
A tree has a root value and a sequence of branches. Each branch of a tree is a tree. A tree with no branches is called a leaf. Any tree contained within a tree is called a sub-tree of that tree (such as a branch of a branch). The root value of a sub-tree of a tree is called a node (or node value) in that tree.

The data abstraction for a tree consists of the constructor tree and the selectors root and branches.

In creating a tree, this first thing I want to do is decide on the underlying data structure I will use to model the tree. In this case, I am defining a tree as it's root and branches, all modeled using python lists.

In [9]:
def is_tree(tree):
    """Determine whether this is an instance of an acceptable tree. 
       Return boolean
    # all trees must be of type tree and have atleast one element
    if type(tree) != list or len(tree) < 1:
        return False
    for branch in branches(tree):
        if not is_tree(branch):
            return False
    return True

def tree(root, branches=[]):
    Tree constructor
    root: singleton list
    branches: list
    for branch in branches:
        assert(is_tree(branch)), 'branches must be trees'
    return [root] + list(branches)

def root(tree):
    return tree[0]

def branches(tree):
    return tree[1:]

In [15]:
aTree = tree(5, [tree(1), tree(2)])

In [16]:

[5, [1], [2]]

In [ ]: