iPython Cookbook - Monte Carlo Pricing I - Call (Normal model)

Pricing a call option with Monte Carlo (Normal model)

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Those are our option and market parameters: the exercise price of the option strike, the forward price of the underlying security forward and its volatility vol (note that we are using a Gaussian model here, not a lognormal one, so the volatility number is in units of currency, not in percent)

In [2]:
strike   = 100
forward  = 110
vol      = 50

We now define our payoff function using a closure: the variable payoff represents a function with one parameter spot with the strike k being frozen at whatever value it had when the outer function call was called to set payoff

In [3]:
def call(k=100):
    def payoff(spot):
        if spot > k:
            return spot - k
            return 0
    return payoff

payoff = call(k=strike)

We now generate a set of Standard Gaussian variables $z$ as a basis for our simulation...

In [4]:
N = 10000
z = np.random.standard_normal((N))

...and transform it in a Gaussian variable with the right mean and standard deviation, ie a variable that is distributed according to $N(forward,vol)$

In [5]:
x = forward + vol * z

We first look at the histogram of the spot prices $x$

In [6]:
hg0=np.histogram(x, bins=50)
xvals0 = np.delete(hg0[1], -1)
plt.bar(xvals0,hg0[0], width=0.5*(xvals0[1]-xvals0[0]))
plt.title('forward distribution')

We now determine the payoff values from our draws of the final spot price. Note that we need to use the map command rather than simply writing po = payoff(x). The reason for this is that this latter form is not compatible with the if statement in our payoff function. We also already compute the forward value of the option, which is simply the average payoff over all simulations.

In [7]:
po = list(map(payoff,x))
fv = mean(po)

Now we produce the histogram of the payoffs

In [8]:
hg = np.histogram(po,bins=50)
xvals = np.delete(hg[1], -1)
plt.bar(xvals,hg[0], width=0.9*(xvals[1]-xvals[0]))
plt.title('payout distribution')

In the next step we compute our "Greeks", ie a number of derivatives of the forward value with respect to the underlying parameters. What is crucial here is that those derivative are calculated on the same draw random numbers $z$, otherwise the Monte Carlo sampling error will dwarf the signal. The sensitivities we compute are to increase / decrease the forward by one currency unit (for Delta and Gamma) and to increase the volatility by one currency unit (for Vega)

In [9]:
x = forward + 1 + vol * z
po = list(map(payoff,x))
fv_plus = mean(po)

x = forward - 1 + vol * z
po = list(map(payoff,x))
fv_minus = mean(po)

x = forward + (vol + 1) * z
po = list(map(payoff,x))
fv_volp = mean(po)

In [10]:
print ("Forward     =  %f" % forward)
print ("Strike      =  %f" % strike)
print ("Volatility  =  %f" % vol)
print ("PV          =  %f" % fv)
print ("Delta       =  %f" % ((fv_plus - fv_minus)/2))
print ("Gamma       =  %f" % ((fv_plus + fv_minus - 2 * fv)))
print ("Vega        =  %f" % ((fv_volp - fv)))

Forward     =  110.000000
Strike      =  100.000000
Volatility  =  50.000000
PV          =  25.235499
Delta       =  0.573365
Gamma       =  0.008789
Vega        =  0.390177

Licence and version

(c) Stefan Loesch / oditorium 2014; all rights reserved (license)

In [11]:
import sys

3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:11) 
[GCC 4.8.2]