Block model test

In [1]:
# load some modules
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import pygslib

In [2]:
# see block model help

Help on module pygslib.blockmodel in pygslib:

    pygslib.blockmodel - PyGSLIB Blockmodel, Module to handle blockmodel data.


    Copyright (C) 2015 Adrian Martinez Vargas 
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>

    class Blockmodel(__builtin__.object)
     |  Blockmodel object.
     |  Parameters
     |  ----------
     |  nx,ny,nz : integer
     |      Number of rows columns and levels  
     |  xorg,yorg,zorg : float
     |      Coordinates of the lower left corner (not centroid) 
     |  dx,dy,dz : float
     |      Size of the parent block
     |  Attributes
     |  ----------
     |  nx, ny, nz : int
     |      number of rows, columns, levels 
     |  xorg, yorg, zorg : float
     |      coordinates of the left lower corner of the first block
     |  dx, dy, dz : float
     |      sizes of the blocks
     |  bmtable : Pandas DataFrame
     |      Table with blocks
     |  gridtable : Pandas Dataframe
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  block2point(...)
     |      block2point(np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] x, np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] y, np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] z, str prop_name)
     |      Assigns a block property to the points inside a block  
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      x,y,z : float 1D numpy arrays
     |          coordinates of the points. Array shapes may be equal
     |      prop_name : str
     |          name of the property at block model
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> Au_at_point= point2block( x, y, z, prop_name= 'Au')
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      Points not laying in an existing block will be returned with 
     |      value numpy.nan
     |  blockinsurface(...)
     |      blockinsurface(object surface, str field, double azm=0, double dip =90, int test=1, bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates blocks given a VTK surface (polydata) depending on  
     |      test criteria: 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      surface : VTK polydata
     |             this may work with any 3D object..., no necessarily triangles   
     |      field : str
     |             Name of the new field with selection results
     |      azm, dip: float, default 0, 90
     |             rotation defining the direction we will use to test the points
     |             azm 0 will point north and dip positive means downward direction
     |             (like surface drillholes)
     |      test    : integer, default 1
     |             ``test == 1`` test inside closed surface. Here we use 
     |               vtkOBBTree::InsideOrOutside. Closed surface are required
     |             ``test == 2`` test 'above' surface 
     |             ``test == 3`` test 'below' surface 
     |             ``test == 4`` test 'inside' surface (the surface can be open)
     |       overwrite : boolean
     |             overwrite flag, if true and field exist in bmtable the 
     |             values will be overwritten
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> fillblocks(surface, azm, dip, test, overwrite=False)
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      This function calls vtktools.pointquering for all the points 
     |      existing in the block model. The function is not optimized
     |      for large model. 
     |      A new set of blocks will be created if there is not block 
     |      defined. If there are blocks in the model and overwrite==True
     |      the blocks will be removed first.
     |  blocks2vtkRectilinearGrid(...)
     |      blocks2vtkRectilinearGrid(str path)
     |      Exports blocks of a full grid to a vtkRectilinearGrid file. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      path : string 
     |             file name and path, without extension. The file extension
     |             (*.vtr) will be added automatically.  
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> blocks2vtkRectilinearGrid('myfile')
     |      >>> 
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      This will only work for full grid, in other words, if all the 
     |      nx*ny*nz are defined.
     |      All the fields defined in the block model will be exported
     |  blocks2vtkUnstructuredGrid(...)
     |      blocks2vtkUnstructuredGrid(str path, str varname = None)
     |      Exports blocks of a partial grid to a vtkRectilinearGrid file. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      path : string 
     |             file name and path, without extension. The file extension
     |             (*.vtr) will be added automatically. 
     |      varname : string 
     |              If None export all columns, otherwise export only
     |              the column varname
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> blocks2vtkUnstructuredGrid('myfile', 'AU')
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      Require XC, YC and ZC.
     |      Only numeric variables can be exported 
     |      TODO: export all
     |      This call pygslib.vtktools.partialgrid2vtkfile
     |  calc_ijk(...)
     |      calc_ijk(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Calculates the IJK field from IX, IY, IZ indices
     |      If IJK exist and overwrite=True the existing values 
     |      will be overwritten. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : Boolean, default False   
     |              If True overwrites any existing IJK field
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_ijk()
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_ijk(overwrite=True)
     |      >>>
     |  calc_ixyz_fromijk(...)
     |      calc_ixyz_fromijk(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Calculates the IX, IY, IZ fields from IJK index
     |      If IX, IY, IZ exist and overwrite=True the existing values 
     |      will be overwritten. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : Boolean, default False           
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromijk()
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromijk(overwrite=True)
     |      >>>
     |  calc_ixyz_fromxyz(...)
     |      calc_ixyz_fromxyz(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Calculates the IX, IY, IZ fields from XC, YC, ZC coordinates
     |      If IX, IY, IZ exist and overwrite=True the existing values 
     |      will be overwritten. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : Boolean, default False           
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromxyz()
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_ixyz_fromxyz(overwrite=True)
     |      >>>
     |  calc_xyz_fromixyz(...)
     |      calc_xyz_fromixyz(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Calculates the XC, YC, ZC coordinates from IX, IY, IZ indices
     |      If XC, YC, ZC exist and overwrite=True the existing values 
     |      will be overwritten. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : Boolean, default False           
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_xyz_fromixyz()
     |      >>> myblockmodel.calc_xyz_fromixyz(overwrite=True)
     |      >>>
     |  create_3Dgrid(...)
     |      create_3Dgrid(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates a full block 3D grid/block model 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : boolean
     |             overwrite flag, if true the entire grid will be 
     |             overwritten
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> mymodel.create_3Dgrid(overwrite=False)
     |      >>>
     |  create_IJK(...)
     |      create_IJK(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates a new block model table with IJK indices.  
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> create_IJK(overwrite=True)
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----        
     |      A new set of blocks will be created if there is not block 
     |      defined. If there are blocks in the model and overwrite==True
     |      the blocks will be removed first.
     |  create_gridxy(...)
     |      create_gridxy(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates a full block 2D grid in defined in the XY direction.
     |      The grid definition is taken from the block model definition in 
     |      the X, and Y directions. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : boolean
     |             overwrite flag, if true the entire grid will be 
     |             overwritten
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> mymodel.create_gridxy(overwrite=False)
     |      >>>
     |  create_gridxz(...)
     |      create_gridxz(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates a full block 2D grid in defined in the XZ direction.
     |      The grid definition is taken from the block model definition in 
     |      the X, and Z directions. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : boolean
     |             overwrite flag, if true the entire grid will be 
     |             overwritten
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> mymodel.create_gridxz(overwrite=False)
     |      >>>
     |  create_gridyz(...)
     |      create_gridyz(bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates a full block 2D grid in defined in the YZ direction.
     |      The grid definition is taken from the block model definition in 
     |      the Y, and Z directions. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      overwrite : boolean
     |             overwrite flag, if true the entire grid will be 
     |             overwritten
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> mymodel.create_gridyz(overwrite=False)
     |      >>>
     |  delete_blocks(...)
     |      delete_blocks()
     |      Deletes the block model table   
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.delete_blocks()
     |      >>> print myblockmodel.bmtable
     |      None
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      This functions makes Blockmodel.bmtable=None. The data will
     |      be preserved in any external instance of bmtable.
     |  fillwireframe(...)
     |      fillwireframe(object surface, float toll=0, bint overwrite=False)
     |      Creates a full block model given a VTK surface (polydata) using 
     |      vtkPolyDataToImageStencil. The results consist of blocks with
     |      parameter ``in``  with value between 0 and 1. 
     |      ``in = 0`` represent blocks completely outside the wireframe
     |      ``in = 1`` represent blocks completely inside the wireframe
     |      ``1 >in > 0`` represent blocks cut by the wireframe
     |      The parameter in is calculated as the sum of corners of the 
     |      block, each corner is equal to 1 if is inside the block or equal 
     |      to 0 if is outside. 
     |      The parameter ``in`` can be used as percentage of inclusion in 
     |      the block with an error proportional to the size of the block 
     |      and the resolution/complexity of the wireframe. 
     |      The method may fail if the wireframe is narrower than a block,
     |      e.j. larg blocks in narrow veins. In this case you can set 
     |      a tolerance value 1>=toll>=0. The output may not be used as 
     |      volume, only as selection of blocks within a wireframe 
     |      (with ``in>0``). 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      surface : VTK polydata
     |             this may work with any 3D object..., no necessarily triangles   
     |      tol    : float, default 0.0
     |             number in interval [0. , 1.] 
     |             you may use tol>0 if the blocks are large and the 
     |             wireframe is narrower than the block size. 
     |      overwrite : boolean
     |             overwrite flag, if true the entire block model will be 
     |             overwritten
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> mymodel.fillwireframe(surface, toll=0, overwrite=False)
     |      >>>     
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      The tolerance only works on x, y plane, not in z. 
     |      This function works well with closed surfaces 
     |      This function works well with large and complicated wireframes,
     |      for example, Leapfrog grade shells.
     |  point2block(...)
     |      point2block(np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] x, np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] y, np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] z,object prop, str prop_name, bint average = False, bint overwrite = False)
     |      Assigns data in a point to a block
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      x,y,z : Float 1D numpy arrays
     |          coordinates of the points. Array shapes may be equal
     |      prop : array like
     |          array with property shape[0] == x.shape[0]
     |          note that prop can be an array of array, for example, an
     |          array of indicators arrays
     |      prop_name: str
     |          name of the property at block model
     |      average : bool
     |          If there are more than one point at block 
     |          average the points. If true the average will be created, 
     |          this may fail if prop is not numeric. If False the last 
     |          point in the block will be used to assign the value. 
     |      overwrite : bool
     |          If False an existing property will not be overwritten  
     |      Example
     |      -------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> point2block( x, y, z, prop, prop_name= 'Au',  average = False, overwrite = False)
     |      >>>
     |      TODO: pass array of properties np.ndarray [double, ndim=2] prop and [prop_names]
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      Points not laying in an existing block will be ignored.
     |  reblock(...)
     |      reblock(double dx, double dy, double dz)
     |      Reblocks a block model
     |      The model is reblocked using IJK calculated from XC, YC, ZC
     |      coordinates and averaging all points with same IJK. 
     |      Note that this is like a point to block conversion and subblock
     |      overlapping are not taken into account. 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      dx,dy,dz: floats
     |          New block dimensions. Note that new dimentions may be 
     |          greater or equal than old dimensions in all directions.
     |      Returns
     |      -------
     |      block: model instance with model reblocked
     |      err: list of variables excluded (ej no numeric)
     |      Warning
     |      -------
     |      The existing model will be overwritten
     |  set_block_size(...)
     |      set_block_size(float dx,float dy, float dz) 
     |      Set block sizes  
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      dx,dy,dz : float
     |          sizes of the blocks
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.set_block_size(dx=10,dy=10,dz=5)
     |      >>>
     |  set_blocks(...)
     |      set_blocks(object bmtable)
     |      Assigns an external block model stored in a Pandas DataFrame
     |      table.  
     |      One or many conditions apply 
     |       - the block model has IJK field  
     |       - or/and has IX, IY and IZ fields
     |       - or/and has XC, YC and ZC fields
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      bmtable : Pandas DataFrame object 
     |          block model with special coordinate or index fields
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> bmtable=pd.DataFrame({'IJK':np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int32)})
     |      >>> myblockmodel.set_blocks(bmtable)
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      Make sure IJK, IX,IY and IZ have dtype int32. XC,YC and ZC may 
     |      have dtype float32
     |      One of the above conditions is required. In case that two or 
     |      more of the special fields mentioned above are defined the 
     |      validity of the fields is not verified, for example the
     |      valid IJK representation of fields IX, IY and IZ is not tested.
     |  set_origin(...)
     |      set_origin(float xorg,float yorg, float zorg)
     |      Set the block model origin of coordinate. This is the lower 
     |      left corner of the lower left block (not-the centroid). 
     |      Parameters
     |      ----------
     |      xorg,yorg,zorg : float
     |          coordinates of the left lower corner of the first block
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.set_origin(xorg=-5,yorg=-5, zorg=0)
     |      >>>
     |  set_rcl(...)
     |      set_rcl(int nx,int ny, int nz)
     |      Set number of blocks at row, call, level
     |      Two conditions apply
     |      - nx,ny and nz may be greater than zero   
     |      - nx*ny*nz may be equal to the actual number of blocks
     |      Examples
     |      --------
     |      >>>
     |      >>> myblockmodel.set_rcl(nx=10,ny=10,nz=10)
     |      >>> myblockmodel.set_rcl(nx=10,ny=100,nz=1)
     |      >>>
     |      Note
     |      ----
     |      This function basically reorders the blocks along rows, columns  
     |      and levels without changing the total number of blocks.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  bmtable
     |  dx
     |  dy
     |  dz
     |  grid2DXY
     |  grid2DXZ
     |  grid2DYZ
     |  ndx
     |  ndy
     |  ndz
     |  nx
     |  ny
     |  nz
     |  xorg
     |  yorg
     |  zorg
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
     |  __pyx_vtable__ = <capsule object NULL>

        ijk2ind(np.ndarray [long, ndim=1] ijk, unsigned int nx, unsigned int ny, unsigned int nz)
        Calculates the raw, column, level indices ``ix, iy, iz`` from IJK.
        The IJK block index is a unique identifier of each block position.
        This is equivalent to the position of a block in a `gslib` grid file. 
        All the points within a block will have the same IJK number. 
        From IJK you can calculate ix, iy and iz as::
            iz =  ijk / nx*ny
            iy = (ijk-iz*nx*ny)/nx
            ix =  ijk-iz*nx*ny - iy*nx
        ijk        : 1D array of integers 
               arbitrary raw, level and column indices
        nx,ny,nz   : integers
               number of blocks per row, column, level
        ix,iy,iz : 1D array of integers
            The raw, column and level indices
        >>> ijk= np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
        >>> ix,iy,iz = ijk2ind(ijk,2,2,2)
        >>> print ix
        >>> print iy
        >>> print iz
        [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
        [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]
        [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
        See Also
        x2ix, ijk2ind
        The indices ix, iy and iz start at zero
        ind2ijk(np.ndarray [long, ndim=1] ix, np.ndarray [long, ndim=1] iy, np.ndarray [long, ndim=1] iz, unsigned int nx, unsigned int ny, unsigned int nz)
        Calculates the IJK block index
        The IJK block index is a unique identifier of each block position.
        This is equivalent to the position of a block in a `gslib` grid file. 
        All the points within a block will have the same IJK number. 
        IJK is calculated as follow:
        ``ijk = iz*nx*ny+ iy*nx + ix ``
        ix,iy,iz : 1D array of integers 
               arbitrary raw, level and column indices
        nx,ny,nz   : integers
               number of blocks per row, column, level
        ijk : 1D array of integers
            Unique identifier of block location
        >>> # a 2D grid with 2x2x1 cells 
        >>> ix=np.array([0,1,0,1])
        >>> iy=np.array([1,1,0,0])
        >>> iz=np.array([0,0,0,0])
        >>> ind2ijk(ix,iy,iz,2,2,1)
        array([2, 3, 0, 1])
        See Also
        x2ix, ijk2ind
        The index IJK start at zero (first block) and ends at nx*ny*nz
        ix2x(np.ndarray [long, ndim=1] ix, double xorg, double dx)
        Calculates the block coordinate (x, y or z) 
        Return array of coordinates x calculated from indices ix.    
        ix   : 1D array of positive integers 
               arbitrary index ix (or iy, or iz)
        xorg : float
               origin of coordinate (lower left corner of the block) 
        dx   : float 
               size of the block
        x  : 1D array of floats
            Coordinates x corresponding to index ix 
        See Also
        The index starts at zero (first block)
        If there is a point i with coordinate x[i] < xorg and error will be 
        x2ix(np.ndarray [double, ndim=1] x, double xorg, double dx)
        Calculates the block index (ix, iy or iz) 
        Return array of ix indices representing the raw, column or level 
        in which a point with coordinate x is located. To get the three
        indexes ix, iy, iz you may run this functions three times, changing
        coordinates to x, y and z, respectively.    
        You can use this function to find the block which contain a points 
        with arbitrary coordinates.  
        x    : 1D array of floats 
               arbitrary coordinates x (or y, or z)
        xorg : float
               origin of coordinate (lower left corner of the block) 
        dx   : float 
               size of the block
        ix : 1D array of integers
            Index of the blocks where points with coordinates x are located
        >>> a=np.array([2.1,7.8,15.9,20,30,31])
        >>> x2ix(a,xorg=2., dx=1)
        array([ 0,  5, 13, 18, 28, 29])
        See Also
        ind2ijk, ijk2ind
        The index starts at zero (first block)
        If there is a point i with coordinate x[i] < xorg and error will be 

    __test__ = {u'Blockmodel.block2point (line 946)': u"block2point(np.nda...

In [3]:
# Create an empty block model

In [4]:
# there is no data, it is empty
print mymodel.bmtable


In [5]:
# Create a model from external DataFrame. 
# In this case IJK or IX, IY, IZ or XC, YC, ZC are required
bmtable=pd.DataFrame({'IJK':np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype=np.int32)})
print mymodel.bmtable

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4

In [6]:

IJK    int32
dtype: object

In [7]:
# Calculate row, column and level indices from IJK 
mymodel.calc_ixyz_fromijk(overwrite=True)   # if IX, IY, IZ exist we need to overwrite
print mymodel.bmtable

   IJK  IX  IY  IZ
0    1   1   0   0
1    2   2   0   0
2    3   3   0   0
3    4   4   0   0

In [8]:
# Removing data from block model
print mymodel.bmtable


In [9]:
# Creating a full block model with IJK
print mymodel.bmtable.tail()

120  120
121  121
122  122
123  123
124  124

In [10]:
# Calculate row, column and level indices from IJK  
print mymodel.bmtable.tail()

     IJK  IX  IY  IZ
120  120   0   4   4
121  121   1   4   4
122  122   2   4   4
123  123   3   4   4
124  124   4   4   4

In [11]:
# Calculate coordinates from indices  
print mymodel.bmtable.tail()

     IJK  IX  IY  IZ   XC   YC   ZC
120  120   0   4   4 -4.5  7.5  7.5
121  121   1   4   4 -1.5  7.5  7.5
122  122   2   4   4  1.5  7.5  7.5
123  123   3   4   4  4.5  7.5  7.5
124  124   4   4   4  7.5  7.5  7.5

Export blocks to a VTK file

In [12]:

The results can be ploted in an external viewer, for example mayavi or paraview:

In [ ]: