A Period - Magnitude Relation in Cepheid Stars

  • Cepheids are stars whose brightness oscillates with a stable period that appears to be strongly correlated with their luminosity (or absolute magnitude).
  • A lot of monitoring data - repeated imaging and subsequent "photometry" of the star - can provide a measurement of the absolute magnitude (if we know the distance to it's host galaxy) and the period of the oscillation.
  • Let's look at some Cepheid measurements reported by Riess et al (2011). Like the correlation function summaries, they are in the form of datapoints with error bars, where it is not clear how those error bars were derived (or what they mean).
  • Our goal is to infer the parameters of a simple relationship between Cepheid period and, in the first instance, apparent magnitude.

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15.0, 8.0)

A Look at Each Host Galaxy's Cepheids

Let's read in all the data, and look at each galaxy's Cepheid measurements separately. Instead of using pandas, we'll write our own simple data structure, and give it a custom plotting method so we can compare the different host galaxies' datasets.

In [2]:
# First, we need to know what's in the data file.

!head -15 R11ceph.dat

#id gal m merr P logO_H bias
#this is a processed version of the R11 cepheid data
#see Riess et al., 2011, ApJ, 730, 119, Table 2
#id is the ID of the cepheid
#gal is the NGC hist number
#mags m are computed using m = F160W - 0.41*(V_I)
#mag errs are just those in the F160W mags
#errors in V-I were not given in R11
#period P is in days
#errors in the Period were not given
#logO_H is actual log[O/H], not 12 + log[O/H] as in R11
#bias is the crwoding bias *already applied* by R11
#cepheid with id 102255 was excluded since its magnitude error is 99.0
27185 4536 24.512300 0.310000 13.000000 -3.460000 0.130000
42353 4536 25.990700 0.740000 13.070000 -3.030000 0.370000

In [3]:
class Cepheids(object):
    def __init__(self,filename):
        # Read in the data and store it in this master array:
        self.data = np.loadtxt(filename)
        self.hosts = self.data[:,1].astype('int').astype('str')
        # We'll need the plotting setup to be the same each time we make a plot:
        colornames = ['red','orange','yellow','green','cyan','blue','violet','magenta','gray']
        self.colors = dict(zip(self.list_hosts(), colornames))
        self.xlimits = np.array([0.3,2.3])
        self.ylimits = np.array([30.0,17.0])
    def list_hosts(self):
        # The list of (9) unique galaxy host names:
        return np.unique(self.hosts)
    def select(self,ID):
        # Pull out one galaxy's data from the master array:
        index = (self.hosts == str(ID))
        self.mobs = self.data[index,2]
        self.merr = self.data[index,3]
        self.logP = np.log10(self.data[index,4])
    def plot(self,X):
        # Plot all the points in the dataset for host galaxy X.
        ID = str(X)
        plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) 
        plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16)
        plt.errorbar(self.logP, self.mobs, yerr=self.merr, fmt='.', ms=7, lw=1, color=self.colors[ID], label='NGC'+ID)
        plt.xlabel('$\\log_{10} P / {\\rm days}$',fontsize=20)
        plt.ylabel('${\\rm magnitude (AB)}$',fontsize=20)
        plt.title('Cepheid Period-Luminosity (Riess et al 2011)',fontsize=20)

    def overlay_straight_line_with(self,a=0.0,b=24.0):
        # Overlay a straight line with gradient a and intercept b.
        x = self.xlimits
        y = a*x + b
        plt.plot(x, y, 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=2)
    def add_legend(self):
        plt.legend(loc='upper left')

In [4]:
data = Cepheids('R11ceph.dat')

{'4258': 'blue', '5584': 'gray', '4536': 'violet', '1309': 'red', '3021': 'orange', '3370': 'yellow', '4038': 'cyan', '4639': 'magenta', '3982': 'green'}

OK, now we are all set up! Let's plot one of the datasets.

In [5]:

# for ID in data.list_hosts():
#     data.plot(ID)


Q: Is the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation likely to be well-modeled by a power law ?

Is it easy to find straight lines that "fit" all the data from each host? And do we get the same "fit" for each host?

Inferring the Period-Magnitude Relation

  • Let's try inferring the parameters $a$ and $b$ of the following linear relation:

$m = a\;\log_{10} P + b$

  • We have data consisting of observed magnitudes with quoted uncertainties, of the form

$m^{\rm obs} = 24.51 \pm 0.31$ at $\log_{10} P = \log_{10} (13.0/{\rm days})$

  • Let's draw the PGM together, on the whiteboard, imagining our way through what we would do to generate a mock dataset like the one we have.

Q: What is the PDF for $m$, ${\rm Pr}(m|a,b,H)$?

Q: What are reasonable assumptions about the sampling distribution for the $k^{\rm th}$ datapoint, ${\rm Pr}(m^{\rm obs}_k|m,H)$?

Q: What is the conditional PDF ${\rm Pr}(m_k|a,b,\log{P_k},H)$?

Q: What is the resulting joint likelihood, ${\rm Pr}(m^{\rm obs}|a,b,H)$?

Q: What could be reasonable assumptions for the prior ${\rm Pr}(a,b|H)$?

We should now be able to code up functions for the log likelihood, log prior and log posterior, such that we can evaluate them on a 2D parameter grid. Let's fill them in:

In [6]:
def log_likelihood(logP,mobs,merr,a,b):
    return 0.0 # m given a,b? mobs given m? Combining all data points?

def log_prior(a,b):
    return 0.0 # Ranges? Functions?

def log_posterior(logP,mobs,merr,a,b):
    return log_likelihood(logP,mobs,merr,a,b) + log_prior(a,b)

Now, let's set up a suitable parameter grid and compute the posterior PDF!

In [7]:
# Select a Cepheid dataset:

# Set up parameter grids:
npix = 100
amin,amax = -4.0,-2.0
bmin,bmax = 25.0,27.0
agrid = np.linspace(amin,amax,npix)
bgrid = np.linspace(bmin,bmax,npix)
logprob = np.zeros([npix,npix])

# Loop over parameters, computing unnormlized log posterior PDF:
for i,a in enumerate(agrid):
    for j,b in enumerate(bgrid):
        logprob[j,i] = log_posterior(data.logP,data.mobs,data.merr,a,b)

# Normalize and exponentiate to get posterior density:
Z = np.max(logprob)
prob = np.exp(logprob - Z)
norm = np.sum(prob)
prob /= norm

Now, plot, with confidence contours:

In [8]:
sorted = np.sort(prob.flatten())
C = sorted.cumsum()

# Find the pixel values that lie at the levels that contain
# 68% and 95% of the probability:
lvl68 = np.min(sorted[C > (1.0 - 0.68)])
lvl95 = np.min(sorted[C > (1.0 - 0.95)])

plt.imshow(prob, origin='lower', cmap='Blues', interpolation='none', extent=[amin,amax,bmin,bmax])
plt.xlabel('slope a')
plt.ylabel('intercept b / AB magnitudes')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f865c20d390>
  • Are these inferred parameters sensible?
  • Let's read off a plausible (a,b) pair and overlay the model period-magnitude relation on the data.

In [9]:



Summarizing our Inferences

Let's compute the 1D marginalized posterior PDFs for $a$ and for $b$, and report the median and 68% credible interval.

In [10]:
prob_a_given_data = np.sum(prob,axis=0)
prob_b_given_data = np.sum(prob,axis=1)

In [11]:
print(prob_a_given_data.shape, np.sum(prob_a_given_data))

(100,) 1.0

In [12]:
# Plot 1D distributions:

fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)
fig.set_size_inches(15, 6)

left = ax[0].plot(agrid, prob_a_given_data)
ax[0].set_title('${\\rm Pr}(a|d)$')
ax[0].set_xlabel('slope $a$')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Posterior probability density')

right = ax[1].plot(bgrid, prob_b_given_data)
ax[1].set_title('${\\rm Pr}(a|d)$')
ax[0].set_xlabel('intercept $b$ / AB magnitudes')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Posterior probability density')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f865c162d90>

In [13]:
# Compress each PDF into a median and 68% credible interval, and report:

def compress_1D_pdf(x,pr,ci=68,dp=1):
    # Interpret credible interval request:
    low  = (1.0 - ci/100.0)/2.0    # 0.16 for ci=68
    high = 1.0 - low               # 0.84 for ci=68

    # Find cumulative distribution and compute percentiles:
    cumulant = pr.cumsum()
    pctlow = x[cumulant>low].min()
    median = x[cumulant>0.50].min()
    pcthigh = x[cumulant>high].min()
    # Convert to error bars, and format a string:
    errplus = np.abs(pcthigh - median)
    errminus = np.abs(median - pctlow)
    report = "$ "+str(round(median,dp))+"^{+"+str(round(errplus,dp))+"}_{-"+str(round(errminus,dp))+"} $"
    return report

In [14]:
print("a = ",compress_1D_pdf(agrid,prob_a_given_data,ci=68,dp=2))

print("b = ",compress_1D_pdf(bgrid,prob_b_given_data,ci=68,dp=2))

a =  $ -3.01^{+0.69}_{-0.67} $
b =  $ 25.99^{+0.69}_{-0.69} $


  • In this simple case, our report makes sense: the medians of both 1D marginalized PDFs lie within the region of high 2D posterior PDF. This will not always be the case.
  • The marginalized posterior for $x$ has a well-defined meaning, regardless of the higher dimensional structure of the joint posterior: it is ${\rm Pr}(x|d,H)$, the PDF for $x$ given the data and the model, and accounting for the uncertainty in all other parameters.
  • The high degree of symmetry in this problem is due to the posterior being a bivariate Gaussian. We could have derived the posterior PDF analytically - but in general this will not be possible. The homework invites you to explore various other analytic and numerical possibilities in this simple inference scenario.

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