IOOS System Test: Extreme Events Theme: Coastal Inundation
This notebook is based on IOOS System Test: Inundation
In [1]:
import datetime as dt
from warnings import warn
from io import BytesIO
import folium
import netCDF4
from IPython.display import HTML
import iris
from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError, ConstraintMismatchError
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from owslib.csw import CatalogueServiceWeb
from owslib import fes
import pandas as pd
from pyoos.collectors.ndbc.ndbc_sos import NdbcSos
import requests
from utilities import (fes_date_filter, collector2df, find_timevar, find_ij, nearxy, service_urls, mod_df,
get_coordinates, get_station_longName, inline_map)
In [2]:
bounding_box_type = "box"
# Bounding Box [lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max]
area = {'Hawaii': [-160.0, 18.0, -154., 23.0],
'Gulf of Maine': [-72.0, 41.0, -69.0, 43.0],
'New York harbor region': [-75., 39., -71., 41.5],
'Puerto Rico': [-75, 12, -55, 26],
'East Coast': [-77, 34, -70, 40],
'North West': [-130, 38, -121, 50],
'Gulf of Mexico': [-92, 28, -84, 31],
'Arctic': [-179, 63, -140, 80],
'North East': [-74, 40, -69, 42],
'Virginia Beach': [-76, 34, -74, 38]}
bounding_box = area['East Coast']
#temporal range - May 1 2014 - May 10 2014
start_date = dt.datetime(2014,5,1,0,50).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
end_date = dt.datetime(2014,5,10).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00')
time_date_range = [start_date,end_date] #start_date_end_date
jd_start = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
jd_stop = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
print start_date,'to',end_date
In [3]:
#put the names in a dict for ease of access
# put the names in a dict for ease of access
data_dict = {}
sos_name = 'waves'
data_dict["waves"] = {"names":['sea_surface_wave_significant_height',
'sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)',
In [4]:
endpoint = '' # NGDC Geoportal
csw = CatalogueServiceWeb(endpoint,timeout=60)
In [5]:
# convert User Input into FES filters
start,stop = fes_date_filter(start_date,end_date)
bbox = fes.BBox(bounding_box)
#use the search name to create search filter
or_filt = fes.Or([fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='apiso:AnyText',literal='*%s*' % val,
escapeChar='\\',wildCard='*',singleChar='?') for val in data_dict["waves"]["names"]])
# try request using multiple filters "and" syntax: [[filter1,filter2]]
filter_list = [fes.And([ bbox, start, stop, or_filt]) ]
print str(len(csw.records)) + " csw records found"
In [6]:
dap_urls = service_urls(csw.records)
#remove duplicates and organize
dap_urls = sorted(set(dap_urls))
print "Total DAP:",len(dap_urls)
#print the first 5...
print "\n".join(dap_urls[0:5])
In [7]:
sos_urls = service_urls(csw.records,service='sos:url')
#remove duplicates and organize
sos_urls = sorted(set(sos_urls))
print "Total SOS:",len(sos_urls)
print "\n".join(sos_urls)
In [8]:
start_time = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
end_time = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
iso_start = start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
iso_end = end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
# Define the SOS collector
collector = NdbcSos()
print collector.server.identification.title
collector.variables = data_dict["waves"]["sos_name"]
# Don't specify start and end date in the filter and the most recent observation will be returned
response = collector.raw(responseFormat="text/csv")
obs_loc_df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(response.encode('utf-8')),
# Now let's specify start and end times
collector.start_time = start_time
collector.end_time = end_time
ofrs = collector.server.offerings
In [9]:
In [10]:
stations = [sta.split(':')[-1] for sta in obs_loc_df['station_id']]
obs_lon = [sta for sta in obs_loc_df['longitude (degree)']]
obs_lat = [sta for sta in obs_loc_df['latitude (degree)']]
In [11]:
ts_rng = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date)
ts = pd.DataFrame(index=ts_rng)
# Save all of the observation data into a list of dataframes
obs_df = []
# Create a list of dataframes for just wave heights for comparing with modeled wave heights later
Hs_obs_df = []
for sta in stations:
raw_df = collector2df(collector, sta, sos_name)
obs_df.append(pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([raw_df, ts],axis=1)))
obs_df[-1].name =
if raw_df.empty:
Hs_obs_df.append(pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([raw_df, ts],axis=1)['sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)']))
Hs_obs_df[-1].name =
In [12]:
min_data_pts = 20
# Find center of bounding box
lat_center = abs(bounding_box[3]-bounding_box[1])/2 + bounding_box[1]
lon_center = abs(bounding_box[0]-bounding_box[2])/2 + bounding_box[0]
m = folium.Map(location=[lat_center, lon_center], zoom_start=6)
n = 0
for df in obs_df:
#get the station data from the sos end point
longname =
lat = obs_loc_df['latitude (degree)'][n]
lon = obs_loc_df['longitude (degree)'][n]
popup_string = ('<b>Station:</b><br>'+ longname)
if len(df) > min_data_pts:
m.simple_marker([lat, lon], popup=popup_string)
#popup_string += '<br>No Data Available'
popup_string += '<br>Not enough data available<br>requested pts: ' + str(min_data_pts ) + '<br>Available pts: ' + str(len(Hs_obs_df[n]))
m.circle_marker([lat, lon], popup=popup_string, fill_color='#ff0000', radius=10000, line_color='#ff0000')
n += 1
m.line(get_coordinates(bounding_box,bounding_box_type), line_color='#FF0000', line_weight=5)
In [17]:
### Plot Hs and Tp for each station
In [13]:
for df in obs_df:
if len(df) > min_data_pts:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(20,5))
df['sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)'].plot(ax=axes[0], color='r')
axes[0].set_ylabel('Hs (m)')
df['sea_surface_wave_peak_period (s)'].plot(ax=axes[1])
axes[1].set_ylabel('Tp (s)')
In [14]:
name_in_list = lambda cube: cube.standard_name in data_dict['waves']['names']
constraint = iris.Constraint(cube_func=name_in_list)
In [15]:
# Use only data within 0.04 degrees (about 4 km).
max_dist = 0.04
# Use only data where the standard deviation of the time series exceeds 0.01 m (1 cm).
# This eliminates flat line model time series that come from land points that should have had missing values.
min_var = 0.01
for url in dap_urls:
if 'cdip' in url:
# The CDIP buoys are known to be observed data, so let's just skip
a = iris.load_cube(url, constraint)
# take first 20 chars for model name
mod_name = a.attributes['title'][0:20]
r = a.shape
timevar = find_timevar(a)
lat = a.coord(axis='Y').points
lon = a.coord(axis='X').points
jd = timevar.units.num2date(timevar.points)
start = timevar.units.date2num(jd_start)
istart = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(start)
stop = timevar.units.date2num(jd_stop)
istop = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(stop)
# Only proceed if we have data in the range requested.
if istart != istop:
nsta = len(stations)
if len(r) == 3:
print('[Structured grid model]:', url)
d = a[0, :, :].data
# Find the closest non-land point from a structured grid model.
if len(lon.shape) == 1:
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
j, i, dd = find_ij(lon, lat, d, obs_lon, obs_lat)
for n in range(nsta):
# Only use if model cell is within 0.01 degree of requested
# location.
if dd[n] <= max_dist:
arr = a[istart:istop, j[n], i[n]].data
if arr.std() >= min_var:
c = mod_df(arr, timevar, istart, istop,
mod_name, ts)
name = Hs_obs_df[n].name
Hs_obs_df[n] = pd.concat([Hs_obs_df[n], c], axis=1)
Hs_obs_df[n].name = name
elif len(r) == 2:
print('[Unstructured grid model]:', url)
# Find the closest point from an unstructured grid model.
index, dd = nearxy(lon.flatten(), lat.flatten(),
obs_lon, obs_lat)
for n in range(nsta):
# Only use if model cell is within 0.1 degree of requested
# location.
if dd[n] <= max_dist:
arr = a[istart:istop, index[n]].data
if arr.std() >= min_var:
c = mod_df(arr, timevar, istart, istop,
mod_name, ts)
name = Hs_obs_df[n].name
Hs_obs_df[n] = pd.concat([Hs_obs_df[n], c], axis=1)
Hs_obs_df[n].name = name
elif len(r) == 1:
print('[Data]:', url)
except (ValueError, RuntimeError, CoordinateNotFoundError,
ConstraintMismatchError) as e:
warn("\n%s\n" % e)
In [16]:
for df in Hs_obs_df:
# Make sure there is obs data at the station for comparison
if 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)' in df.columns:
ax = df.plot(figsize=(14, 6),, legend=False)
plt.setp(ax.lines[0], linewidth=4.0, color='0.7', zorder=1, marker='.')