Illustrating Observed and Intrinsic Object Properties:

SDSS "Galaxy" Sizes

  • In a catalog, each galaxy's measurements come with "error bars" providing information about how uncertain we should be about each property of each galaxy.

  • This means that the distribution of "observed" galaxy properties (as reported in the catalog) is not the same as the underlying or "intrinsic" distribution.

  • Let's look at the distribution of observed sizes in the SDSS photometric object catalog.

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import SDSS
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

In [7]:
galaxies = "SELECT top 1000 \
petroR50_i AS size, \
petroR50Err_i AS err \
FROM PhotoObjAll \
(type = '3' AND petroR50Err_i > 0)"
print galaxies

SELECT top 1000 petroR50_i AS size, petroR50Err_i AS err FROM PhotoObjAll WHERE (type = '3' AND petroR50Err_i > 0)

In [9]:
# Download data. This can take a few moments...
data =

size err
0 3.183596 0.025126
1 3.065464 0.011983
2 20.184450 12.358810
3 3.140940 0.019812
4 2.944434 0.005674

In [10]:
!mkdir -p downloads

The Distribution of Observed SDSS "Galaxy" Sizes

Let's look at a histogram of galaxy sizes, for 1000 objects classified as "galaxies".

In [11]:
data = pd.read_csv("downloads/SDSSgalaxysizes.csv",usecols=["size","err"])


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x107704890>

Things to notice:

  • No small objects (why not?)
  • A "tail" to large size
  • Some very large sizes that look a little odd

Are these large galaxies actually large, or have they just been measured that way? Let's look at the reported uncertainties on these sizes:

In [12]:
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='size', y='err',s=100,figsize=(12,7));

Generating Mock Data

Let's look at how distributions like this one can come about, by making a generative model for this dataset.

First, let's imagine a set of perfectly measured galaxies. They won't all have the same size, because the Universe isn't like that. Let's suppose the logarithm of their intrinsic sizes are drawn from a Gaussian distribution of width $S$ and mean $\mu$.

To model one mock galaxy, we draw a sample from this distribution. To model the whole dataset, we draw 1000 samples.

In [13]:
def generate_galaxies(mu=np.log10(1.5),S=0.3,N=1000):
    return pd.DataFrame({'size' : 10.0**(mu + S*np.random.randn(N))})

In [14]:
mu = np.log10(1.5)
S = 0.05
intrinsic = generate_galaxies(mu=mu,S=S,N=1000)


array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10a5e0690>]], dtype=object)

Now let's add some observational uncertainty. We can model this by drawing random Gaussian offsets $\epsilon$ and add one to each intrinsic size.

In [15]:
def make_noise(sigma=0.3,N=1000):
    return pd.DataFrame({'size' : sigma*np.random.randn(N)})

In [16]:
sigma = 0.3
errors = make_noise(sigma=sigma,N=1000)

observed = intrinsic + errors


array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10ab7c2d0>]], dtype=object)

In [17]:
both = pd.DataFrame({'SDSS': data['size'], 'Model': observed['size']}, columns=['SDSS', 'Model'])

# data['size'].hist(bins=np.linspace(0.0,5.0,100),figsize=(12,7))
# observed.hist(bins=np.linspace(0.0,5.0,100),figsize=(12,7),color='red')

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10a2acb10>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x10b4c1650>]], dtype=object)

Q: How did we do? Is this a good model for our data?

Play around with the parameters $\mu$, $S$ and $\sigma$ and see if you can get a better match to the observed distribution of sizes.

One last thing: let's look at the variances of these distributions.


$V(x) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \nu)^2$

If $\nu$, the population mean of $x$, is not known, an estimator for $V$ is

$\hat{V}(x) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \bar{x})^2$

where $\bar{x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N x_i$, the sample mean.

In [25]:
V_data = np.var(data['size'])

print "Variance of the SDSS distribution = ",V_data

Variance of the SDSS distribution =  3.84753190001

In [27]:
V_int   = np.var(intrinsic['size'])
V_noise = np.var(errors['size'])
V_obs = np.var(observed['size'])

print "Variance of the intrinsic distribution = ", V_int
print "Variance of the noise = ", V_noise
print "Variance of the observed distribution = ",  V_int + V_noise, \
  "cf", V_obs

Variance of the intrinsic distribution =  0.0310193622704
Variance of the noise =  0.0917641519219
Variance of the observed distribution =  0.122783514192 cf 0.125251048679

You may recall this last result from previous statistics courses.

Why is the variance of our mock dataset's galaxy sizes so much smaller than that of the SDSS sample?

Sampling Distributions

In the above example we drew samples from two probability distributions:

  • The intrinsic size distribution, ${\rm Pr}(R_{\rm true}|\mu,S)$
  • The "error" distribution, ${\rm Pr}(R_{\rm obs}|R_{\rm true},\sigma)$

The procedure of drawing numbers from the first, and then adding numbers from the second, produced mock data - which then appeared to have been drawn from:

  • ${\rm Pr}(R_{\rm obs}|\mu,S)$

Q: What would we do differently if we wanted to simulate 1 Galaxy?

The three distributions are related by an integral:

${\rm Pr}(R_{\rm obs}|\mu,S) = \int {\rm Pr}(R_{\rm obs}|R_{\rm true},\sigma) \; {\rm Pr}(R_{\rm true}|\mu,S) \; dR_{\rm true}$

When we only plot the 1D histogram of observed sizes, we are summing over or "marginalizing out" the intrinsic ones.

Often it is useful to visualize all 1 and 2D projections of a multivariate probability distribution - like this:

In [28]:
# !pip install --upgrade triangle_plot
import triangle

In [29]:
to_plot = np.array([observed['size'],intrinsic['size']]).transpose()
fig = triangle.corner(to_plot,labels=['Observed size','Intrinsic size'],range=[(0.0,3.0),(0.0,3.0)],color='Blue',plot_datapoints=False, fill_contours=True,
                levels=[0.68, 0.95], bins=50, smooth=1.)

Probabilistic Graphical Models

We can draw a diagram representing the above combination of probability distributions, that:

  • Shows the dependencies between variables
  • Gives you a recipe for generating mock data

In [30]:
from IPython.display import Image


Q: Where should $\sigma$ go?