In [1]:
from datetime import datetime

import iris
import numpy as np
import as ma
import seawater as sw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]:
variable = 'temp'  # 'salt'.

obs = dict()  # Single glider transect.
if False:
    uri = ''
    obs['url'] = '%s/' % uri
    obs['url'] = '%s/' % uri
    obs['url'] = '%s/' % uri

uri = ''
obs['url'] = '%s/' % uri
obs['file'] = obs['url']
obs['temp'] = dict(name='temperature')
obs['salt'] = dict(name='salinity')
obs['lonname'] = 'longitude'
obs['latname'] = 'latitude'
obs['zname']  = 'depth'

cubes = iris.load(obs['url'])

# Load the observations.
print('Loading obs from "%s"' % obs['url'])
print('  Variable is %s' % obs[variable]['name'])

for cube in cubes:
    if == obs[variable]['name']:
        obs['data'] =
        obs['z'] = cube.coord(obs['zname']).points
        time_coord = cube.coord(axis='T')
        obs['time'] = time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points)
    elif == obs['lonname']:
        obs['lon']  =
    elif == obs['latname']:
        obs['lat']  =

obs['dist'] = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, sw.dist(obs['lat'], obs['lon'], units='km')[0]])
obs[variable]['data'] = obs['data']
obs[variable]['dist'] = obs['dist']
obs[variable]['z'] = obs['z']

tstart = min(obs['time'])
tend = max(obs['time'])
print('  Time interval of obs:')
print('    %s to %s' % (tstart, tend))

0: Latitude / (degrees)                (-- : 2440)
1: Temperature / (Celsius)             (-- : 2440; depth: 60)
2: Longitude / (degrees)               (-- : 2440)
3: Salinity / (unknown)                (-- : 2440; depth: 60)
Loading obs from ""
  Variable is temperature
  Time interval of obs:
    2013-09-11 16:35:11 to 2013-09-20 09:48:13
/home/filipe/.virtualenvs/iris/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iris/fileformats/_pyke_rules/compiled_krb/ UserWarning: Ignoring netCDF variable 'salinity' invalid units 'psu'
  warnings.warn(msg.format(msg_name, msg_units))

Probably iris will change all this part. No need to define all those parameters.

Model: Global NCOM CF-compliant aggregation.

In [3]:
ncom = dict()
ncom['name'] = 'global_ncom'
uri = ''
ncom['url'] = '%s/NCOM_Region_1_Aggregation_best.ncd' % uri
ncom['file'] = ''
ncom['temp'] = dict(name='water_temp')
ncom['salt'] = dict(name='salinity')

Model: US-EAST (NCOM) CF-compliant aggregation.

In [4]:
useast = dict()
useast['name'] = 'useast'
uri = ''
useast['url'] = '%s/US_East_Apr_05_2013_to_Current_best.ncd' % uri
useast['file'] = ''
useast['temp'] = dict(name='water_temp')
useast['salt'] = dict(name='salinity')

Model: MERCATOR CF-compliant nc file extracted at Registration and user/password authentication required.

In [5]:
mercator = dict()
mercator['name'] = 'mercator'
mercator['url'] = ''
mercator['file'] = mercator['url']
mercator['temp'] = dict(name='temperature')
mercator['salt'] = dict(name='salinity')

Model: COAWST CF-compliant ROMS aggregation.

In [6]:
coawst = dict()
coawst['name'] = 'coawst'
uri = ''
if tend <= datetime(2012, 6, 25):
    coawst['u# FIXME:rl'] = '%s/coawst_2_2/fmrc/coawst_2_2_best.ncd' % uri
    coawst['url'] = '%s/coawst_4/use/fmrc/coawst_4_use_best.ncd' % uri

coawst['file'] = ''
coawst['temp'] = dict(name='temp')
coawst['salt'] = dict(name='salt')

Model: ESPreSSO CF-compliant ROMS aggregation.

In [7]:
espresso = dict()
espresso['name'] = 'espresso'
uri = ''
espresso['url'] = '%s/roms/espresso/2009_da/his' % uri
espresso['file'] = ''
espresso['temp'] = dict(name='temp')
espresso['salt'] = dict(name='salt')

Model: SABGOM CF-compliant ROMS aggregation.

In [8]:
sabgom = dict()
sabgom['name'] = 'sabgom'
uri = ''
sabgom['url'] = '%s/SABGOM_Forecast_Model_Run_Collection_best.ncd' % uri
sabgom['file'] = ''
sabgom['temp'] = dict(name='temp')
sabgom['salt'] = dict(name='salt')

Model: AMSEAS CF-compliant NCOM aggregation

In [9]:
amseas = dict()
amseas['name'] = 'amseas'
uri = ''
amseas['url'] = '%s/ncom_amseas_agg/AmSeas_Aggregation_best.ncd' % uri
amseas['file'] = ''
amseas['temp'] = dict(name='water_temp')
amseas['salt'] = dict(name='salinity')

Model: Global HYCOM RTOFS (HYCOM) Region 1.

In [10]:
hycom = dict()
hycom['name'] = 'hycom'
uri = ''
hycom['url'] = '%s/HYCOM_Region_1_Aggregation_best.ncd' % uri
hycom['file'] = ''
hycom['temp'] = dict(name='water_temp')
hycom['salt'] = dict(name='salinity')

In [11]:
# Models to compare with data.
model_list = {'USEAST', 'ESPreSSO', 'HYCOM'}  # MARACOOS.
model_list = ['USEAST', 'SABGOM', 'HYCOM']  # SECOORA.

In [ ]:
ncks = False
for m = 1:length(model_list)
    mname = char(model_list{m})

    # Work with a temporary structure named 'model'.
    # FIXME:
    eval(['model = ' lower(mname)])

    if ncks:
        string = nc_genslice(model['url'], model[variable]['name'],
                             obs['lon'], obs['lat'], obs['time'], 'ncks')
        print(['%s' % (string, model['name']))

    # TODO: Develop `nc_genslice` using iris!
    Tvar, Tdis, Tzed = nc_genslice(model['url'], model[variable]['name'],
                                   obs['lon'], obs['lat'], obs['time'],

    if ~isempty(findstr(model['url'], 'myocean')) && strcmp(variable, 'temp')
        # FIXME: cube.convert_units('celsius')
        Tvar = Tvar - 272.15

    model[variable]['data'] = Tvar
    model[variable]['dist'] = Tdis
    model[variable]['z'] = Tzed

    # Copy 'model' back to the original named structure for this model.
    # FIXME:
    eval([ ' = model'])

#save secoora_models.mat