Guillaume Chaslot (
Tax law is more than 200,000 lines long and opaque. We believe that with this tool, we can make it less than 100 lines, transparent, and 99% similar to the existing.
For this test, we only take a population of people from all ages, who have 0 to 5 children, no salary, married, veuf, paces, divorces or celibataires, and simulate the aides sociales.
In [68]:
from compare_simulators import CalculatorComparator
from population_simulator import CerfaPopulationSimulator
from utils import show_histogram
from utils import percent_diff
from utils import scatter_plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
%matplotlib inline
In [69]:
comp = CalculatorComparator()
revdisp = comp.get_variable_from_openfisca('revdisp')
In [80]:
population = []
original_index = []
def cas_improbable(case):
# It is highly unlikely to have enfants a charge above 64 so we remove those cases
if (int(case['0DA']) <= 1950 or ('0DB' in case and int(case['0DA'] <= 1950))) and 'F' in case and int(case['F']) > 0:
return True
return False
for i in range(0, len(comp.testcases)):
case = comp.testcases[i]
if case.get('1AJ', 0) < 1 and case.get('1BJ', 0) < 1 and not cas_improbable(case):
new_family = {}
new_family['taxable_income'] = case.get('1AJ', 0)
new_family['revdisp'] = revdisp[i]
if 'F' in case:
if case['F'] == 1:
new_family['enfant_unique'] = 1
if case['F'] >= 2:
new_family['enfants_deux_ou_plus'] = 1
if case['F'] > 2:
new_family['nb_enfants_au_dessus_de_2'] = case['F'] - 2
new_family['nb_enfants'] = case['F']
if 'O' in case or 'M' in case:
new_family['two_people'] = 1
one_declarant_above_24 = False
both_declarant_parent_below_24 = 'F' in case
if '0DA' in case:
age_1 = 2014 - case['0DA']
new_family['age-dec1'] = age_1
# if age <= 24 and 'F' in case:
# new_family['declarant parent <= 24 ans'] = 1
if age_1 >= 24:
one_declarant_above_24 = True
both_declarant_parent_below_24 = False
# new_family['declarant > 24 ans'] = 1
if age_1 > 64:
new_family['declarant > 64 ans'] = 1
new_family['declarants > 64 ans'] = 1
age_2 = 0
if '0DB' in case:
age_2 = 2014 - case['0DB']
new_family['age-dec2'] = age_2
if age_2 >= 24:
one_declarant_above_24 = True
both_declarant_parent_below_24 = False
# new_family['codeclarant > 24 ans'] = 1
if age_2 > 64:
new_family['declarants > 64 ans'] = new_family.get('declarants > 64 ans', 0) + 1
new_family['codeclarant > 64 ans'] = 1
if age_1 >= 24 and age_2 >= 24:
new_family['both > 24 ans'] = 1
if both_declarant_parent_below_24:
new_family['both_declarant_parent_below_24'] = True
if one_declarant_above_24:
new_family['one_declarant_above_24'] = True
if 'F' in case and ('C' in case or 'D' in case or 'V' in case):
new_family['parent_isolé'] = True
if 'F' in case and ('M' in case or 'O' in case):
new_family['parents_en_couple'] = True
print 'Number of family: ' + repr(len(population))
total_people = 0
for family in comp.testcases:
total_people += 1
if '0DB' in family and family['0DB'] == 1:
total_people += 1
if 'F' in family:
total_people += family['F']
# We assume that there are 2000000 people with RSA
echantillon = float(total_people) / 2000000
print 'Echantillon of ' + repr(total_people) + ' people, in percent of french population for similar revenu: ' + repr(echantillon)
Number of family: 742
Echantillon of 2863 people, in percent of french population for similar revenu: 0.0014315
In [71]:
revdisp_when_no_salary = list(family['revdisp'] for family in population)
show_histogram(revdisp_when_no_salary, 'Distribution of revenu disponible')
Give all the concepts you care about either as:
In [72]:
from reformators import Excalibur
sword = Excalibur(population, 'revdisp', 'taxable_income', echantillon=echantillon)
simulated_reform = sword.suggest_reform(
boolean_parameters = ['one_declarant_above_24',
'codeclarant > 64 ans',
'declarant > 64 ans',
linear_parameters = ['nb_enfants'],
barem_parameters = [],
Population size = 742
['one_declarant_above_24', 'codeclarant > 64 ans', 'declarant > 64 ans', 'both_declarant_parent_below_24', 'two_people', 'nb_enfants']
(4_w,9)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=2.8,w_1=49%) in dimension 6 (seed=688055, Fri Sep 23 11:16:18 2016)
Iterat #Fevals function value axis ratio sigma min&max std t[m:s]
1 9 1.569779978938720e+13 1.0e+00 9.26e+03 9e+03 9e+03 0:0.0
2 18 8.104669751097796e+12 1.2e+00 9.11e+03 8e+03 1e+04 0:0.0
3 27 6.526081221976559e+12 1.4e+00 8.32e+03 7e+03 1e+04 0:0.1
Average error per person = 2788 saving 1420 millions
Average error per person = 2312 saving 83 millions
Average error per person = 255 saving 26 millions
Average error per person = 247 saving 18 millions
Average error per person = 234 saving 8 millions
Average error per person = 233 saving 0 millions
100 900 2.507568508790015e+10 1.3e+02 7.71e+01 3e+00 2e+02 0:2.4
Average error per person = 196 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 205 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 178 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 171 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 170 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 167 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 167 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 167 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 1 millions
200 1800 1.535048102202525e+10 1.9e+02 3.71e+00 2e-02 3e+00 0:4.7
Average error per person = 166 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 333 saving 0 millions
300 2700 1.527135011381463e+10 2.7e+02 1.73e-01 2e-04 3e-02 0:7.0
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 166 saving 0 millions
334 3006 1.527131208177475e+10 3.0e+02 1.01e-02 5e-06 1e-03 0:7.8
termination on maxfevals=3000.0 (Fri Sep 23 11:16:26 2016)
final/bestever f-value = 1.527131e+10 1.527131e+10
incumbent solution: [5185.5102525867669, 1928.3902161606325, 4328.2368156265084, 2342.1252747487333, 1806.2833366323882, 5185.5103169159102]
std deviation: [5.2589909164197866e-06, 0.0002295604299340584, 1.1303339317829155e-05, 0.00014323945162264, 9.353773403243585e-05, 0.0011058822910639744]
Reform is:
+ 5185€ if one_declarant_above_24
+ 1928€ if codeclarant > 64 ans
+ 4328€ if declarant > 64 ans
+ 2342€ if two_people
+ 1806€ x nb_enfants
+ 5185€ if both_declarant_parent_below_24
In [73]:
xmin = 4900
xmax = 19000
nb_buckets = 25
bins = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nb_buckets)
plt.hist(revdisp_when_no_salary, bins, alpha=0.5, label='current')
plt.hist(simulated_reform, bins, alpha=0.5, label='reform')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
In [74]:
difference = list(simulated_reform[i] - revdisp_when_no_salary[i] for i in range(len(simulated_reform)))
show_histogram(difference, 'Changes in revenu')
In [75]:
percentage_difference = list(100 * percent_diff(simulated_reform[i], revdisp_when_no_salary[i]) for i in range(len(simulated_reform)))
show_histogram(percentage_difference, 'Changes in revenu')
In [76]:
nb_children = list((population[i].get('nb_enfants', 0) for i in range(len(population))))
scatter_plot(nb_children, difference, 'Age declarant 1', 'Difference reform - current', alpha=0.01)
In [77]:
age_dec1 = list((population[i].get('age-dec1', 0) for i in range(len(population))))
scatter_plot(age_dec1, difference, 'Age declarant 1', 'Difference reform - current', alpha=0.1)
In [78]:
original_population = []
original_revdisp = []
for i in range(0, len(population)):
order = sorted(range(len(simulated_reform)), key=lambda k: -abs(simulated_reform[k] - revdisp_when_no_salary[k]))
for i in order:
print 'Case ' + repr(original_population[i]) + ' Current =' + repr(int(revdisp_when_no_salary[i])) + ' Reform = ' + repr(int(simulated_reform[i]))
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 5, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =19173 Reform = 14216
Case {u'F': 5, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =19673 Reform = 16559
Case {u'F': 5, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =19673 Reform = 16559
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 2342
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1975, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1990, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1951, u'0DA': 1939, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1966, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1977, u'0DA': 1939, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1991, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1970, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1980, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1938, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1961, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1982, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1974, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1948, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1936, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1945, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1960, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1937, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =16866 Reform = 14752
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1973, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =16866 Reform = 14752
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =18440 Reform = 16681
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =18440 Reform = 16681
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1974, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1973, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1953, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1985, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1976, u'0DA': 1952, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1991, u'0DA': 1959, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1980, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 2, u'year': 2014, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1937, u'0DA': 1935, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1935, u'0DA': 1945, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1949, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1947, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1934, u'0DA': 1944, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'V': 1, u'F': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7965 Reform = 6991
Case {u'V': 1, u'F': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7965 Reform = 6991
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 1, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7965 Reform = 6991
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1937, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 3, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1946, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1948, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 3, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1976, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1941, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1928, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1937, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1964, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1933, u'0DA': 1964, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1934, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1933, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1932, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1931, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1946, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1995, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1941, u'0DA': 1993, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1935, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1942, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1938, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1931, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1942, u'0DA': 1956, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1974, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1935, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1986, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1969, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1987, u'0DA': 1976, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1960, u'0DA': 1995, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1972, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1976, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1996, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1963, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1968, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1963, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1983, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1989, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1986, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1959, u'0DA': 1956, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1991, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1975, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1985, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1972, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1959, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1977, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1994, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1944, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1974, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1934, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1941, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1933, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1938, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1932, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1946, u'0DA': 1993, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1944, u'0DA': 1993, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1984, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1987, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1966, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1996, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1984, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1955, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1986, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1961, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1966, u'0DA': 1995, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1955, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1996, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1975, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1965, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1977, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1961, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1983, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1954, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1950, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1953, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1987, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1973, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1972, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1968, u'0DA': 1973, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1955, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1967, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1982, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1929, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1929, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1948, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1943, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1947, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1933, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1929, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1938, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1933, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1946, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1935, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1937, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1948, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1946, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1933, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1945, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1933, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1934, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1937, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1939, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1954, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1959, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1981, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1954, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1954, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1981, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1974, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1970, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1957, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1974, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1952, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1983, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1959, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1957, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1970, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1957, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1974, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1970, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1956, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1991, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1991, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1991, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1994, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
In [ ]:
In [81]:
sword = Excalibur(population,'revdisp', 'taxable_income', echantillon=echantillon)
res = sword.suggest_reform(boolean_parameters=[
'declarant > 64 ans',
'codeclarant > 64 ans',
Population size = 742
['enfant_unique', 'enfants_deux_ou_plus', 'enfants_fam_nombreuse', 'one_declarant_above_24', 'declarant > 64 ans', 'codeclarant > 64 ans', 'two_people']
(4_w,9)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=2.8,w_1=49%) in dimension 7 (seed=695537, Fri Sep 23 11:19:28 2016)
Iterat #Fevals function value axis ratio sigma min&max std t[m:s]
1 9 8.444273758136905e+12 1.0e+00 9.73e+03 9e+03 1e+04 0:0.0
2 18 3.374530567813071e+13 1.2e+00 8.76e+03 8e+03 9e+03 0:0.0
3 27 2.705276790610542e+13 1.3e+00 8.20e+03 7e+03 9e+03 0:0.1
Average error per person = 8516 saving -1293 millions
Average error per person = 1558 saving 550 millions
Average error per person = 1642 saving 106 millions
Average error per person = 1198 saving 22 millions
Average error per person = 1070 saving 277 millions
Average error per person = 1044 saving 119 millions
Average error per person = 975 saving 295 millions
Average error per person = 866 saving 45 millions
Average error per person = 352 saving 87 millions
Average error per person = 220 saving 19 millions
Average error per person = 167 saving 5 millions
Average error per person = 163 saving 5 millions
100 900 1.441445291773136e+10 2.4e+01 1.54e+02 1e+01 1e+02 0:2.4
Average error per person = 157 saving 1 millions
Average error per person = 157 saving 2 millions
Average error per person = 162 saving 4 millions
Average error per person = 160 saving 3 millions
Average error per person = 150 saving 2 millions
Average error per person = 146 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 290 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
200 1800 1.157944783589485e+10 4.2e+01 4.50e-01 6e-03 1e-01 0:4.8
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 290 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 290 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
300 2700 1.157773856530113e+10 2.5e+02 9.55e-03 2e-05 2e-03 0:7.2
Average error per person = 145 saving 0 millions
334 3006 1.157773058525986e+10 1.5e+02 6.88e-04 1e-06 8e-05 0:8.0
termination on maxfevals=3000.0 (Fri Sep 23 11:19:36 2016)
final/bestever f-value = 1.157773e+10 1.157773e+10
incumbent solution: [5185.5102545738027, 4328.2368146492727, 1574.5351416115179, 2440.3549534502899, 1708.0527952797654, 3514.3369404990613, 2862.9878178840795]
std deviation: [9.5486615780423524e-07, 2.8444769010132539e-06, 2.216715653312359e-05, 3.0646904868730039e-05, 4.9072483569017627e-05, 3.4907974962060497e-05, 8.1020174220892033e-05]
Reform is:
+ 5185€ if one_declarant_above_24
+ 4328€ if declarant > 64 ans
+ 1574€ if codeclarant > 64 ans
+ 2440€ if two_people
+ 1708€ if enfant_unique
+ 3514€ if enfants_deux_ou_plus
+ 2862€ x enfants_fam_nombreuse
In [62]:
original_population = []
original_revdisp = []
for i in range(0, len(population)):
order = sorted(range(len(simulated_reform)), key=lambda k: -abs(simulated_reform[k] - revdisp_when_no_salary[k]))
for i in order:
print 'Case ' + repr(original_population[i]) + ' Current =' + repr(int(revdisp_when_no_salary[i])) + ' Reform = ' + repr(int(simulated_reform[i]))
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 5, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =19173 Reform = 14216
Case {u'F': 5, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =19673 Reform = 16559
Case {u'F': 5, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =19673 Reform = 16559
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 2342
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1975, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1990, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1951, u'0DA': 1939, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1966, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1977, u'0DA': 1939, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1991, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1970, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1980, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1938, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1961, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1982, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1974, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1948, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1936, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1945, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1960, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1937, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 11855
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =16866 Reform = 14752
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1973, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =16866 Reform = 14752
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =18440 Reform = 16681
Case {u'F': 4, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =18440 Reform = 16681
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1974, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1973, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1953, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1985, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1976, u'0DA': 1952, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1991, u'0DA': 1959, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1980, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14181 Reform = 12946
Case {u'F': 2, u'year': 2014, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 2, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9988 Reform = 8798
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1937, u'0DA': 1935, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1935, u'0DA': 1945, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1949, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1947, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1934, u'0DA': 1944, u'1AJ': 0} Current =14770 Reform = 13784
Case {u'V': 1, u'F': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7965 Reform = 6991
Case {u'V': 1, u'F': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7965 Reform = 6991
Case {u'C': 1, u'year': 2014, u'F': 1, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7965 Reform = 6991
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1937, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 3, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1946, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 3, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1948, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 3, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =15804 Reform = 14874
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1976, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1941, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1928, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1937, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1964, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1933, u'0DA': 1964, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1934, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1933, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1932, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1931, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =10908 Reform = 11262
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1946, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1995, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1941, u'0DA': 1993, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1935, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1942, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1938, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1931, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1942, u'0DA': 1956, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1974, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1935, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =12714 Reform = 13068
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1986, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1969, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1987, u'0DA': 1976, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1960, u'0DA': 1995, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1972, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1976, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1996, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1963, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1968, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1963, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1983, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1989, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1986, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1959, u'0DA': 1956, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1991, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1975, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1985, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1972, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1959, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1977, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =7778 Reform = 7527
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1945, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1994, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1944, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1947, u'0DA': 1974, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1939, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1934, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1941, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1933, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1940, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1938, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1932, u'0DA': 1975, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1943, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1946, u'0DA': 1993, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1929, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1936, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1927, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1944, u'0DA': 1993, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9456
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1961, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1983, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1954, u'0DA': 1966, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1950, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1953, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1987, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1973, u'0DA': 1990, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1972, u'0DA': 1957, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1968, u'0DA': 1973, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1971, u'0DA': 1969, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1955, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1967, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1982, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 2, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =11140 Reform = 11140
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1994, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1958, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1984, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1987, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1952, u'0DA': 1985, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1966, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1996, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1984, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1955, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1987, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1986, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1983, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1961, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1957, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1966, u'0DA': 1995, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1955, u'0DA': 1958, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1964, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1995, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1996, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1988, u'0DA': 1986, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1993, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1956, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1975, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1965, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'M': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1977, u'0DA': 1982, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'F': 1, u'O': 1, u'year': 2014, u'1BJ': 0, u'0DB': 1962, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9333 Reform = 9333
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1954, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1960, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1959, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1981, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1988, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1981, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1980, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1954, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1977, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1954, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1971, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1981, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1961, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1974, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1950, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1968, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1982, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1970, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1975, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1957, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1974, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1962, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1984, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1958, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1951, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1950, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1989, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1970, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1951, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1952, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1983, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1979, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1959, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1954, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1953, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1966, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1979, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1964, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1987, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1973, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1960, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1985, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1957, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1968, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1967, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1959, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1970, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1967, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1976, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1957, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1978, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1963, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1972, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1969, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1956, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1974, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1961, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1952, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1965, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1971, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1970, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1978, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1977, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1980, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1963, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1956, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1955, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1988, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1990, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1986, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1989, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1962, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1983, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1953, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1965, u'1AJ': 0} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1984, u'year': 2014} Current =5185 Reform = 5185
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1929, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1949, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1929, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1948, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1943, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1940, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1947, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1933, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1929, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1938, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1933, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1946, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1935, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1937, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1948, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1927, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1946, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1933, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1945, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1930, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1933, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1938, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1935, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1934, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1937, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1930, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1928, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1947, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1944, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1932, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1942, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1949, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1945, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1942, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1937, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1929, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1943, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1936, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1948, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1941, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1934, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1939, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1946, u'1AJ': 0} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1940, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1939, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1928, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1927, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1931, u'year': 2014} Current =9513 Reform = 9513
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1996, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1991, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1991, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1996, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1991, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1994, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1993, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1992, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1992, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'C': 1, u'1AJ': 0, u'0DA': 1994, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'V': 1, u'year': 2014, u'0DA': 1991, u'1AJ': 0} Current =0 Reform = 0
Case {u'1AJ': 0, u'D': 1, u'0DA': 1995, u'year': 2014} Current =0 Reform = 0
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Content source: openfisca/combine-calculators
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