Sealevel monitor

This document is used to monitor the current sea level along the Dutch coast. The sea level is measured using a number of tide gauges. Six long running tide gauges are considered "main stations". The mean of these stations is used to estimate the "current sea-level rise". The measurements since 1890 are taken into account. Measurements before that are considered less valid because the Amsterdam Ordnance Datum was not yet normalized.

In [30]:
# this is a list of packages that are used in this notebook
# these come with python
import io
import zipfile
import functools

# you can install these packages using pip or anaconda
# (requests numpy pandas bokeh pyproj statsmodels)

# for downloading
import requests

# computation libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas

# coordinate systems
import pyproj 

# statistics
import statsmodels.api as sm

# plotting
import bokeh.charts
import bokeh.plotting
import bokeh.tile_providers
import bokeh.palettes

# displaying things
from ipywidgets import Image
import IPython.display

In [31]:
# Some coordinate systems
WEBMERCATOR = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3857')
WGS84 = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')

# If this notebook is not showing up with figures, you can use the following url:

Loading BokehJS ...

The global collection of tide gauge records at the PSMSL is used to access the data. The other way to access the data is to ask the service desk data at Rijkswaterstaat. There are two types of datasets the "Revised Local Reference" and "Metric". For the Netherlands the difference is that the "Revised Local Reference" undoes the corrections from the NAP correction in 2014, to get a consistent dataset.

In [32]:
urls = {
    'metric_monthly': '',
    'rlr_monthly': '',
    'rlr_annual': ''
dataset_name = 'rlr_annual'

In [33]:
# these compute the rlr back to NAP (ignoring the undoing of the NAP correction)
main_stations = {
    20: {
        'name': 'Vlissingen', 
        'rlr2nap': lambda x: x - (6976-46)
    22: {
        'name': 'Hoek van Holland', 
        'rlr2nap': lambda x:x - (6994 - 121)
    23: {
        'name': 'Den Helder', 
        'rlr2nap': lambda x: x - (6988-42)
    24: {
        'name': 'Delfzijl', 
        'rlr2nap': lambda x: x - (6978-155)
    25: {
        'name': 'Harlingen', 
        'rlr2nap': lambda x: x - (7036-122)
    32: {
        'name': 'IJmuiden', 
        'rlr2nap': lambda x: x - (7033-83)

In [34]:
# the main stations are defined by their ids
main_stations_idx = list(main_stations.keys())

[32, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25]

In [35]:
# download the zipfile
resp = requests.get(urls[dataset_name])

# we can read the zipfile
stream = io.BytesIO(resp.content)
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(stream)

# this list contains a table of 
# station ID, latitude, longitude, station name, coastline code, station code, and quality flag
csvtext ='{}/filelist.txt'.format(dataset_name))

stations = pandas.read_csv(
    names=('id', 'lat', 'lon', 'name', 'coastline_code', 'station_code', 'quality'),
        'name': str.strip,
        'quality': str.strip
stations = stations.set_index('id')

# the dutch stations in the PSMSL database, make a copy
# or use stations.coastline_code == 150 for all dutch stations
selected_stations = stations.ix[main_stations_idx].copy()
# set the main stations, this should be a list of 6 stations

lat lon name coastline_code station_code quality
32 52.462222 4.554722 IJMUIDEN 150 41 N
20 51.442222 3.596111 VLISSINGEN 150 101 N
22 51.977500 4.120000 HOEK VAN HOLLAND 150 51 N
23 52.964444 4.745000 DEN HELDER 150 31 N
24 53.326389 6.933056 DELFZIJL 150 1 N
25 53.175556 5.409444 HARLINGEN 150 21 N

In [ ]:

In [36]:
# show all the stations on a map

# compute the bounds of the plot
sw = (50, -5)
ne = (55, 10)
# transform to web mercator
sw_wm = pyproj.transform(WGS84, WEBMERCATOR, sw[1], sw[0])
ne_wm = pyproj.transform(WGS84, WEBMERCATOR, ne[1], ne[0])
# create a plot
fig = bokeh.plotting.figure(tools='pan, wheel_zoom', plot_width=600, plot_height=200, x_range=(sw_wm[0], ne_wm[0]), y_range=(sw_wm[1], ne_wm[1]))
fig.axis.visible = False
# add some background tiles
# add the stations
x, y = pyproj.transform(WGS84, WEBMERCATOR, np.array(stations.lon), np.array(, y)
x, y = pyproj.transform(WGS84, WEBMERCATOR, np.array(selected_stations.lon), np.array(
_ =, y, color='red')

In [37]:
# show the plot

Now that we have defined which tide gauges we are monitoring we can start downloading the relevant data.

In [38]:
# each station has a number of files that you can look at.
# here we define a template for each filename

# stations that we are using for our computation
# define the name formats for the relevant files
names = {
    'datum': '{dataset}/RLR_info/{id}.txt',
    'diagram': '{dataset}/RLR_info/{id}.png',
    'url': '{id}.php',
    'data': '{dataset}/data/{id}.rlrdata',
    'doc': '{dataset}/docu/{id}.txt',
    'contact': '{dataset}/docu/{id}_auth.txt'

In [39]:
def get_url(station, dataset):
    """return the url of the station information (diagram and datum)"""
    info = dict(
    url = names['url'].format(**info)
    return url
# fill in the dataset parameter using the global dataset_name
f = functools.partial(get_url, dataset=dataset_name)
# compute the url for each station
selected_stations['url'] = selected_stations.apply(f, axis=1)

lat lon name coastline_code station_code quality url
32 52.462222 4.554722 IJMUIDEN 150 41 N
20 51.442222 3.596111 VLISSINGEN 150 101 N
22 51.977500 4.120000 HOEK VAN HOLLAND 150 51 N
23 52.964444 4.745000 DEN HELDER 150 31 N
24 53.326389 6.933056 DELFZIJL 150 1 N
25 53.175556 5.409444 HARLINGEN 150 21 N

In [40]:
def missing2nan(value, missing=-99999):
    """convert the value to nan if the float of value equals the missing value"""
    value = float(value)
    if value == missing:
        return np.nan
    return value

def get_data(station, dataset):
    """get data for the station (pandas record) from the dataset (url)"""
    info = dict(
    bytes =['data'].format(**info))
    df = pandas.read_csv(
        names=('year', 'height', 'interpolated', 'flags'),
            "height": lambda x: main_stations[]['rlr2nap'](missing2nan(x)),
            "interpolated": str.strip,
    df['station'] =
    return df

In [41]:
# get data for all stations
f = functools.partial(get_data, dataset=dataset_name)
# look up the data for each station
selected_stations['data'] = [f(station) for _, station in selected_stations.iterrows()]

In [42]:
# we now have data for each station
selected_stations[['name', 'data']]

name data
32 IJMUIDEN year height interpolated flags station...
20 VLISSINGEN year height interpolated flags station...
22 HOEK VAN HOLLAND year height interpolated flags station...
23 DEN HELDER year height interpolated flags station...
24 DELFZIJL year height interpolated flags station...
25 HARLINGEN year height interpolated flags station...

Now that we have all data downloaded we can compute the mean.

In [43]:
# compute the mean
grouped = pandas.concat(selected_stations['data'].tolist())[['year', 'height']].groupby('year')
mean_df = grouped.mean().reset_index()
# filter out non-trusted part (before NAP)
mean_df = mean_df[mean_df['year'] >= 1890].copy()

In [44]:
# these are the mean waterlevels 

year height
149 2011 60.166667
150 2012 50.666667
151 2013 25.666667
152 2014 66.666667
153 2015 92.500000

In [45]:
# show all the stations, including the mean
title = 'Sea-surface height for Dutch tide gauges [{year_min} - {year_max}]'.format(
fig = bokeh.plotting.figure(title=title, x_range=(1860, 2020), plot_width=900, plot_height=400)
colors = bokeh.palettes.Accent6
for color, (id_, station) in zip(colors, selected_stations.iterrows()):
    data = station['data'], data.height, color=color, legend=station['name'], alpha=0.5)
fig.line(mean_df.year, mean_df.height, line_width=3, alpha=0.7, color='black', legend='Mean')
fig.legend.location = "bottom_right"
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'waterlevel [mm] above NAP'
fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'year'

In [46]:

In [ ]:


Now we can define the statistical model. The "current sea-level rise" is defined by the following formula. Please note that the selected epoch of 1970 is arbitrary. $ H(t) = a + b_{trend}(t-1970) + b_u\cos(2\pi\frac{t - 1970}{18.613}) + b_v\sin(2\pi\frac{t - 1970}{18.613}) $

The terms are refered to as Constant ($a$), Trend ($b_{trend}$), Nodal U ($b_u$) and Nodal V ($b_v$).

Alternative models are used to detect if sea-level rise is increasing. These models include the broken linear model, defined by a possible change in trend starting at 1993. This timespan is the start of the "satellite era" (start of TOPEX/Poseidon measurements), it is also often referred to as the start of acceleration because the satellite measurements tend to show a higher rate of sea level than the "tide-gauge era" (1900-2000). If this model fits better than the linear model, one could say that there is a "increase in sea-level rise".

$ H(t) = a + b_{trend}(t-1970) + b_{broken}(t > 1993)*(t-1993) + b_{u}\cos(2\pi\frac{t - 1970}{18.613}) + b_{v}\sin(2\pi\frac{t - 1970}{18.613}) $

Another way to look at increased sea-level rise is to look at sea-level acceleration. To detect sea-level acceleration one can use a quadratic model.

$ H(t) = a + b_{trend}(t-1970) + b_{quadratic}(t - 1970)*(t-1970) + b_{u}\cos(2\pi\frac{t - 1970}{18.613}) + b_{v}\sin(2\pi\frac{t - 1970}{18.613}) $

In [47]:
# define the statistical model
y = mean_df['height']
X = np.c_[
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model = sm.OLS(y, X)
fit =

In [48]:
fit.summary(yname='Sea-surface height', xname=['Constant', 'Trend', 'Nodal U', 'Nodal V'])
# things to check:
# Durbin Watson should be >1 for no worries, >2 for no autocorrelation
# JB should be non-significant for normal residuals
# abs(x2.t) + abs(x3.t) should be > 3, otherwise adding nodal is not useful

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Sea-surface height R-squared: 0.853
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.849
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 236.1
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 1.27e-50
Time: 13:27:07 Log-Likelihood: -601.28
No. Observations: 126 AIC: 1211.
Df Residuals: 122 BIC: 1222.
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Constant -25.0320 2.877 -8.700 0.000 -30.728 -19.336
Trend 1.8991 0.071 26.578 0.000 1.758 2.041
Nodal U 6.2529 3.699 1.691 0.093 -1.069 13.575
Nodal V -12.1237 3.643 -3.328 0.001 -19.335 -4.912
Omnibus: 3.045 Durbin-Watson: 1.706
Prob(Omnibus): 0.218 Jarque-Bera (JB): 2.768
Skew: -0.363 Prob(JB): 0.251
Kurtosis: 3.035 Cond. No. 57.9

In [49]:
fig = bokeh.plotting.figure(x_range=(1860, 2020), plot_width=900, plot_height=400)
for color, (id_, station) in zip(colors, selected_stations.iterrows()):
    data = station['data'], data.height, color=color, legend=station['name'], alpha=0.8), mean_df.height, line_width=3, legend='Mean', color='black', alpha=0.5)
fig.line(mean_df.year, fit.predict(), line_width=3, legend='Current')
fig.legend.location = "bottom_right"
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'waterlevel [mm] above N.A.P.'
fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'year'

Is there a sea-level acceleration?

The following section computes two common models to detect sea-level acceleration. The broken linear model expects that sea level has been rising faster since 1990. The quadratic model assumes that the sea-level is accelerating continuously. Both models are compared to the linear model. The extra terms are tested for significance and the AIC is computed to see which model is "better".

In [50]:
# define the statistical model
y = mean_df['height']
X = np.c_[
    (mean_df['year'] > 1993) * (mean_df['year'] - 1993),
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model_broken_linear = sm.OLS(y, X)
fit_broken_linear =

In [51]:
# define the statistical model
y = mean_df['height']
X = np.c_[
    (mean_df['year'] - 1970) * (mean_df['year'] - 1970),
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model_quadratic = sm.OLS(y, X)
fit_quadratic =

In [52]:
fit_broken_linear.summary(yname='Sea-surface height', xname=['Constant', 'Trend', 'Trend(year > 1990)', 'Nodal U', 'Nodal V'])

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Sea-surface height R-squared: 0.855
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.851
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 178.9
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 8.20e-50
Time: 13:27:07 Log-Likelihood: -600.28
No. Observations: 126 AIC: 1211.
Df Residuals: 121 BIC: 1225.
Df Model: 4
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Constant -28.0783 3.608 -7.781 0.000 -35.222 -20.935
Trend 1.8255 0.089 20.569 0.000 1.650 2.001
Trend(year > 1990) 0.8810 0.634 1.390 0.167 -0.374 2.136
Nodal U 6.0248 3.688 1.634 0.105 -1.277 13.327
Nodal V -12.5599 3.643 -3.448 0.001 -19.771 -5.348
Omnibus: 1.828 Durbin-Watson: 1.733
Prob(Omnibus): 0.401 Jarque-Bera (JB): 1.688
Skew: -0.283 Prob(JB): 0.430
Kurtosis: 2.952 Cond. No. 58.2

In [53]:
fit_quadratic.summary(yname='Sea-surface height', xname=['Constant', 'Trend', 'Trend**2', 'Nodal U', 'Nodal V'])

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Sea-surface height R-squared: 0.853
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.849
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 176.2
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 1.82e-49
Time: 13:27:07 Log-Likelihood: -601.11
No. Observations: 126 AIC: 1212.
Df Residuals: 121 BIC: 1226.
Df Model: 4
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Constant -26.2982 3.646 -7.214 0.000 -33.516 -19.081
Trend 1.9429 0.105 18.464 0.000 1.735 2.151
Trend**2 0.0013 0.002 0.568 0.571 -0.003 0.006
Nodal U 6.0876 3.720 1.636 0.104 -1.278 13.453
Nodal V -12.1889 3.655 -3.335 0.001 -19.425 -4.953
Omnibus: 2.826 Durbin-Watson: 1.711
Prob(Omnibus): 0.243 Jarque-Bera (JB): 2.578
Skew: -0.350 Prob(JB): 0.275
Kurtosis: 3.015 Cond. No. 3.44e+03

In [54]:
fig = bokeh.plotting.figure(x_range=(1860, 2020), plot_width=900, plot_height=400)
for color, (id_, station) in zip(colors, selected_stations.iterrows()):
    data = station['data'], data.height, color=color, legend=station['name'], alpha=0.8), mean_df.height, line_width=3, legend='Mean', color='black', alpha=0.5)
fig.line(mean_df.year, fit.predict(), line_width=3, legend='Current')
fig.line(mean_df.year, fit_broken_linear.predict(), line_width=3, color='#33bb33', legend='Broken')
fig.line(mean_df.year, fit_quadratic.predict(), line_width=3, color='#3333bb', legend='Quadratic')

fig.legend.location = "top_left"
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'waterlevel [mm] above N.A.P.'
fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'year'


Below are some statements that depend on the output calculated above.

In [55]:
msg = '''The current average waterlevel above NAP (in mm), 
based on the 6 main tide gauges for the year {year} is {height:.1f} cm.
The current sea-level rise is {rate:.0f} cm/century'''
print(msg.format(year=mean_df['year'].iloc[-1], height=fit.predict()[-1]/10.0, rate=fit.params.x1*100.0/10))

The current average waterlevel above NAP (in mm), 
based on the 6 main tide gauges for the year 2015 is 4.9 cm.
The current sea-level rise is 19 cm/century

In [56]:
if (fit.aic < fit_broken_linear.aic):
    print('The linear model is a higher quality model (smaller AIC) than the broken linear model.')
    print('The broken linear model is a higher quality model (smaller AIC) than the linear model.')
if (fit_broken_linear.pvalues['x2'] < 0.05):
    print('The trend break is bigger than we would have expected under the assumption that there was no trend break.')
    print('Under the assumption that there is no trend break, we would have expected a trend break as big as we have seen.')

The linear model is a higher quality model (smaller AIC) than the broken linear model.
Under the assumption that there is no trend break, we would have expected a trend break as big as we have seen.

In [57]:
if (fit.aic < fit_quadratic.aic):
    print('The linear model is a higher quality model (smaller AIC) than the quadratic model.')
    print('The quadratic model is a higher quality model (smaller AIC) than the linear model.')
if (fit_quadratic.pvalues['x2'] < 0.05):
    print('The quadratic term is bigger than we would have expected under the assumption that there was no quadraticness.')
    print('Under the assumption that there is no quadraticness, we would have expected a quadratic term as big as we have seen.')

The linear model is a higher quality model (smaller AIC) than the quadratic model.
Under the assumption that there is no quadraticness, we would have expected a quadratic term as big as we have seen.

In [ ]: