Attributive participial clauses in English and learner English

Elizaveta Kuzmenko

the project repository can be found here

Participles in English can form attributive clauses that look like this: the boy playing with the kitten, the people involved. Typically single participles stand before nouns, while participial clauses stand after nouns, though there are some exceptions like people involved. In my project I want to:

  1. Check and describe the position of participial clauses in native English with regard to the noun.

  2. Compare it to the use of participial clauses in learner English.

  3. Detect the conditions in learner English in which a participle or a participial clause is used most frequently with a wrong position.

Categorical input: voice, verb lemma, head noun lemma. Numeric input: length of clause in words, distance from the head noun.

Dependent variables: position, type.


  1. Language learners are likely to put the construction in wrong position, e.g. a dressed in black man (correct - a man dressed in black), the involved people (correct -- the people involved) due to the interference with their native language.

  2. The formation of a relative clause instead of a participial construction depends on the length of the clause (the longer the unit is, the more likely it is to be used as a relative clause).

Collecting data

I have chosen BNC and REALEC as my sources of data. BNC represents L1 (native language) data, and REALEC represents L2 (learner language) data.

For my research I need to construct 2 datasets:

  1. Usage cases for attributive participial construction in the L1 corpus: this dataset ideally includes all the cases when a participial construction is used. It is needed to describe the characteristics of a participial construction and the factors when choosing the type and the position of a construction with regard to the head noun.
  2. Usage cases for attributive participial construction in the L2 corpus: this dataset also includes all the cases when a participial construction is used. The purpose of this dataset is to provide data for comparison between L1 and L2.
  3. Errors in using attributive participial constructions. This dataset includes all cases when the construction was erroneously used in L2 corpus. This dataset is neede to investigate the factors that trigger an error in the construction.

Collecting datasets 1 and 2

First I need to collect all the cases when a participle or gerund is used in an attributive clause. The steps I have taken to do this include the following (workflow is identical for both BNC and REALEC):

  • First I need to clear the file from all markup and metadata and get raw text. The size of BNC on this step was 13 862 525 tokens and the size of REALEC was 1 211 760 tokens.
  • Then I can parse this text to get syntactic analyses of all sentences. To do this, I used UDPipe tool and trained my model on Universal Dependencies for English with default settings.
  • After that I set out to extract all constituents that have a verbal form as a head and form acl or amod relations. acl stands for clausal modifier (a child frightened to death) and amod stands for adjectival modifier (a frightened child). This and the following steps were performed using Python (a script is available here) and also in the repository.
  • Having extracted such constituents, I retrieved input features from the data. The resulting data are placed in the repository and can be found here for BNC and here for REALEC.
  • Disclaimer! The present research does not address the issue of parsing non-standard languages. The parser is most likely to make errors when parsing learners' data, but I just take it as is.

In the result, my dataframe for BNC consisted of 170 883 points of observation. The dataframe for REALEC consisted of 15 235 points of observation.

I decided to choose a fraction of these data, because working with such a large dataframe in R would be too slow, and also the comparison of L1 and L2 data would be more fair if the number of observation points was identical. Thus, I randomly chose 10 000 observation points from BNC and REALEC.

Let's look at the data and prove the concept of this research:

In [1]:
options(repr.plot.width=4, repr.plot.height=3)

Loading tidyverse: ggplot2
Loading tidyverse: tibble
Loading tidyverse: tidyr
Loading tidyverse: readr
Loading tidyverse: purrr
Loading tidyverse: dplyr
Conflicts with tidy packages ---------------------------------------------------
filter(): dplyr, stats
lag():    dplyr, stats

In [2]:
bnc <- read.csv("BNC_data_sample.csv", sep='\t')

In [4]:
head(bnc, n = 10)

102030 0.0 0.0 1.0 example 8 after producing a less demanding and more compliant patient part produce active
131371 1.0 1.0 2.0 shelf 1 before darkened part darken passive
61115 1.0 1.0 2.0 blocks 3 before sharply - defined part defin passive
44765 0.0 None 2.0 stone 11 after to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formationto give None
132680 0.0 1.0 1.0 code 5 after revised for BNC - 2 part revis passive
1262 1.0 0.0 1.0 citie 1 before existing part exist active
164931 0.0 1.0 1.0 hand 4 after reached for the light part reach passive
120043 0.0 1.0 1.0 procedure 10 after carried out in the surgical unit of your local hospital part carry passive
152122 0.0 None 2.0 means 9 after to secure and enhance working - class living standards to secure None
146598 0.0 None 2.0 person 11 after to expose the punitive nature of John Smith 's shadow Budget to expose None

In [55]:
summary(bnc) # summary is not very informative, but just for fun...

       id        binary.position  binary.voice     distance      head.lemma  
 passive:  297   0.0    :6226    1.0    :4871   1.0    :4462          : 792  
 active :  215   1.0    :3688    0.0    :3645   2.0    :2655   way    : 115  
 None   :   88          : 600    None   :1493          : 761   None   :  86  
 part   :   24   None   :  99           : 723   3.0    : 635   time   :  83  
 rel    :    8   passive:  68    passive:  19   4.0    : 437   code   :  79  
 to     :    6   active :  42    active :  10   5.0    : 318   s-unit :  74  
 (Other):10149   (Other):  64    (Other):  26   (Other):1519   (Other):9558  
     length        position                          text           type     
 1      :2525   after  :6223                           : 925   part   :7643  
 3      :1162   before :3671   following               :  63   to     :1299  
 4      :1033          : 784   growing                 :  46          : 853  
 2      : 857   None   :  87   added                   :  43   rel    : 271  
 5      : 801   1      :   4   all tagcountsResequenced:  39   000    :   5  
        : 793   5      :   3   catrefsUpdated          :  35    and   :   3  
 (Other):3616   (Other):  15   (Other)                 :9636   (Other): 713  
   verb.lemma       voice     
        : 802   passive:4466  
 part   : 486   active :3374  
 make   : 183   None   :1373  
 use    : 124          : 795  
 take   :  90   part   :  94  
 follow :  84   rel    :  22  
 (Other):9018   (Other): 663  

In [3]:
bnc_num_after = nrow(filter(bnc, position == 'after')) # plot for BNC
bnc_num_before = nrow(filter(bnc, position == 'before'))
bnc_position = filter(bnc, position == 'after' | position == 'before')
plot1 <- ggplot(data=bnc_position, aes(position)) + 
geom_bar(stat="count") + 
ggtitle("Position of attributive participial construction with\nregard to the head noun in BNC") + 
theme(plot.title = element_text(size=10)) + ylab("number of cases") + xlab("position")

[1] 6246
[1] 3669

As we can see, there is more participial clauses that stand after the head noun than before it in L1 data. What about L2 data?

In [4]:
realec <- read.csv("REALEC_data_sample.csv", sep='\t')

In [24]:
real_num_after = nrow(filter(realec, position == 'after')) # plot for REALEC
real_num_before = nrow(filter(realec, position == 'before'))
realec_position = filter(realec, position == 'after' | position == 'before')
plot2 <- ggplot(data=realec_position, aes(position)) + 
geom_bar(stat="count") + 
ggtitle("Position of attributive participial construction with\nregard to the head noun in REALEC") + 
theme(plot.title = element_text(size=10)) + ylab("number of cases") + xlab("position")

[1] 7001
[1] 2933

In L2 data too clauses standing after the head noun are more frequent. Let's plot the data from the two corpora together, for greater clarity.

In [6]:
combined1 <- bnc_position
combined1$corpus <- rep('BNC', nrow(bnc_position))
combined2 <- realec_position
combined2$corpus <- rep('REALEC', nrow(realec_position))
combined <-, combined2)
plot3 <- ggplot(data=combined, aes(position, fill=corpus)) + 
geom_bar(stat="count", position='dodge') + 
ggtitle("Position of attributive participial construction with\nregard to the head noun") + 
theme(plot.title = element_text(size=10)) + ylab("number of cases") + xlab("position")

The difference between numbers in REALEC seems to be more different than in BNC. But are these numbers really different? The null hypothesis is that there is no factor that influences the difference between REALEC and BNC. The hypothesis is that there is such a factor.

In [63]:
position <- matrix(c(bnc_num_after, real_num_after, bnc_num_before, real_num_before), nrow = 2)
rownames(position) <- c('bnc', 'realec')
colnames(position) <- c('after', 'before')


In [66]:

	Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  position
X-squared = 127.82, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16

OK, it seems the hypothesis is correct and our investigation could have some sense.

Step 1: exploratory analysis of L1 data

Task: Check and describe the position of participial clauses in native English with regard to the noun.

Length and position

First, let's check how length of a participial clause influences the position of a clause. It is obvious that in L1 data longer units stand after the head noun (typically, all extended participial clauses), whereas single participles are placed before the noun.

In [6]:
plot4 <- ggplot(data = bnc_position, aes(position, length)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = 0.1)+
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1)
# compute lower and upper whiskers
#ylim1 = boxplot.stats(realec_position$length)$stats[c(1, 5)]

# scale y limits based on ylim1
#p1 = plot4 + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim1*1.05)

Median value for clauses after noun is higher than for clauses before noun. This is exactly the case for BNC data, though some extended clauses are nevertheless found before the noun. Overall, a length of a clauses varies significantly from 1 (single participle) to 100 and more, so a confidence interval cannot be determined correctly. However, there is a significant number of outliers that stand before the head noun, though their length is more than 10 words.

What about REALEC data?

In [29]:
plot5 <- ggplot(data = realec_position, aes(position, length)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = 0.1)+
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1)

The picture in REALEC is even more consistent than it is in BNC. Once again, the majority of long clauses stand after the head noun, and all outliers (clauses that are very long) are also found after the head noun. However, as in BNC, there are some clauses of length above 10 that stand before the noun.

Now let's take a look at the interdependence of voice and position in a sentence.

In [39]:
plot6 <- realec_position %>% filter(voice == 'passive' | voice == 'active') %>% group_by(position, voice) %>% summarise(number = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(position, voice, label=number)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = number), colour="lightblue") + 
  geom_text() + scale_size(range = c(10, 30)) + guides(size = F) + 
  xlab("position") + ylab("voice") + 
  ggtitle("Correlation position of a clause and voice of a participle") + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 9))

In [40]:
plot6 <- bnc_position %>% filter(voice == 'passive' | voice == 'active') %>% group_by(position, voice) %>% summarise(number = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(position, voice, label=number)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = number), colour="lightblue") + 
  geom_text() + scale_size(range = c(10, 30)) + guides(size = F) + 
  xlab("position") + ylab("voice") + 
  ggtitle("Correlation position of a clause and voice of a participle") + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 9))

In [11]:
plot7 <- realec_position %>% group_by(position, type) %>% summarise(number = n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(position, type, label=number)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = number), colour="lightblue") + 
  geom_text() + scale_size(range = c(10, 30)) + guides(size = F) + 
  xlab("position") + ylab("type") + 
  ggtitle("Correlation position of a clause and type of a clause") + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 10))

In [27]:
realec_position %>% 
  ggplot(aes(position, length, color = position))+
  geom_jitter(width = 0.3, alpha = 0.3)+
  labs(title = "Length of a clause ~ position of a clause",
       x = "position",
       y = "length of a clause")

In [ ]: