In [1]:
#general imports
import pygslib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
#make the plots inline
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
In [2]:
#get the data in gslib format into a pandas Dataframe
data= pd.DataFrame({'Z':[2.582,3.087,3.377,3.974,4.321,5.398,8.791,12.037,12.586,16.626]})
data['Declustering Weight'] = 1.0
In [3]:
# Fit anamorphosis by changing, zmax, zmin, and extrapolation function
PCI, H, raw, zana, gauss, z, P, raw_var, PCI_var, fig1 = pygslib.nonlinear.anamor(
z = data['Z'],
w = data['Declustering Weight'],
zmin = data['Z'].min()-0.1,
zmax = data['Z'].max()+1,
zpmin = None,
zpmax = data['Z'].max()+1.5,
ymin=-2.9, ymax=2.9,
ndisc = 5000,
ltail=1, utail=4, ltpar=1, utpar=1.8, K=30)
In [4]:
In [5]:
ZV, PV, fig2 = pygslib.nonlinear.anamor_blk( PCI, H, r = 0.6, gauss = gauss, Z = z,
ltail=1, utail=1, ltpar=1, utpar=1,
raw=raw, zana=zana)
In [6]:
# the pair ZV, PV define the CDF in block support
# let's plot the CDFs
plt.plot (raw,P, '--k', label = 'exp point' )
plt.plot (z,P, '-g', label = 'ana point(fixed)' ) #point support (from gaussian anamorphosis)
plt.plot (ZV, PV, '-m', label = 'ana block(fixed)') #block support
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
In [7]:
cutoff = np.arange(0,10, 0.1)
tt = []
gg = []
label = []
# calculate GTC from gaussian in block support
t,ga,gb = pygslib.nonlinear.gtcurve (cutoff = cutoff, z=ZV, p=PV, varred = 1, ivtyp = 0, zmin = 0, zmax = None,
ltail = 1, ltpar = 1, middle = 1, mpar = 1, utail = 1, utpar = 1,maxdis = 1000)
label.append('DGM with block support')
# calculate GTC using undirect lognormal
t,ga,gb = pygslib.nonlinear.gtcurve (cutoff = cutoff, z=z, p=P, varred = 0.4, ivtyp = 2, zmin = 0, zmax = None,
ltail = 1, ltpar = 1, middle = 1, mpar = 1, utail = 1, utpar = 1,maxdis = 1000)
label.append('Indirect Lognormal Correction')
# calculate GTC using affine
t,ga,gb = pygslib.nonlinear.gtcurve (cutoff = cutoff, z=z, p=P, varred = 0.4, ivtyp = 1, zmin = 0, zmax = None,
ltail = 1, ltpar = 1, middle = 1, mpar = 1, utail = 1, utpar = 1,maxdis = 1000)
label.append('Affine Correction')
# calculate GTC in point support
t,ga,gb = pygslib.nonlinear.gtcurve (cutoff = cutoff, z=z, p=P, varred = 1, ivtyp = 2, zmin = 0, zmax = None,
ltail = 1, ltpar = 1, middle = 1, mpar = 1, utail = 1, utpar = 1,maxdis = 1000)
label.append('Point (anamorphosis without support effect)')
In [8]:
fig = pygslib.nonlinear.plotgt(cutoff = cutoff, t = tt, g = gg, label = label)
In [9]:
PCI, H, raw, zana, gauss, raw_var, PCI_var, ax2 = pygslib.nonlinear.anamor_raw(
z = data['Z'],
w = data['Declustering Weight'],
In [10]:
In [12]:
print (zana)
In [ ]: