n,30) for n in [83, 225, -20]] # SARAH
In [35]:
[rge2L(3, k, BSMfermions=[Weyl(3, 2, Rational(-5,3)), Weyl(3, 2, Rational(5,3))]).subs({ng: 3, nh: 1}) for k in [1,2,3]]
To find pole we search for zero of $\alpha_{i}^{-1}$, using formula $$ \frac{d\alpha_{i}^{-1}}{d t} = - a_i + \frac{b_{ij}}{4\pi\alpha_{j}^{-1}}$$
Proper procedure to numerically find zero:
We'll use more primitive one, just graphically checking that abscissa is crossed and then looking for smallest alpha.
In [36]:
# Starting point for all evolutions
MZ = 91.188
alpha3_0 = 0.1173
alpha2_0 = 0.03374
alpha1_0 = 0.016923
y0 = np.array([1/alpha1_0, 1/alpha2_0, 1/alpha3_0])
In [37]:
def t(mu):
"""Evolution variable t in terms of mu [Gev]."""
return math.log(mu/MZ)/(2*pi)
def mu(t):
"""Inverse of t(mu)"""
return MZ*math.exp(2*pi*t)
In [38]:
def precalcRGE(thresholds=[]):
"""Precalculates RGE coeffs.
Element of thresholds list: (mu, [irrep1, irrep2, ...])
with irreps entering evolution at scale mu [GeV].
mu's should increase along the list.
Returns: array of t-thresholds and corresponding
arrays of RGE coeffs -a_i and
matrices b_ij / (4pi).
ts = [t(MZ)]
cRGE = [(-rge1LM(), -rge2LM()/(4*pi))]
active_BSM_fermions = []
active_BSM_scalars = []
thresholds.sort(key=lambda it: it[0])
for mu, reps in thresholds:
if type(reps) != list: reps=[reps]
for rep in reps:
if rep.__class__.__name__[-4:] == 'alar':
cRGE.append((-rge1LM(BSMfermions=active_BSM_fermions, BSMscalars=active_BSM_scalars), -rge2LM(BSMfermions=active_BSM_fermions, BSMscalars=active_BSM_scalars)/(4*pi)))
return np.array(ts), cRGE
In [39]:
def rgefig(ts, ys):
logms = np.array([math.log10(mu(t)) for t in ts])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[4,3])
ax.plot(logms, ys[:,0], 'b--', label=r'$\alpha_{1}^{-1}$')
ax.plot(logms, ys[:,1], 'r-', label=r'$\alpha_{2}^{-1}$')
props = dict(color="green", linestyle="-", linewidth=1)
ax.axhline(y=0, **props)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha_{i}^{-1}$', fontsize='14')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\log_{10}(\mu/{\rm GeV})$', fontsize='14')
ax.legend(loc='upper right').draw_frame(0)
In [40]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE()
def func(y, t):
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
return c0 +
In [41]:
muend = mH/2
ts = np.linspace(0, t(muend), 1000)
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts)
In [42]:
print("1/alpha(MZ) = {}".format(ys[0][0]/cw2*(5/3)))
print("1/alpha(mH/2) = {}".format(ys[-1][0]/cw2*(5/3)))
In [43]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(1e4, Weyl(1,5,0))])
In [44]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [45]:
mu_max = 1e30 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [46]:
twoloop = False
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [47]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [48]:
print("One-loop pole is at {:.1g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
This is in nice agreement with Di Luzio et al's 9e28. arXiv:1504.00359
In [49]:
mu_max = 3.5e21 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [50]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [51]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [52]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
This is in nice agreement with Di Luzio et al. who have 4e21 GeV
In [53]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(2.5e4, RealScalar(1,7,0))])
In [54]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [55]:
mu_max = 1e42 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [56]:
twoloop = False
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [57]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [58]:
print("One-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,0]).argmin()])))
This is in nice agreement with Di Luzio et al's 1.9e41.
In [59]:
mu_max = 7.4e20 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 3000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [60]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [61]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [62]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
This is in nice agreement with Di Luzio et al. who have 8.9e20 GeV
In [63]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(0.5e3, ComplexScalar(1,1,2)), (20e3, Weyl(1,7,0,ng)), (5*20e3, RealScalar(1,7,2))])
In [64]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [65]:
mu_max = 1e6 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [66]:
twoloop = False
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [67]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [68]:
print("One-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
In [69]:
mu_max = 2.83e5 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 2000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [70]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [71]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [72]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
This is factor 2 below Aristizabal Sierra et al's 6e5 GeV from their Fig. 6.
In [73]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(0.375e3, ComplexScalar(1,1,2)), (0.375e3, Weyl(1,2,1, ng)), (0.375e3, Weyl(1,2,-1, ng)), (0.375e3, RealScalar(1,3,0))])
In [74]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [75]:
mu_max = 1e33 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [76]:
twoloop = False
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [77]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [78]:
print("One-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,0]).argmin()])))
In [79]:
mu_max = 1e31 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [80]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [81]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [82]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,0]).argmin()])))
So we are beyond Planck mass ...
In [83]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(1e3, ComplexScalar(1,2,1)), (10e3, Weyl(1,5,0,ng)), (5*10e3, [ComplexScalar(1,5,-2),RealScalar(1,7,0)])])
In [84]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [85]:
mu_max = 1e8 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [86]:
twoloop = False
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [87]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [88]:
print("One-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
In [89]:
mu_max = 4.55e6 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [90]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [91]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [92]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
This agrees with Aristizabal Sierra et al's 5.e6 GeV.
In [93]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(400, ComplexScalar(1,5,-2)), (750, ComplexScalar(1,2,1)), (10e3, Weyl(1,5,0,ng)), (5*10e3, RealScalar(1,7,0))])
In [94]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [95]:
mu_max = 2.331e6 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [96]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [97]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [98]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
In [99]:
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(400, [ComplexScalar(1,5,-2), RealScalar(1,7,0)]), (750, ComplexScalar(1,2,1)), (10e3, Weyl(1,5,0,ng))])
In [100]:
def func(y, t, twoloop=True):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
In [101]:
mu_max = 7.8e5 # we integrate up to this scale in GeV
npts = 1000 # number of integration points
ts = np.linspace(0, t(mu_max), npts)
In [102]:
twoloop = True
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts, args=(twoloop,))
In [103]:
rgefig(ts, ys)
In [104]:
print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[abs(ys[:,1]).argmin()])))
In [105]:
def find_pole(mchi=375, msig=10, mphi=None, mTHD=750, upto=1e10, invpole=1e-4, npts=3000, twoloop=True):
"""Return Landau pole and RGE curves for theory."""
if not mphi:
mphi = mchi
threshs, cRGE = precalcRGE(thresholds=[(mchi, RealScalar(1,7,0)), (mphi, ComplexScalar(1,5,-2)), (mTHD, ComplexScalar(1,2,1)), (msig*1e3, Weyl(1,5,0,ng))])
def func(y, t):
"""Derivative of inverse alpha.
d inv_alpha/dt = c0 + c1/inv_alpha
c0, c1 = cRGE[np.searchsorted(threshs, t)-1]
if twoloop:
return c0 +
return c0
ystart = y0
ts = np.linspace(0, t(upto), npts)
while np.any(abs(ystart) > invpole):
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts)
last = np.where(ys<invpole)[0][0]-1 # note that negative will also satisfy here
except IndexError:
ystart = ys[last]
ts = np.linspace(ts[last], ts[last+1], npts)
#print("Two-loop pole is at {:.2g} GeV.".format(mu(ts[last])))
pole = mu(ts[last])
ts = np.linspace(0, ts[last], npts)
ys = odeint(func, y0, ts)
return pole #, ts, ys
What follows is Fig. 6 from
In [106]:
mrats = np.linspace(1,10, 5)
Lpoles = []
for mr in mrats:
pole = find_pole(mchi=mr*1e4, mphi=mr*1e4, msig=10e3, mTHD=1e3, upto=1e18, npts=2000)
plt.plot(mrats, Lpoles)
plt.annotate(r"$m_\Sigma = 10\, {\rm TeV}$", xy=(0.65, 0.28), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel(r'$m_{\chi,\phi}/m_\Sigma}$', fontsize=16)
fig = plt.ylabel(r"$\Lambda_{\rm Landau} \; [10^6\,{\rm GeV}]$", fontsize=16)
In [107]:
from math import floor, log10
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
In [108]:
# Define function for string formatting of scientific notation
def sci_notation(num, decimal_digits=1, precision=None, exponent=None):
Returns a string representation of the scientific
notation of the given number formatted for use with
LaTeX or Mathtext, with specified number of significant
decimal digits and precision (number of decimal digits
to show). The exponent to be used can also be specified
if not exponent:
exponent = int(floor(log10(abs(num))))
coeff = round(num / float(10**exponent), decimal_digits)
if not precision:
precision = decimal_digits
return r"${0:.{2}f}\cdot10^{{{1:d}}}$".format(coeff, exponent, precision)
In [109]:
def fmtGeV(x, pos):
"""Scientific notation formatter."""
a, b = '{:.1e}'.format(x).split('e')
b = int(b)
return r'${} \times 10^{{{}}}\,{{\rm GeV}}$'.format(a, b)
In [110]:
np_find_pole = np.frompyfunc(find_pole, 2, 1)
In [111]:
resolution = 40 # of calculation grid
xs = np.linspace(375, 2000, resolution)
ys = np.linspace(0.375, 15, resolution)
#levels = [3, 6, 9]
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
Z = np_find_pole(X, Y)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4))
CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z,
#CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, locator=plt.Locator(),
#CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels,
fig = plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fmt=ticker.FuncFormatter(fmtGeV), fontsize=12, colors='black')
#fig = plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fmt=r'$%.0g \;{\rm GeV}$', fontsize=12, colors='black')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$m_\chi = m_\phi \; {\rm [GeV]}$', fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel(r"$m_\Sigma \; {\rm [TeV]}$", fontsize=16)
In [ ]: