In [37]:
# reading files
import os
# matching filenames
import re
import logging
# reading tiffs
import osgeo.gdal
# computation
import numpy as np
# tables
import pandas as pd
# segmentation
import skimage.segmentation
# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# read from this directory
datadir = '/Users/baart_f/data/landsat/zm'
# match the filename with this pattern
pattern = re.compile(r'^all\-(?P<date>\d+\-\d+\-\d+)\.(?P<channel>[\w\d]+)\.tif$')
# loop over all the files
files = []
for f in os.listdir(datadir):
match = pattern.match(f)
if match:
record = match.groupdict()
record['file'] = f
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(files)
# ignore the temp and BQA channels
table = df[~np.in1d(, ('temp', 'BQA'))].pivot(index='channel', columns='date')
# these are the files we'll process
In [3]:
# recompute to 0-1
def normalize(arr):
"""normalize to 0-1.0"""
arr = arr.astype('float64')
return (arr - arr.min())/(arr.max() - arr.min())
# loop over all the bands, group by date and channel
allbands = []
for channel, row in table.iterrows():
bands = []
for date in table['file'].columns:
filename = row['file'][date]
ds = osgeo.gdal.Open(os.path.join(datadir, filename))
band = ds.ReadAsArray(0)
# add an extra channel to the end for the time
# concatenate everything into 1 array
data = np.concatenate(allbands, axis=-1)
# should be in the shape of space x time x channels
# time is just another spatial dimension for the segmentation
In [4]:
# segment all the images, it seems to convert floats back to ints, so we'll multiply with 255, check what's going on....
# We're using multichannels (n=8), no lab space as we don't have rgb
# n_segments should be quite large otherwise slic connectivity will force superpixels in first and last images together
# distances in time are 10x distance in space. TODO: compute variance in time and space and choose something more sophisticated.
labels = skimage.segmentation.slic(
# we should have labels in space x time
In [11]:
# plot the segments
fig, axes = plt.subplots(7, 5, figsize=(20, 20))
colors = np.arange(labels.max())
# shuffle the colors so we see some patterns
# this should show a homogenous distribution over time and space
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
ax.imshow(colors[labels[:,:,i]-1], cmap='Accent')
In [40]:
# now plot the segments with mean intensities to see if we're detecting the sand engine and coastline
fig, axes = plt.subplots(7,5, figsize=(20,30))
# create a list of properties
plist = [None for i in range(labels.max() + 1)]
# loop over all times
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
# compute the mean intensity
properties = skimage.measure.regionprops(labels[...,i], intensity_image=data[:,:,i].mean(-1))
# store the properties
for p in properties:
plist[p.label] = p
# store the mean intensity
intensity = np.array([p.mean_intensity if p is not None else 1.0 for p in plist ])
# plot the intensities
ax.imshow(intensity[labels[...,i]], cmap='Greys')
# something wrong in the first pixel...., TODO: check label 0 based or 1 based....
In [ ]: