Variogram map test

This function is under development

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pygslib  



In [2]:
# we read the file header
# use >>> print. pygslib.gslib.read_header.__doc__ for help

#the data file is in the working directory
mydata= pygslib.gslib.read_gslib_file('../datasets/cluster.dat') 

#adding elevation and a dummy BHID

print (' \n **** 5 first rows in my datafile \n\n  ', mydata.head(n=5))

 **** 5 first rows in my datafile 

      Xlocation  Ylocation  Primary  Secondary  Declustering Weight  Zlocation  \
0       39.5       18.5     0.06       0.22                1.619          0   
1        5.5        1.5     0.06       0.27                1.619          0   
2       38.5        5.5     0.08       0.40                1.416          0   
3       20.5        1.5     0.09       0.39                1.821          0   
4       27.5       14.5     0.09       0.24                1.349          0   

0     1  
1     1  
2     1  
3     1  
4     1  

Defining and plotting direction over a plane

In [1]:
#define a direction:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def hdir(r=1, ndir=18, refdir=0):
    theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, ndir+1)[:-1]
    ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
    # make clockwise like maps
    # make the plot to point north 

    for t in theta: 
        ax.plot([0,t], [0,r], color='r', linewidth=1)
        ax.plot([0,t+np.pi], [0,r], color='r', linewidth=1)


    ax.set_title("A line plot on a polar axis", va='bottom')
    ax.plot([0,refdir], [0,r], color='b', linewidth=3)
    ax.plot([0,refdir+np.pi], [0,r], color='b', linewidth=3)
    return np.rad2deg(theta) #the last direction

In [ ]:
azm= hdir(r=1, ndir=18, refdir=0)
print (len (azm), azm)

posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values
posx and posy should be finite values

In [ ]:
azm= hdir(r=1, ndir=ndir, refdir=0)  #this produces a plot + directions
atol= np.ones(ndir)*180/ndir/2
dip = np.zeros(ndir)
bandwh = np.ones(ndir)*5000
bandwd = np.ones(ndir)*5000
dtol = np.ones(ndir)*5000
sills = [np.var(mydata['Primary'])]
ivtail = np.ones(ndir)
ivhead = np.ones(ndir)
ivtype = np.ones(ndir)*7

parameters = { 
'x'      :  mydata['Xlocation']   , # X coordinates, array('f') with bounds (nd), nd is number of data points
'y'      :  mydata['Ylocation'],    # Y coordinates, array('f') with bounds (nd)
'z'      :  mydata['Zlocation'],    # Z coordinates, array('f') with bounds (nd)
'bhid'   :  mydata['bhid'],         # bhid for downhole variogram, array('i') with bounds (nd)    
'vr'     :  mydata['Primary'],      # Variables, array('f') with bounds (nd,nv), nv is number of variables
'tmin'   : -1.0e21,                 # trimming limits, float
'tmax'   :  1.0e21,                 # trimming limits, float
'nlag'   :  8,                     # number of lags, int
'xlag'   :  6,                      # lag separation distance, float                
'xltol'  :  3,                      # lag tolerance, float
'azm'    : azm,                     # azimuth, array('f') with bounds (ndir)
'atol'   : atol,                    # azimuth tolerance, array('f') with bounds (ndir)
'bandwh' : bandwh,                  # bandwith h, array('f') with bounds (ndir)
'dip'    : dip,                     # dip, array('f') with bounds (ndir)
'dtol'   : dtol,              # dip tolerance, array('f') with bounds (ndir)
'bandwd' : bandwd,              # bandwith dip, array('f') with bounds (ndir)
'isill'  : 0,                       # standardize sills? (0=no, 1=yes), int
'sills'  : sills,                   # variance used to std the sills, array('f') with bounds (nv)
'ivtail' : ivtail,         # tail var., array('i') with bounds (nvarg), nvarg is number of variograms
'ivhead' : ivhead,         # head var., array('i') with bounds (nvarg)
'ivtype' : ivtype,         # variogram type, array('i') with bounds (nvarg)
'maxclp' : 50000}                   # maximum number of variogram point cloud to use, input int

In [ ]:
#Now we are ready to calculate the variogram
pdis,pgam, phm,ptm,phv,ptv,pnump, cldi, cldj, cldg, cldh = pygslib.gslib.gamv(parameters)

In [ ]:
#get parameters
print (type(pdis), pdis.shape)

# for example
nvrg = pdis.shape[0]
ndir = pdis.shape[1]
nlag = pdis.shape[2]-2

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# knowing that this data is stored in a 3D matrix (nvarg, ndir, nlag+2)

#plot variogram 1 , direction 1,2,3



for d in range(ndir):
    plt.plot (pdis[v, d, 1:], pgam[v, d, 1:], '-o', label=str(dip) + '-->' + str(azm))


Variogram map

Warning: remove undefined lags (replace zero with nan?)

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#get an array of direction + complementary direction = direction + 180
ndir2= len(parameters['azm'])*2
azimuths = np.zeros (ndir2 + 1) #this is to repeat the first direction
zeniths = pdis[0, 0, 1:]
values = np.zeros ((ndir2 +1  ,len(pdis[0, 0, 1:])))

for i in range (ndir2/2):
    azimuths[i] = parameters['azm'][i]
    azimuths[i+ndir2/2] = parameters['azm'][i]+180
    for ii in range(len(pdis[0, 0, 1:])):
        values[i,ii] = pgam[0, i, ii+1]
        values[i+ndir2/2,ii] = pgam[0, i, ii+1]        

azimuths[ndir2] = azimuths[ndir2/2]+180
values[ndir2,:] = values[0,:]
#prepare grid        
r, theta = np.meshgrid(zeniths, azimuths)

#-- Plot... ------------------------------------------------
ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
# make clockwise like maps
# make the plot to point north 
cont=ax.contourf(np.deg2rad(theta), r, values)
ax.contour(np.deg2rad(theta), r, values, colors='k')
ax.plot(np.deg2rad(theta.flatten()), r.flatten(), color= '0.6', linewidth=0.2)

In [ ]:
#-- Plot... with zoom ------------------------------------------------
ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
# make clockwise like maps
# make the plot to point north 
cont=ax.contourf(np.deg2rad(theta), r, values)
ax.contour(np.deg2rad(theta), r, values, colors='k')
ax.plot(np.deg2rad(theta.flatten()), r.flatten(), color= '0.6', linewidth=0.2)

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